Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fourteen Strikers, Organizers and Speakers of Little Falls Strike Remain in Jail


Telegram re Little Falls NY Strike Settle, Sol p1, Jan 11, 1913-from Solidarity of January 11, 1913

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 1, 1913
Fourteen Strikers, Organizers and Speakers of Little Falls Strike Remain in Jail

From the International Socialist Review of February 1913:

IN the Herkimer County jail at Herkimer, N. Y., are fourteen strikers, organizers and speakers-Legere, Bocchini, Vaughn, Hirsh, Lesnicki, Wladya, Morlando, Preta, Scitrona, Bianco, Flamena Cornacchio, Furillo and Capuano. They must stand trial on serious charges because the authorities of Little Falls and Herkimer county hold that:

Ten persons who gather together during a strike constitute a “riot.”

An open-air meeting in which quotations from the Bible, Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States are read constitutes “an unlawful assemblage.”

Speakers who encourage strikers to stand firm but urge them to be peaceful and orderly are guilty of “inciting to riot.”

Organizers who are present in an orderly assemblage which is broken up by police and in which two detectives are hurt by unknown persons must face long terms in jail for “assault in the first degree.”

Workingmen who are members of a strike committee are conspirators and should be locked up where their influence will not be felt.

If convictions are obtained in these cases then the working class of America might as well abandon all agitation and education both for political and economic action unless they are prepared to serve from one to ten years in the penitentiary.

The Little Falls strike is over, but the big fight has just begun. The commonest rights of human beings and citizens have once more been annulled and spit upon by the capitalist class and their legal lackeys. Are they going to be allowed to get away with it? These cases were originally set for the second week in January, but they may be continued. Meantime send your protests to Governor Sulzer at Albany, N. Y., who says he is the “workingman’s friend”; to District Attorney Farrell at Ilion, N. Y., and Mayor Shall at Little Falls, N. Y. It is time the voice of labor be heard.


[Emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From Solidarity: Children of Little Falls Textile Strikers Return from Care of Schenectady Socialists

Telegram re Little Falls NY Strike Settle, Sol p1, Jan 11, 1913
-from Solidarity of January 11, 1913

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 20, 1913
Little Falls, New York – Strikers’ Children Return from Schenectady

From Solidarity of January 18, 1913:

Return of Little Falls Children, Sol p1, Jan 18, 1913

From Solidarity of January 4, 1913:

Little Falls Strikers Children Arrive at Schenectady, Sol p1, Jan 4, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Solidarity: Children of Little Falls Textile Strikers Return from Care of Schenectady Socialists”

Hellraisers Journal: The Coming Nation: Socialists Welcome the Children of the Little Falls Textile Strikers to Schenectady


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 8, 1913
Schenectady, New York – Socialist Take in Children of Little Falls Strikers

From The Coming Nation of January 4, 1913:

Little Falls Strikers Children Arrive at Schenectady, Cmg Ntn p14, Jan 4, 1913


Detail, Little Falls Strikers Children Arrive at Schenectady, Cmg Ntn p14, Jan 4, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Coming Nation: Socialists Welcome the Children of the Little Falls Textile Strikers to Schenectady”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Little Falls Textile Strikers Send Their Children Away to Schenectady


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 27, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Strikers Send Children to Socialists in Schenectady

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of December 26, 1912:

[-by Phillips Russell]

Article Little Falls Strikers Send Children Away, IW p1, Dec 26, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Little Falls Textile Strikers Send Their Children Away to Schenectady”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 3, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part II of II]

Shortly after [the October 30th] affair the strikers and the strike committee were holding a meeting in The Slovak Sokol Hall, the principal social center of the working population, when the door was thrown open with a crash and the police and hired guards burst in. Women, who composed the majority of the audience, were hurled right and left. Men who protested were struck on the head. Furniture was overturned. The musical instruments of the Slovak Band were broken and battered. One cop who happened to notice the framed charter of the local textile union of the Industrial Workers of the World, drove his club through the middle of it. It hangs in the hall now, its broken glass held together by an edging of red ribbon with a knot of red covering the hole made by the club. All the members of the strike committee and all persons suspected of being connected with the strike were arrested and dragged to the local lock-up, a place so vile that the State Prison Inspector has threatened the town with mandamus proceedings unless it is cleaned up.

Legere, however, could not be found. The building was searched for him and the police, not wishing to investigate the dark cellar, fired three shots into it at random, any one of which might have killed Legere had he not already been taken to a place of safety by a devoted band of workers. He went to Utica that night, got some needed printing done, sent off some messages, and then returned to Little Falls where he was immediately arrested and taken to the county jail at Herkimer, another place that has been condemned by the State Prison Inspector. 

Bakeman, Hirsh, Bochino and George Vaughan of Schenectady, were already there, along with thirty-nine others, strikers and sympathizers. When visited later, some of them were still wearing the bloody shirts that they wore when arrested. They were joined by Miss Helen Schloss, a young Socialist woman of New York, who for several months had been a tenement investigator for a club of the well-to-do women of Little Falls. Despite warnings from her lady employers, Miss Schloss cast her lot with the strikers, gave up her position, joined the relief committee, and went out on the picket line with the workers. For this she incurred the enmity of the police and her spectacular arrest by Chief Long himself followed. She was put in Herkimer jail on a charge of “inciting to riot” and as a special honor was given the cell occupied by Chester Gillette, electrocuted for the murder of his sweetheart. She was finally released on bail and went right back to work in the relief kitchen.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 2, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part I

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part I of II]

ON October 1 of this year a law went into effect in the state of New York making it illegal for female industrial slaves to work more than 54 hours a week. Some employers immediately took advantage of the situation and paid their workers what they call “pro rata”-that is, they punished the beneficiaries of this law by reducing the contents of their pay envelopes to correspond with the reduced number of hours. Departments of industry are so closely connected nowadays that the men were affected in an equal degree with the women.

Slaves in most parts of the state seem to have received the reduction with submission, but not so the employes of the knitting mills in Little Falls. When their second pay day came around and they found their $7 envelopes short from 60 cents to $2, they did what the mill workers of Lawrence did in a similar situation-they rebelled.

On October 10 more than 1,500 workers, embracing nearly all the departments in the Phoenix and Gilbert Knitting Mills and four nationalities-Polish, Slavish, Austrian and Italian-walked out and poured into the streets to the sound of “The Marseillaise.” The Americans stayed and scabbed.

Little Falls Strike, First Parade, ISR p456, Dec 1912

The revolt was entirely spontaneous and most of the workers were uncertain what to do next, but a few of them knew. They appealed to the one organization that can handle such a situation-the I. W. W. Organizers Fillippo Bochino and Fred Hirsh came hurrying from Rochester and Schenectady respectively, and the battle was on.

The first few days were quietly spent in putting the strike on an organized basis, and then as the need for a good chairman for the strike committee became evident, Benjamin J. Legere, a fighting Socialist and graduate of the Lawrence school was sent for. Though he was just entering on a short vacation after several months of exhausting work agitating for the Ettor-Giovannitti defense, he arrived promptly. He showed the strikers how to form a mass picket line that moves in an endless chain and helped to get all the different committees in working order.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: From The New York Call: “How I Became a Socialist” by Helen Keller -Has Red Flag Hanging in Her Study


Quote Helen Keller re Red Flag, NY Call, Nov 3, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 5, 1912
Miss Helen Keller States She Would Love to Carry the Red Flag Past The Times

From The New York Call of November 3, 1912:

How I Became a Socialist
-by Helen Keller

Helen Keller re Schenectady NY Mayor Lunn,  Hot Springs Ark Sentinel Rec p1, Sept 29, 1912

For several months my name and socialism have appeared often together in the newspapers. A friend tells me that I have shared the front pages with baseball, Mr. Roosevelt and the New York police scandal. The association does not make me altogether happy but, on the whole, I am glad that many people are interested in me and in the educational achievements of my teacher, Mrs. Macy (Anne Sullivan). Even notoriety may be turned to beneficent uses, and I rejoice if the disposition of the newspapers to record my activities results in bringing more often into their columns the word Socialism. In the future I hope to write about socialism, and to justify in some measure the great amount of publicity which has been accorded to me and my opinions. So far I have written little and said little about the subject. I have written a few letters, notably one to Comrade Fred Warren which was printed in the Appeal to Reason. I have talked to some reporters, one of whom, Mr. Ireland of the New York World, made a very flattering report and gave fully and fairly what I said. I have never been in Schenectady. I have never met Mayor Lunn. I have never had a letter from him, but he has sent kind messages to me through Mr. Macy. Owing to Mrs. Macy’s illness, whatever plans I had to join the workers in Schenectady have been abandoned.

On such negative and relatively insignificant matters have been written many editorials in the capitalist press and in the Socialist press. The clippings fill a drawer. I have not read a quarter of them, and I doubt if I shall ever read them all. If on such a small quantity of fact so much comment has followed, what will the newspapers do if I ever set to work in earnest to write and talk in behalf of socialism? For the present I should like to make a statement of my position and correct some false reports and answer some criticisms which seem to me unjust.

First — How did I become a Socialist? By reading. The first book I read was Wells’ New World for Old. I read it on Mrs. Macy’s recommendation. She was attracted by its imaginative quality, and hoped that its electric style might stimulate and interest me. When she gave me the book, she was not a Socialist and she is not a Socialist now. Perhaps she will be one before Mr. Macy and I are done arguing with her.

My reading has been limited and slow. I take German bimonthly Socialist periodicals printed in braille for the blind. (Our German comrades are ahead of us in many respects.) I have also in German braille Kautsky’s discussion of the Erfurt Program. The other socialist literature that I have read has been spelled into my hand by a friend who comes three times a week to read to me whatever I choose to have read. The periodical which I have most often requested her lively fingers to communicate to my eager ones is the National Socialist. She gives the titles of the articles and I tell her when to read on and when to omit. I have also had her read to me from the International Socialist Review articles the titles of which sounded promising. Manual spelling takes time. It is no easy and rapid thing to absorb through one’s fingers a book of 50,000 words on economics. But it is a pleasure, and one which I shall enjoy repeatedly until I have made myself acquainted with all the classic socialist authors.

In the light of the foregoing I wish to comment on a piece about me which was printed in the Common Cause and reprinted in the Live Issue, two anti-socialist publications. Here is a quotation from that piece:

“For twenty-five years Miss Keller’s teacher and constant companion has been Mrs. John Macy, formerly of Wrentham, Mass. Both Mr. and Mrs. Macy are enthusiastic Marxist propagandists, and it is scarcely surprising that Miss Keller, depending upon this lifelong friend for her most intimate knowledge of life, should have imbibed such opinions.”

Mr. Macy may be an enthusiastic Marxist propagandist, though I am sorry to say he has not shown much enthusiasm in propagating his Marxism through my fingers. Mrs. Macy is not a Marxist, nor a socialist. Therefore what the Common Cause says about her is not true. The editor must have invented that, made it out of whole cloth, and if that is the way his mind works, it is no wonder that he is opposed to socialism. He has not sufficient sense of fact to be a socialist or anything else intellectually worthwhile.

Consider another quotation from the same article.


Then the article begins:

“It would be difficult to imagine anything more pathetic than the present exploitation of poor Helen Keller by the Socialists of Schenectady. For weeks the party’s press agencies have heralded the fact that she is a Socialist, and is about to become a member of Schenectady’s new Board of Public Welfare.”

There’s a chance for satirical comment on the phrase, “the exploitation of poor Helen Keller.” But I will refrain, simply saying that I do not like the hypocritical sympathy of such a paper as the Common Cause, but I am glad if it knows what the word “exploitation” means.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The New York Call: “How I Became a Socialist” by Helen Keller -Has Red Flag Hanging in Her Study”