Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Arrives in New York City to Assist Street Car Strikers


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Friday October 6, 1916
New York, New York – Mother Jones on Scene of Turbulent Strike

Mother Mary Harris Jones, Decatur Herald IL, May 14, 1916

Mother Jones arrived in New York City on Tuesday evening to assist the striking street carmen who are now threatened with the importation of scabs. At noon on Wednesday, she spoke to the strikers at Lyceum hall. According to The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, she said, in part:

Boys, I have come to New York to help you win your fight for better homes, to win more time in them and more comfort in them. You’ve been working here for 25 cents an hour for a lot of high class burglars who reward you if you are good boys by giving you another cent and hour. A lot of good a cent will do you.

O, boys, boys, there are so many of you and so few of the high class burglars. Get together and you can lick —- out of them. You can do it without the women but to make sure, have the women with you.

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Hellraisers Journal: George P West Reports on Meeting Between American and Mexican Labor Leaders, Part I


Since we arrived here we have learned
that the American people do not want war,
and especially the working people.
-Carlos Lovera


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday August 15, 1916
From The Masses: Robert Minor on Class War in Pittsburgh

Masses, Pittsburgh, Robert Minor, Aug 1916
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Hellraisers Journal: President Wilson Again Asks Utah Governor to Reconsider Case of Joe Hill

Don’t Mourn; Organize!
-Joe Hill


Thursday November 18, 1915
Salt Lake City, Utah –
Joe Hill Remains Calm as President Requests Reconsideration of Case

Joe Hill arrest record, Salt Lake County Jail, ab Jan 14, 1915, smaller

Word from the Utah State Prison in Salt Lake City is that Fellow Worker Joe Hill continues calm and resolute on this, most likely, his last full day of life. Newspapers across the nation today carried the news of the request, made by President Wilson to Governor Spry, that the case be reconsidered. There is little hope that the Governor will honor this request.

Fellow Worker Hill awoke this morning and said to his deathwatch: “This is my busy day.” And indeed the day will be a busy one. He will receive a visit from Sheriff Corless who will explain the “procedures” planned for execution. Also visiting will be Hill’s lawyer, Soren X. Christensen. It is hoped that the prison authorities will allow a visit by local members of the Industrial Workers of the World, but this is, as yet, uncertain.

The four Salt Lake City daily newspapers plan to interview our Rebel Songwriter later this afternoon. The evening will be spent writing letters and telegrams of good-bye to friends and fellow workers across the nation.


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Hellraisers Journal: A. F. of L. Convention Passes Unanimous Resolutions on Behalf of FW Joe Hill


 Don’t Mourn; Organize!
-Joe Hill


Wednesday November 17, 1915
From El Paso Herald:
-A. F. of L. Convention Pleads for Life of Fellow Worker Joe Hill

Resolutions on behalf of Joe Hill were passes unanimously yesterday by the thirty-fifth annual convention of American Federation now in session in San Francisco. Last evening’s El Paso Herald reported the news:

Labor Pleads For Murder Convict’s Life

Federation Calls On Utah Governor To
Exercise Clemency for Swede.
President Wilson and Swedish Legation
Are To Receive Appeal Also.

Joe Hill wikiSAN FRANCISCO, Cal, Nov. 16.-Resolutions asking clemency for Joseph Hillstrom, member of the Industrial Workers of the World, sentenced to be shot at Salt Lake City Utah, Friday, were passed unanimously by the American Federation of Labor, meeting here in its 35th annual convention.

The resolutions were presented by the ways and means committee, to which the case was referred yesterday by president Samuel Gompers, after appeals for action in the case were made before the convention by Thomas Mooney, not a member of the convention, and delegate Camomile, both of Salt Lake City.

President to Receive Copy.

The resolutions authorized president Gompers to transmit immediately copies of the resolution to the governor of Utah, the board of pardons of Utah, the Swedish minister to the United States and president Wilson.

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Hellraisers Journal: American Federation of Labor Convention Takes Up Case of Fellow Worker Joe Hill

Don’t Mourn; Organize!
-Joe Hill

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday November 16, 1915
San Francisco, California-
A. F. of L. Convention Takes Up Case of Fellow Worker Joe Hill

The American Federation of Labor has waited until the eleventh hour to address itself to frame-up, by the state of Utah, of Fellow Worker Joe Hill. Nevertheless, that body appears willing to act at last. At the thirty-fifth annual convention, now meeting in San Francisco, delegates were allowed to hear an address presented yesterday by Tom Mooney.

From The Oregon Daily Journal of November 15, 1915:

Labor Would Stay Death for I. W. W.

Federation Will Ask President to Intervene to Prevent
Execution of Hillstrom Friday.

Tom Mooney, 1910

San Francisco, Nov. 15.-(U. P.)-The American Federation of Labor will appeal to President Wilson in an eleventh hour effort to save Joe Hillstrom, I. W. W., from the Utah firing squad.

Hillstrom is slated to die Friday for murders he committed at Salt Lake City a year since.

Thomas Mooney brought the issue before the convention today, declaring that the trial had been conducted to determine Hillstrom’s connection with the McNamara’s and other labor cases rather than to find if he were guilty of murder.

When the question was referred to the ways and means committee, it decided on an appeal to Wilson, asking that he intervene to get a writ of error from the Utah supreme court.

[Photograph of Tom Mooney added.]


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Hellraisers Journal: Sketch of the Utah State Prison Yard Where Fellow Worker Joe Hill Will Be Shot In Five Days


Now my friends know I am innocent
and I dont care what the rest think.
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 14, 1915
Sketch of Utah State Prison Yard Where Joe Hill Will Be Shot

The execution of Fellow Worker Joe Hill is set for November 19th, five days from today. Yesterday, Parsons Daily Sun of Kansas published the following drawing of Utah State Prison showing, in detail, the exact “procedure” planned for the shooting down of our Rebel Songwriter:

Joe Hill execution , Diagram sketch of Utah state prison yard, Parsons (KS) Daily Sun, Nov 13, 1915

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