Hellraisers Journal: “Six Red Months in Russia” by Louise Bryant, Describes Day-by-Day Drama of Russian Revolution


Quote Louise Bryant, Six Red Months pxi, 1918


Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 9, 1918
On Sale Now: “Six Red Months in Russia” by Louis Bryant

From The Liberator of December 1918:

Louise Bryant, Six Red Months Ad, Liberator p2, Dec 1918

Day-by-Day Drama of Russian Revolution

Imagine! If you had been alive at the end of the 18th century what would you have given for a book describing the day-by-day drama of the great French Revolution telling how Mirabeau, Marat, Robespierre, Charlotte Corday, looked, how they acted, what they said-all told by a first class, wide-awake unprejudiced reporter.

You who live now at a time when the great Russian Revolution, more tremendous by far than the French Revolution, is shaking a hostile world to its foundations, have the opportunity to walk with Louise Bryant through the streets of Petrograd and Moscow, to see Babushka and Kerensky in the Winter Palace, to watch the fall of the Provisional Government, the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, the rise of the proletariat. You can see Lenine, Trotsky, Spirodonova, Kollantai, and many others, watch them in action, hear them talk. You can get an intimate picture of the women soldiers and the ragged Red Guard Army.

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Hellraisers Journal: From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Reporter Talks with Louise Bryant & Interviews Jack Reed


In the relations of a weak Government
and a rebellious people
there comes a time when every act of the authorities
exasperates the masses,
and every refusal to act excites their contempt.
-Jack Reed


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday May 14, 1918
Greenwich Village – Home of Jack Reed and Louise Bryant

After a short conversation with Louise Bryant, wife of John Reed, a reporter recently conducted an interview with Mr. Reed in the couple’s Greenwich apartment. Both Bryant and Reed were witnesses to the Bolshevik Revolution during their tour of duty there as war correspondents.

From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of May 5, 1918:

Lenine and Trotzky Will Go Down Under 10,000 Feet the Moment
They Stop Representing the Masses-
People of the Bread Lines Real Rulers of Russia.
Korniloff Allowed Riga to Fall to Scare the People Into Action-
If Kerensky Came Back the People Would Kill Him-
Lies About Bolsheviki Have Seriously Damaged
the American Cause in Russia.

John Reed, Louise Bryant, Spart, Nov 1916The half-starved men and women on the bread lines are the rulers of Russia. The crowd is the government. The faction of which Kerensky was the head, once looked upon by the world as radical, became, comparatively, as conservative as Taft in his second campaign. This faction did not represent the crowd, so it fell, leaving Kerensky with about as much influence in Russia as one William Jennings Bryan has here. If Kerensky should return to Russia he would be killed. If he and his supporters and remained in power two months longer every city in Russia would have been under German control. Korniloff planned the fall of Riga to frighten the Russian people into action, and admitted it publicly. The Kerensky government, when the people threatened to take its power from it, practiced sabotage on the food supplies of the people, fomented strikes in the manufacturing plants, and closed down factories.

So, among many other things, says John Reed, war correspondent, soldier of fortune, unswerving Socialist, Bolshevik, Harvard graduate, friend and co-worker of Lenine and Trotzky, and the young American, who was some time ago reported as having been sent to America by Trotzky to act as American Consul General for the Bolsheviki. He returned to this country one day last week to face trial with Max Eastman, Art Young and others of the former editors of The Masses, who have been indicted on a charge of conspiring to encourage resistance to the draft.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Reporter Talks with Louise Bryant & Interviews Jack Reed”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “Red flag of the Revolution” flying in Petrograd.


The workers flag is deepest red;
It shrouded oft our Martyred Dead,
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold
Their hearts’ blood dyed its ev’ry fold.
-Jim Connell, 1889


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday April 26, 1917
From the International Socialist Review: “The Russian Revolution”


“And let us not fear that we may go too fast. If, at certain hours, we seem to be running at a headlong and dangerous pace, this is to counter-balance the unjustifiable delays and to make up for time lost during centuries of inactivity.”

Soldiers Demonstration, Petrograd Feb 1917

AS WE go to press, cablegrams bring the good news from Russia that “the national colors, with their eagles, have given place to plain red flags. The red flag of the Revolution is flying from almost every building in Petrograd, even over the famous winter palace of the Czar; tiny red ribbons have been distributed among the people and they are being proudly worn.”

While it is still too early to predict the results of the three day revolt, it is safe to say that the bloody absolutism of centuries is doomed and that the Russian people are on the way to a liberal democracy that will leave Germany the only remaining powerful autocracy on earth.

Hundreds of bread riots and strikes in many large cities culminated in mass action in Petrograd where 13,000 Cossacks were promptly dispatched to quell the “open and violent revolution of the people.” Several thousand imperial police were stationed about the city, provided with machine guns, with orders to mok [mow?] down the hungry crowds clamoring for bread.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “Red flag of the Revolution” flying in Petrograd.”

Hellraisers Journal: From the American Socialist: Ryan Walker on American Militarism

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday April 8, 1917
From the American Socialist: Ryan Walker Comments of Militarism

“Russianizing America” by Ryan Walker:

Russia America, Ryan Walker, AmSc, Apr 7, 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the American Socialist: Ryan Walker on American Militarism”

Hellraisers Journal: From the New York Evening World: Russian Czar Overthrown


The struggling masses in Russia
need the substantial sympathy of their
fellow workingmen the world over.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 18, 1917
Russian Czar Nicholas Overthrown

From the New York Evening World of March 15, 1917:

Czar Overthrown, NY Eve World, Mar 15, 1917

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