Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 4, 1920
Ralph Chaplin on the Truth Behind the Centralia Conspiracy
From The One Big Union Monthly of May 1920:
IN ORDER to get the truth of the Centralia conspiracy it is necessary to understand the circumstances leading up to the tragedy on Armistice Day, 1919. There are two distinct viewpoints from which this unfortunate affair may be observed: That of the lumber interests, which is to isolate the incident from its anteceeding circumstances and make it a “plain murder case”; and that of working people of the Northwest generally to consider all the facts in the case in order to find out, not only how the tragedy occurred, but what brought it about as well.
It is well to state here that the lumber interests, with the aid of the trial judge, the prosecuting attorneys and the press, succeeded in keeping from the consideration of the jury, all but the actual happenings on November 11th. The long and unbroken chain of threats, raids, deportations and murders perpetrated against the I. W. W. boys before they made a last stand for their lives in their union hall, was objected to by the lumber trust’s attorneys and ruled out by the lumber trust’s lackey on the judicial bench. In this manner men who were simply defending their lives and property from a mob were shown to be deliberate and wanton assassins, while their tormentors were held up to the world as splendid examples of unquestioned and persecuted patriotism.
The efforts of the defense to prove the existence of a conspiracy on the part of the lumber interests to raid and demolish union halls and to murder their occupants were painstakingly ignored by the press.
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 17, 1920
Tacoma, Washington – Labor Jury Finds Centralia Defendants Not Guilty
From The Butte Daily Bulletin of March 16, 1920:
(Special to The Bulletin.)
Tacoma, Wash., March 16.-The “labor jury” composed of six representatives of various labor organizations on the coast who attended the trial of the 10 I. W. W. W. charged with the Centralia Armistice day killings, today announced the result of their deliberation. The “jury” found that:
There had been a conspiracy on the part of Centralia business men to raid the I. W. W. hall at Centralia.
That Warren O. Grimm was a party to the conspiracy.
That the defendants failed to get an impartial trial.
The members of the labor jury were appointed by labor organizations to sit at the trial as spectators and to place themselves in the attitude of fair and impartial jurors and to return a verdict of their findings as the result of the testimony offered at the trial. The jurors, now that they have made their decision, will report to their respective bodies. It can be stated the decision of the “labor jury” represents the official attitude of organized labor, whose accredited representatives the jurors were.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday March 16, 1920
Montesano, Washington – Seven Centralia I. W. W. Defendants Found Guilty
From The Butte Daily Bulletin of March 15, 1920:
(Special to the Bulletin.)
Montesano, Wash., March 15.-Ignoring Judge Wilson’s instructions that their verdict must be either acquittal or first degree murder, the jurors in the trials of the 10 I. W. W. charged with killing Warren O. Grimm during the rioting which resulted from the attack of a group of legionnaire paraders on the I. W. W. hall at Centralia last Armistice day, late Saturday night brought in verdicts of acquittal for Elmer Smith, Mike Sheehan and Loren Roberts and second degree murder in the cases of Britt Smith, Ray Becker, James McInerney, Bert Bland, Eugene Barnett, John Lamb and O. C. Bland. Robert’s acquittal was based on the grounds of insanity.
The verdict was the second returned by the jury in the case, the jurors having come in earlier in the evening with the announcement that they had found McInerney, Becker, O. C. Bland and Bert Bland and Britt Smith guilty of second degree murder, and Eugene Barnett and John Lamb guilty of third degree murder. On this occasion Judge Wilson refused to accept the verdict and ordered them to return and deliberate in accordance with his instructions, holding that a verdict of third degree murder was not permissable under his instructions.
Immediately after the last verdict was read to the prisoners and the court, Sheriff John Berry of Lewis county immediately rearrested all of them on charges of having murdered Arthur McElfresh, who also was killed during the Armistice day rioting.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 27, 1920
Montesano, Washington – Centralia I. W. W. Defendants Threatened
From The Butte Daily Bulletin of January 26, 1920:
(Special United Press Wire.)
Montesano, Wash, Jan. 26.-An attempt by George Vanderveer, chief counsel for the defense, to introduce articles and editorials printed in a Gray’s Harbor newspaper during November and December, as the basis of his request for a change of venue for the I. W. W. defendants accused of the Centralia Armistice day killings, met defeat when the trial began this morning. Judge Wilson ruled that only new matter arising since his previous ruling denying a change of venue can be considered now.
The accused were freshly shaven when they entered the courtroom this morning. For the most part their faces were expressionless.
Montesano, lying in a valley between wooded hills, doesn’t seem unduly excited. There is, however, a rather grim determination to mete out “justice” apparent in the faces of the citizens who thronged the corridors of the courthouse.
Elaborate precautions have been taken by the authorities to prevent any trouble during the trial. Twenty-four deputy sheriffs are constantly patrolling the streets. Sheriff Barten announced he had deputized 100 members of the American Legion at Centralia, 300 at Hoquiam and 100 at Elma, who will be called if trouble arises.
The hundreds of witnesses who will be called during the trial will be fed in a huge dining room established at the city hall.
The defense’s application for a change of venue was denied by Judge Wilson at the end of the morning session. The court held that the showing of the defense was insufficient to cause the trial to be shifted from Montesano and that the law does not permit a second change of venue in a case of this kind.
All doubt that self-defense will be the keynote of the defense was swept away by Attorney Vanderveer in his argument on a motion for a change of venue.
[He declared:]
That the legionaires attacked the I. W. W. hall will not even be disputed before we finish this trial. Even from the prosecution’s own witnesses we will prove the attack was made before a shot was fired.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 27, 1919
William D. Haywood on Lynching of Wesley Everest at Centralia, Washington
From The New Solidarity of November 25, 1919:
[Lynching of Wesley Everest by Maurice Becker]
[-by William D. Haywood]
Another member of the Industrial Workers of the World has been murdered. Wesley Everest was lynched at Centralia, Washington [Armistice Day, November 11th]. He was hung to a bridge, the body riddle with bullets. The corpse was afterwards cut down and by the murderers dragged back to the jail and thrown in among the many fellow workers who had been imprisoned after the [illegal] raid on the I. W. W. hall. Four of them under an armed guard were escorted with the body of their dead fellow worker out into a yard where they were compelled to dig a grave and bury the dead.
Fellow Worker Everest, the murdered man, was an overseas veteran. He fought for the United States of America against the Imperial German government. When he returned from the war he took up his membership in the Industrial Workers of the World, beginning again the battle against the lumber trusts of the Northwest.
When the I. W. W. hall was raided several of the aggressors were killed, but this in no way justified the un-American, unlawful, inhuman murder of their comrade who had fought with them in the trenches of Flanders.
The Centralia outrage was followed by many others all over the country. Halls were raided, furniture destroyed, literature confiscated, and it is reported that over a thousand men have been arrested,-that is, thrown into prison without warrant, and denied the privilege of seeing friends or lawyers.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 1, 1919
Leavenworth Penitentiary – Ralph Chaplin Released on Bond
From the Madison Capital Times of July 31, 1919:
I.W.W. Leader to Gain Release From Prison
Fellow Worker Ralph Chaplin, Prisoner #13104
CHICAGO – Bonds for the release of Ralph H. Chaplin, one of the ninety-three I. W. W.’s sentenced to the Leavenworth penitentiary last August were approved in federal court here on Tuesday. William Bross Lloyd, Chicago’s millionaire socialist; Harry Morris, an accountant, and Jacob Bruning, a farmer of Dekalb county, were on the sureties.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
From The Topeka Daily Capital of July 31, 1919:
Leavenworth, July 30.–Ralph Chaplin, sent to the federal prison here in 1918, upon conviction with ninety-two other I. W. W.’s of violating the espionage act, was released today on $10,000 bond, pending an appeal and has left for Chicago.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 31, 1919
Leavenworth, Kansas – Haywood and Miller Released on Bond
From The Leavenworth Times of July 29, 1919:
Says That I. W. W.’s Want Him to
Address Them in Many Places.
Is Opposed to War, but Wanted America to Win
-Has No Personal Complaint to Make
About Prison Treatment.
William D. Haywood, I. W. W. leader, was released from the Federal penitentiary shortly after 10 o’clock yesterday morning. He did not get out Sunday as expected, because the letter containing his approved bond did not reach the prison until yesterday morning. Haywood was already for departure and he went out within half an hour after the bond was received.
The bond for $15,000 for the release of Haywood was signed by Otto C. Cristienson [Christensen], William Bross Lloyd and Mary C. Marcy. They are all said to live in Chicago, although the palace of residence of the signers was not given. There has been considerable trouble about getting a bond for Haywood that Judge Landis of the Federal court in Chicago would approve, and it can be taken for granted that this is a guilt edge one.
A bond came in on the same mail for the release of Francis C. Miller, another I. W. W. leader serving a ten year term. It was for $10,000 and was signed by Otto C. Christienson, Margaret Schipman, Albert De Silvers and John Metzen. The bond for the release of Ralph Chaplin did not come in and he was unable to go out with Haywood and Miller.