Hellraisers Journal: Union Miners Deported from Cripple Creek District, Dumped at Alkali Sand Dunes Without Food or Water


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 17, 1904
Cripple Creek District, Colorado – Union Miners Deported to Kansas State Line

Cripple Creek District Striking Miners Deported to KS State Line, Rastall p88, 1908

From the Huntington, Indiana, Daily News-Democrat of June 11, 1904:


Men will Probably be Taken to Kansas State Line
-Will Not Be Permitted to Land In Colorado Cities.

Colorado Springs, Col., June 11-Acting under the orders of Adjt. Gen. Sherman Bell, of the state national guard, a special train was made up shortly after noon Friday [June 10th] in the Short Line yards at Victor for the deportation of 76 union miners. The train was composed of a combination baggage car and two day coaches. Almost immediately the work of loading the men began. They were marched to the train between heavy lines of military and deputies. A crowd of fully 1,000 people had collected to see the men placed on board. Among the spectators were wives and sisters, fathers and mothers of the deported men, and the scenes were very affecting.

Mayor Harris of this city, had been apprised of the decision to deport the men, and immediately took steps to see that none of them landed in Colorado Springs. Under his instructions a large force of officers and deputy sheriffs met the special train at 6:10 p. m. for that purpose. No attempt was made, however, to unload the men here, arrangements having previously been made to send them to Kansas state line, over the Santa Fe, because of protests made against taking them to Pueblo or Denver and leaving them there.

Kansans Indignant.

Syracuse, Kan., June 11.-Sheriff Brady of this county received a telegram from Sheriff Barr, of La Junta, Col., stating that a special train, carrying 140 deported miners from Colorado, would reach Coolidge and unload the miners in Kansas. Citizens of this county are indignant at this proceeding of the Colorado authorities, and an appeal has been made to Gov. Bailey to prevent Colorado from dumping her alleged undesirable citizens into Kansas.

Will Soon Be Rid of Agitators.

Cripple Creek, Col., June 11.-The woman’s auxiliary of the miners’ union has been forbidden by the military authorities to hold meetings.

“Within 48 hours this district will be rid of all agitators and other objectionable men.” said Gen. Bell, Friday. “One deportation after another will be made until none of the men who have terrorized the district so long will be left here”

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Union Miners Deported from Cripple Creek District, Dumped at Alkali Sand Dunes Without Food or Water”

Hellraisers Journal: R. E. Croskey of Cripple Creek: “I Do Not Fear the Bull Pen…It Is a Part of My Duty to Go There, and I Shall.”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 10, 1903
Denver, Colorado – R. E. Croskey Interviewed, Does Not Fear Bullpen

From The Denver Post of December 9, 1903:

RE Croskey Ready for CO Bullpen, RMN p8, Dec 9, 1903, EFL p190, 1904

[Photograph of Croskey added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: R. E. Croskey of Cripple Creek: “I Do Not Fear the Bull Pen…It Is a Part of My Duty to Go There, and I Shall.””