Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 12, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1901, Part IV
Scranton Silk Strike Called Off; Smallest Girls Celebrate with Parade
From the Scranton Tribune of April 29, 1901:

At a general meeting of the employes of the silk mills of this city, held yesterday afternoon in St. Thomas College hall, the strike which has been on during the last three months was formally declared off and the announcement made that work will be resumed Tuesday morning.
This afternoon the younger girls will celebrate the end of the strike by holding a parade, and tonight a mass meeting will be conducted in College hall, at which Editor William Mailly, of the New York Worker; National Committeeman Frederick Dilcher, of the United Mine Workers of America, and “Mother” Mary Jones will make addresses…..
[Yesterday’s meeting] was open, and of very short duration. The announcement was briefly made that the strike was over, and all hands were ordered back to work Tuesday morning. “Mother” Jones then made a short address, in which she briefly mentioned the successful culmination of the long struggle, and then urged all of the younger girls to participate in today’s parade…
“Mother” Jones spent Saturday in Paterson. Trouble seems brewing there, and a general strike is threatened on account of difficulties with the ribbon workers.
[Drawing added.]
Bootblacks and Newsboys’ Union
Yesterday Were Dined at College Hall
-Several Speeches Made.
A unique, but pleasing, spectacle was presented yesterday afternoon, when between three and four hundred boys representing the youngest and newest union in this city filed into St. Thomas’ College hall and there listened to a number of addresses, ate and were merry.
It was the initial appearance of the Bootblacks’ and Newsboys’ union in the city streets and everywhere the youngsters were greeted with friendly and good natured smiles…
“Mother” Jones gave a hearty, cheerful address to the boys, in which she spoke of the necessity of organization and assured the lads of the benefits which would arise to them from their union. Reading rooms will be established for them, those of their number who are musically inclined formed into a band, instructors provided and other advantages secured.
William Mailly, editor of the New York Worker, also addressed the boys. He spoke along the same lines as “Mother” Jones, and, among other things, told of the recent strike of the New York newsboys…..
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