Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 5, 1921
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Whites Burn Greenwood Section, Massacre Citizens
From The New York Age of June 4, 1921:
Tulsa, Okla, Wednesday, June1.-Governor Robertson, in a message received here at noon proclaimed all of Tulsa county under martial law, as a result of rioting which is reported to have caused the deaths of a least seventy-five persons, mostly Negroes, and the wounding of many more.
Nearly ten square blocks of the Negro section of the city, where an armed battled has been in progress since last night, in in flames……
Detachments of guardsmen, armed with machine guns, were scattered throughout the city. Guards surrounded the armory while others assisted in rounding up Negroes and segregating them in the jail. Convention Hall, Baseball Park and other places which had been turned into prison camps….. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The New York Age: “Oklahoma Whites Attempt To Destroy Entire Negro Section” -the Tulsa Massacre”