Hellraisers Journal: William D. Haywood to Preach Solidarity of Labor for Lecture Bureau of International Socialist Review


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 25, 1911
Big Bill Haywood to Make Tour of Socialist Locals for the Review

From the International Socialist Review of February 1911:



BBH, ISR p68, Aug 1910

Our object in planning the Review Lecture Bureau is to increase the circulation of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, to supply lecturers who are representative of revolutionary socialism—men and women who will drive home the things the REVIEW is trying to say to the working class, and to put some money into the local’s treasury [locals of the Socialist Party of America].

We have been fortunate in securing William D. Haywood to fill dates for us. Comrade Haywood has returned from his tour of Europe filled with enthusiasm for the growing solidarity of labor he has found in every country. No American has ever spoken to the enormous crowds in Europe that greeted Haywood every where he went. Stokers, dockers, boiler makers, thousands upon thousands of miners and other working men and women heard him and refused to go home when his meetings closed. “More, more”! was the cry that greeted Haywood wherever he spoke.

We have a plan whereby it will be possible for every Local in the country to have a Haywood date, without any expense to the Local. The comrades guarantee to take 500 admission tickets at 25 cents each. Each card is good for a three month subscription to the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, wherein Haywood hopes to repeat, drive home and clinch the arguments he makes in his lectures. This is the perfect propaganda. No man or woman ever grew sleepy at a Haywood lecture or forgot what Haywood said. They will get these things in permanent form in copies of the REVIEW.

The 500 tickets sold at 25 cents each, will be $125 of which we will pay $25 on hall rent, furnish posters, dodgers, and pay all of Haywood’s expenses. We will send FREE 200 copies of the current number of the REVIEW to be sold at the meeting for the benefit of the Local. The Local keeps the collection and literature sales. The Local takes half of all tickets sold over 500. Remember each admission ticket is good for a three-months’ subscription to the REVIEW. There is no better way to arouse the workingmen and women in your city than to get them to hear Haywood speak and to send copies of the REVIEW into their homes every month.

We are filling dates for Haywood in the central states at this time. Take up this matter with your local and write for a date NOW if you want to plan a lecture for February, March, or April. We will send on the cards, to be paid for on date of lecture.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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