Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones urges the striking meat cutters of New York City to “squelch” both Roosevelt (R) and Parker (D).


MJ Quote Solidarity————————-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 21, 1904
New York, New York – Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Meat Cutters

From the Raleigh, North Carolina, Morning Post of August 19, 1904:


Mother Jones, Socialist Spirit p19, Aug 1902

New York, Aug. 18.-Homer D. Call, National secretary of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters of America, arrived here today to take charge of the local beef strike, or what is left of it. He denied statements that men had been brought here to work in the plants in violation of the contract labor law.

“These people,” he said, “are cattle tenders who look after the cattle on the voyage and who return to Europe upon the next steamer.”

Mother Jones, who is always to be found where there is labor troubles, and is therefore in New York now, will address a meeting of the strikers tomorrow.

Mr. Call said that National President Donnelly, who had thought of coming to New York, had decided that it is not necessary to come here now.

[Emphasis added.]

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