Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1918, Part I: Found Organizing in West Virginia


You can’t build a great nation
on a starved and cursed working class.
The workers are the bone and sinew of the nation.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday July 23, 1918
Mother Jones News for June 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia

Mother Jones, Ft Wy Jr Gz p3, Dec 17, 1917

Mother Jones was found in mostly in West Virginia during the month of June giving fiery speeches to the miners of that state who are now being rapidly organized into the ranks of District 17 of the United Mine Workers of America. For example, on Sunday June 9th, at Haywood Junction, West Virginia, she declared:

Don’t let the Kaiser know that we have men in West Virginia who will let their bosses kick them around and let their children open the doors in the mines for mules to pass….

There are old fellows around here living in the candle age still. There is a change in the thought of the world but these poor fellows can’t see it. This nation can make dollars any time it wishes but men and women cannot be turned out so easily and it takes nourishment, training and character to produce them. The clouds are breaking and the sun is beginning to shine for the workers. Labor went into this war to bring democracy to the world. You can’t build a great nation on a starved and cursed working class. The workers are the bone and sinew of the nation.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1918, Part I: Found Organizing in West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May and June, 1908-Found on Tour in Texas, Speaking for Socialist Party


EVD Quote re Mother Jones, AtR, Nov 23, 1907

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday July 16, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for May and June, 1908
–Found in Texas on Tour for the Socialist Party of America

During her tour of Texas, Mother was found speaking in the city of Austin where she spoke for two hours and touched on the evils of Child Labor.

From The Austin Statesman of June 17, 1908:

She Speaks of Economic and
Child Labor Conditions.

Mother Jones, Fort Worth Telegram, Apr 26, 1907

An attentive audience heard Mother Jones last night at the East Austin Fire hall. The lecturer spoke for two hours, dealing in the main with the economic conditions of the country as she has found them, a science of hunger and misery.

She made her topic realistic by picturing experiences in the mines, shops and fields.

Mother Jones is most familiar with the child labor situation. She has worked with the “babies” and is cognizant of their struggles and the impossibility of helping these toilers under the present system. She said that she has faith in the people, and that the laborers are realizing that they must own the tools of production in order to be self-supporting and independent.

Tonight Mother Jones will speak at the court house. She is here under the auspices of the socialist local in this city, and the lecture is given free to those interested in the movement.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May and June, 1908-Found on Tour in Texas, Speaking for Socialist Party”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Social Democratic Party of America” -Letter from Chicago Delegates


Quote SDP, Class-Conscious & Revolutionary, AtR p4, July 2, 1898

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday July 7, 1898
On the Formation of the Social Democratic Party of America

From the Appeal to Reason of July 2, 1898:

The Social Democratic Party of America.

CHICAGO, June 16, 1898.

To Members of the Social Democracy of America:

1890s? Theodore Debs, IndStateEdu, Debs

COMRADES: There has been a division of the delegates who met in annual convention in this city in the name of the Social Democracy, beginning June 7th and ending June 11th, and the result has been the formation of a new party, known as the Social Democratic Party of America.

To report the truth respecting the withdrawal of the undersigned delegates from the convention, and the causes which led thereto, and to the formation of a new party, is the purpose of this address, and we bespeak for it the calm and serious consideration its importance demands.

Soon after the convention was called to order it became apparent that the delegates were divided into two factions, and as the deliberations proceeded the breach which separated them grew wider and all hope of bringing them into harmonious alliance vanished.

The prime factor in the disruption of the Social Democracy was the appearance in the convention of a number of delegates representing Chicago branches which were reported to have been organized within two or three days of the time the convention met, and these delegates were sufficient in number to control the convention. As a matter of fact they were chosen for that purpose and for that purpose alone, and it can be proved that the branches they were alleged to represent had not, and have not now, any existence.

That there was an undercurrent to defeat independent political action, especially in some sections in which certain delegates were personally interested, was too plainly evident to admit of doubt. The intense activity of certain other persons who are known to be violently opposed to political action emphasized the conviction that “colonization” was made the pretext for defeating the independent political program of the organization.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “Social Democratic Party of America” -Letter from Chicago Delegates”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1918, Part II: Found in St. Louis, Missouri and Grafton, West Virginia


Let me see you wake up and fight.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 23, 1918
Mother Jones News for May 1918, Part I: Gives Long Interview in St. Louis

From the St Louis Post-Dispatch of May 13, 1918:

Mother Jones Interview, St L Pst Dsp p3, May 13, 1918

Valiant Champion of the Workers Pink of Cheek
at 88 and Wears a Fussy Little Bonnet.
Objects to Women Doing Heavy War Time Work;
Opposes Suffrage, Knitters Rile Her.


Mother Jones Drawing St L Pst Dsp p3, May 13, 1918

I WOULD like to have had a union card to show. I was glad I was conversant with the after-the-war platform of the British Labor Party as voluminously printed in the Post-Dispatch, and that I could profess full faith in the justice of trade unionism, when I went to call on Mother Jones. As it was, I came out of the interview with the valiant little 88-year-old labor champion comparatively unscathed, though I sat meekly silent while her scorching tongue excoriated many institutions I have at least looked upon with toleration.

Women in war industries supplanting men, she had little patience with.

[She said:]

I see them climbing over engines with their oil cans. I see them pumping levers on street cars; I see them pushing heavy trucks of munitions, and I think, what of the future generation? Woman’s nervous organism is not equal to such work. One of the principles of trade unionism is that women shall work under conditions that will safeguard to the utmost their bodily welfare.

Woman suffrage she dismissed with equal scorn.

Women vote in Colorado and what have they done to improve industrial conditions? After the riots at Trinidad and 20 women and children were laid out in the morgue, committees of ladies came and looked over the scene, and they said, “Too bad, too bad!”

They knew the murder of these innocents, whose men were fighting only for the right to work and earn their bread, had been authorized by the [Democratic] Governor they had helped to put in power. They did not criticise the Governor and some of the women were in the militia that committed the crimes.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1918, Part II: Found in St. Louis, Missouri and Grafton, West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1918, Part I: Found Supporting Strikers in St. Louis


Let me see you wake up and fight.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 22, 1918
Mother Jones News for May 1918, Part I: Found in St. Louis

Mother Jones, DRW small, St L Pst p3, May 13, 1918

Mother Jones was first found missing from the May Day celebration in Springfield, Illinois. It appears she was called to an unspecified strike in Quincy, Illinois.

We next found her in Washington, D. C. where the May 1st edition of The Washington Times stated:

“Mother” Jones, noted labor leader, arrived here today to appear before the National War Labor Board and plead with former President William H. Taft, in the interest of commercial telegraphers demanding the right to organize.

On May 10th and 11th, we find Mother in the pages of the St. Louis, Missouri, newspapers where her efforts on behalf of the men and women on strike against the Wagner Electric Manufacturing Company are well covered.

We will pick up the story of Mother Jones in St. Louis in Part II of our Mother Jones News Round-Up for May 1918.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1918, Part I: Found Supporting Strikers in St. Louis”

Hellraisers Journal: Charles G. Bowers Writing “Life of Senator Kern” with Assistance of Mother Jones

Quote Mother Jones fr Military Bastile to Sen Kern, May 4, [1913]
Mother Jones – 1913

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday May 21, 1918
“Heroine of Paint Creek” Recalls the Miners’ Friend, Senator Kern

From The United Mine Workers Journal of May 16, 1918:


John W Kern 1913, Life by Bowers, 1918

When Senator John W. Kern introduced his resolution in the United States Senate calling for an investigation into the conditions of the Paint Creek and Cabin Creek regions of West Virginia all the special interests in the country became active in an effort to defeat it.

A Wall street representative who had known Senator Kern in other days called him on the phone and begged him to drop the resolutions. “I’ll see you in hell first,” replied Kern, hanging up the receiver.

A more bitter battle has seldom been waged in the Senate, and for the first time in history in a straight fight between the powerful and the workers the workers won—through Kern’s gallant fight.

And that was in keeping with Kern’s battles for labor all his life.

The story of the ten-year battle for the unionization of miners in West Virginia is told fully and graphically in the

Life of Senator Kern,

which is being written by Claude G. Bowers, who was intimately associated with him.

Mother Jones, the “heroine of Paint Creek,” has furnished much data to the author for this chapter—the longest in the book.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Charles G. Bowers Writing “Life of Senator Kern” with Assistance of Mother Jones”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for April 1918, Part II: Found in San Francisco, Speaking on Behalf of Tom Mooney


Quote Mother Jones re Tom Mooney and Courts, Dec 16, 1918~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday May 18, 1918
Mother Jones News for April 1918, Part II: Found in San Francisco

Mother Jones was the featured speaker at a mass meeting held at the Auditorium in San Francisco on Tuesday evening, April 16th. The next day the following telegram was sent to the Machinists’ Union headquarters in Washington, D. C.:

Re Tom Mooney Apr 17, fr San Francisco by Beckmeyer to Machinist Jr, pbd May 1918

From the San Francisco Chronicle of April 17, 1918:

Mass Meeting Is Held by Partisans
Of “Tom” Mooney

President to Be Told New Trial Is
Favored by Large Audience

Mother Jones, Ft Wy Jr Gz p3, Dec 17, 1917

Thousands of Thomas J. Mooney sympathizers gathered in the Auditorium last night to hear Mrs. Rena Mooney, Mrs. Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington, Israel Weinberg, Mother Jones and others discuss the Preparedness day bomb cases.

“Ten thousand persons in mass meeting in San Francisco favor unanimously a new trial for Mooney,” is the effect of a message they voted to send to President Wilson.

Many of the people left when they found they couldn’t hear Mother Jones, the first speaker, whose voice did not carry far enough to be of value to those in the back of the Auditorium. A burst of applause at a time when applause scarcely was necessary apprised Mother Jones of her audience’s difficulties, and she quit speaking shortly after 10 o’clock.

The meeting was opened with the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Everybody stood up except a man in the audience and Mrs. Sheehy-Skeffington. The man arose under pressure, but the woman on the speakers’ platform remained seated.

After Mother Jones spoke a collection was taken. John P. [H.] Beckmeyer of the machinists’ union presided. A large number of Mooney sympathizers from Alameda county marched to the Auditorium from the Ferry building.

In an open letter Mooney told his friends “organized labor is the one weapon that will bring us speedy justice.”


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for April 1918, Part II: Found in San Francisco, Speaking on Behalf of Tom Mooney”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for April 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia; Will Speak at Mooney Meeting in San Francisco


Quote Mother Jones re Tom Mooney and Courts, Dec 16, 1918~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal, Friday May 17, 1918
Mother Jones News for April 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia

From The Wheeling Intelligencer of April 1, 1918:

Mother Jones Fire Eater, Lg Crpd, St L Str, Aug 23, 1917

Miners Here Today.

Miners from the mines in this section of the Ohio valley gather here today to participate in the miners’ convention, which is to be held in commemoration of the eight hour day for miners. The session will be held on the campground and the speaking in the camp ground auditorium Hon. James D. Parriott will preside. Two hands have been hired for the occasion and a street parade will held this morning previous to going to the camp grounds. Congressman M. M. Neely, Mother Jones, John Moore and William Roy are among the speakers. The Red Cross will have charge of the refreshments.


[Photograph added.]

From The Wheeling Intelligencer of April 2, 1918:


With the speaking of “Mother” Jones, Congressman M. N. Neely, President William E. Roy of the district, members Fifth district coal miners, held their observance of the twenty-eighth anniversary of the “Eight hour law” yesterday at the Moundsville camp ground. The occasion was the largest celebration ever staged in the Mound City, and there were more than a thousand workers from all parts of Ohio and this state present.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for April 1918, Part I: Found in West Virginia; Will Speak at Mooney Meeting in San Francisco”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for April 1908-Found on Tour in Texas, Speaking for Socialist Party


Quote Mother Jones, Palaces and Jails, AtR, Feb 29, 1908


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday May 10, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1908
–Found in Texas on Tour for the Socialist Party of America

From the Appeal to Reason of April 4, 1908:

Tri-State Edition, AtR p3, Apr 4, 1908


Texas SP Speaker Dates, AtR p3, Apr 4, 1908


Mother Jones-Tyler, April 2-8; Chandler, 10; Brownsboro, 11; Athens, 13…


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for April 1908-Found on Tour in Texas, Speaking for Socialist Party”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for March 1918, Part III: Found Speaking at Evansville, Indiana, on Behalf of Tom Mooney


Quote Mother Jones, Flag Organize, Evle IN Prs, Mar 29, 1918


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday April 23, 1918
Mother Jones News for March 1918, Part III: Found in Evansville, Indiana

On Thursday evening March 28th, Mother Jones spoke before a meeting organized by the local labor leaders of Evansville, Indiana. She was there to speak on behalf of Tom Mooney now facing the gallows in San Francisco. The Evansville Press of March 29th described her speech:


Mother Jones Fire Eater, Lg Crpd, St L Str, Aug 23, 1917

Altho she’d much rather be in Europe “cleaning up on the kaiser,” Mother Jones told an audience of workers Thursday night that the business of the people at home was to fight for the Sammies here.

She said the way to do this was to save the life of Thomas Mooney, the labor leader who is being railroaded to the gallows in San Francisco at the behest of labor-crushing interests.

[She said:]

Sometimes I feel almost ashamed that I’m not over there, putting heart into those boys, so they can give the kaiser hell.

But my place is here, fight ing for them while they’re gone. When those boys come back, after having fought your battles across the sea for democracy, you’ll be able to say: “Boys, while you’ve been gone we haven’t shirked; we’ve fought and won your battles here for industrial democracy.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for March 1918, Part III: Found Speaking at Evansville, Indiana, on Behalf of Tom Mooney”