Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 15, 1899
Wallace, Idaho – Trial of Paul Corcoran, Secretary Burke Miners’ Union
From The San Francisco Call of July 12, 1899:
Cannot Positively Identify Corcoran.
It Is the Attempt of One of the
Owners of the Standard Mine
to Compel the Witness to
Stick to His First Story.
—–Special Dispatch to The Call.
WALLACE, Idaho, July 11.—In the trial of Paul Corcoran for the killing of James Cheyne the prosecution this morning called John Clark as a witness. Clark testified that he had been recording secretary of the Burke union, but had not attended the two meetings prior to the day of the riot. On that day he was at Mace, where the Standard mine is located, and when the train bearing the men from Burke came along he boarded it and went to Wardner. He went up into the town of Wardner and did not witness the lawless acts perpetrated on that day, but returned to Burke on the train which bore the returning rioters.
Witness said that when the train was nearing Wallace on the return trip he believed he saw the defendant sitting on top of a boxcar. At the time the witness testified before the Coroners jury he swore positively to the identity of the defendant, but since that time he had come to believe that he might be mistaken, and could not now identify Corcoran as being the man he saw on the car, although he had been acquainted with the defendant for more than three years.