Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Jack London on the “Good” Soldier, the Lowest Aim in the Lives of a Young Men


Quote Jack London, The Good Soldier, No Killing, ISR p199, Oct 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 2, 1913
“The ‘Good’ Soldier” by Jack London

From the International Socialist Review of October 1913:

Jack London, The Good Soldier, ISR p199, Oct 1913

Jack London from The Comrade of March 1903:

Jack London, Comrade p122, Mar 1903

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Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs to Comrades of the Social Democratic Party: “Prepare for the work of the future.”


Quote EVD re Words n Action, Sc Dem Hld, Nov 26, 1898

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 27, 1898
Message from Eugene Debs to Local Branches of S. D. P. of A.

From the Social Democratic Herald of November 26, 1898:

To Local Branches

[-from Eugene V. Debs]

Marquette, Mich., Nov. 20, 1898


EVD re Social Democracy, SLTb p3, Feb 9, 1898

The recent election had gratifying results for us, but these results are of permanent value to our cause only to the extent that we follow them up with renewed vigor and determination. Each branch should at once prepare for the work of the future. In this work each member should enlist with heart and hand. There is not a moment to be lost. Henceforth we are in the field to press our claims and advocate our principles in municipal, state, and national campaigns until we have swept the country and the cause of socialism in triumphant.

The National Headquarters of our party should have its resources strengthened in order that organizers may be placed in the field and the work of propaganda pressed with all possible vigor. The admission fees of new members and quarterly dues should therefore be promptly remitted, and the returns should be full and complete. Besides this, a thorough canvass should be made for subscribers to the Social Democratic Herald. Each branch should appoint an agent and each member should assist in securing subscribers. Let this work be taken in hand at once and our subscription enlarged, so that in the near future the size of our paper can be increased to meet the growing demands of the organization.

Comrades, action only will determine your interest in our cause. Words, promises, professions will not do. The time to act is now, and you, each of you, is expected to do his duty. Will there be any who fail to respond?

[Drawing of Debs added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: the SPA Emergency Convention at St. Louis


I have no country to fight for;
my country is the earth;
I am a citizen of the world.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Friday May 4, 1917
The Socialist Party of America on War and Militarism

From April 7th to the 14th, delegates gathered in St. Louis, Missouri, for a “National Emergency Convention” to consider the Socialist position on the “orgy of war.” A Majority Report and two Minority Reports on War and Militarism were the end result of that convention and those Reports are being put up to a vote of the membership this month.

From this month’s International Socialist Review:

SPA ER St Louis Conv, War Com, ISR May 1917

The Emergency National Convention


IN compliance with a mandate hurriedly issued by the National Executive Committee, delegates assembled at the Planters Hotel in St. Louis on Saturday morning, April 7th. All states were represented with the exception of Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina, while Texas was represented part of the time by one delegate.

This convention was called without a referendum vote and in face of the fact that there was very little demand on the part of the membership for it. The Constitution nowhere empowers the National Executive Committee to call a special convention. In many states the membership was not even given an opportunity to elect delegates but the rank and file will be asked to dig up $15,000.00 to cover the cost of the convention. The excuse for the convention was to find out how the party stood on the question of war. All the National Executive Committee had to do was to say, Let there be a convention, and there was a convention.

As many theories were represented regarding war, its cause and cure and the attitude the party should take in the present crisis, as there were tongues around the Tower of Babel. Many of the delegates came uninstructed but there were half a dozen delegations which came instructed to vote against all wars, offensive or defensive. The delegates from Illinois, Michigan, Washington and Ohio were cleancut and uncompromising and voted solidly together for a clear, concise statement of the party’s position.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: the SPA Emergency Convention at St. Louis”

Hellraisers Journal: From the American Socialist: Ryan Walker on American Militarism

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday April 8, 1917
From the American Socialist: Ryan Walker Comments of Militarism

“Russianizing America” by Ryan Walker:

Russia America, Ryan Walker, AmSc, Apr 7, 1917

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Hellraisers Journal: “The Deadly Parallel” Compares IWW’s Declaration on War in Europe with AFL’s Pledge of Service


IWW on War and Class Solidarity, Dec 1, 1916


Hellraisers Journal, Monday April 2, 1917
From the International Socialist Review: “The Deadly Parallel”

“The Deadly Parallel” was first published in Solidarity, organ of the Industrial Workers of the World, on March 24, 1917, and is republished in this month’s edition of the Review:

WWI, IWW, Deadly Parallel, ISR Apr 1917

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Hellraisers Journal: Henry Dubb Gets What He Votes For by Comrade Ryan Walker for the Northwest Worker


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday March 29, 1917
From the Everett Northwest Worker: Dubb Votes Old Party Ballot

Henry Dubb Gets the Things He Votes For
-by Ryan Walker

Henry Dubb Uses His Vote, Ryan Walker, Nw Wkr, Mar 29, 1917

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Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Expects to Die Fighting “in the trenches, with my boys, facing the machine guns.”


My whole life has been spent
on the economic field
fighting the battles of the workers,
and it will close there.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Monday January 22, 1917
From The New York Call: Letter to the Editor of the Forum

The following letter from Mother Jones was published yesterday in the Forum section of The New York Call:

Indianapolis, Indiana

Editor of the Forum:

Mother Jones, Colorado Military Bastile, March 1914

My attention was called to an article that appeared on December 9 [17th] in the New York Call, written by one Edward Meyer. It seems that he had a spasm and called for house cleaning in the Socialist party. His criticism was entirely misleading. He said that while languishing in the prison cells I had asked the Socialists to secure my liberty. I have never in my life asked the Socialists for any personal favor, and I have never received any that I know of.

He further said that I solicited votes for Woodrow Wilson. That is not true. I made some speeches in Indiana coal camps for Senator Kern. I would do it again, if every one in the United States stood against me. In my opinion he is one of the truest and noblest of men within the walls of the nation. I did incidentally pay my respects to President Wilson for leaving the White House and going down to the Senate and notifying the committee that they could not adjourn until the clild labor bill was passed. I would do that again and apologize to no man.

The child of today is the future citizen of tomorrow; and any man, whether he be president or otherwise, who considers the welfare of the child against dollars will receive my indorsement to the end.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Expects to Die Fighting “in the trenches, with my boys, facing the machine guns.””

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs on the Proposed Platform of the Socialist Party of America


The industrial organization of the working class
is the foundation of the Socialist movement,
and without it Socialism is impossible.
-Eugene V. Debs

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday August 13, 1916
Terre Haute, Indiana – Debs for Revolutionary Economic Organization

From St. Louis Labor of August 12, 1916:

On the Proposed National Platform
by Eugene V. Debs

Terre Haute, Ind., August 4

Socialist Party of America Button

Every member ought to read carefully the draft of the new platform of the Socialist Party recently submitted to the party membership for final action. The importance to the party and to our propaganda of a sound platform, a clear and ringing declaration of what the party stands for and what it stands against, cannot be overestimated.

The platform now before us doubtless had the most careful thought and conscientious attention of the committee that framed it and it is certainly well written, its propositions are clearly stated, and its indictment of capitalism and militarism strongly drawn; yet it would be expecting too much to find it free from objection.
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