Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 19, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for October 1900, Part I
Found in Pennsylvania Supporting Great Anthracite Strike
From the Wilkes-Barre Daily News of October 1, 1900:

POTTSVILLE Pa.,- Sept. 29.-About 1,500 miner., attended the mass meeting to-night of the United Mine Worker, of America. The meeting was addressed by President John Fahey, of District No. 9: Miles Dougherty, of Shamokin.k and Mother Mary Jones. Mr. Fahey said if inexperienced men were taken into the mines the death rate from explosions and other causes would be enormous. Statistics, he said, show that with inexperienced men the list of killed has numbered 30,-000 in twenty-five years. It is estimated that 2,000 strikers were added to the ranks to-day in this (Schuylkill) region .
[Photograph added.]
From the Philadelphia Times of October 2, 1900:
(Written for The Times by “Mother” Jones, the” famous labor leader.)
Hazleton, October 1.
The report that, the strike is likely to be settled without any more concessions being made by the operators is, as slated in The Times to-day, premature and should not be considered as truthful. The strike will never be called off for a ten per cent. increase alone, or even with the decrease in the price of powder. The United Mine Workers are too well organized to accept half way measures of relief.
There has not been a single break in the ranks to far. I have been all over the district and I can say the reports circulated by several operators that they have more men at work now than at any time since the strike are false. In the majority of the mines working only bosses, foremen, firemen, engineers and similar employes are at work. All of these reports are transparent dodges to frighten the men into returning to work. No one, however, pays much attention to them and they have had no effect. They are denied by the mine workers simply to prevent the unwary and those who are not familiar with what is transpiring from being deceived.
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