Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1911, Part I: Found Involved in Conflict between Madero and Ricardo Flores Magón


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 15, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1911, Part I
Found Involved in Conflict Between Madero and Magón

From the Appeal to Reason of November 4, 1911:

Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mexico.-The history of the Mexican revolution is too well known to need discussion here. Following the successful overthrow of Diaz there have appeared two tendencies of the working class movement in our sister republic. One of these, lead by [Ricardo Flores] Magon, is semi-anarchistic, while the other is socialistic. The Socialists have established a labor paper at the city of Mexico and both the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers have gone into the republic to organize the miners. Mother Jones is now there for that purpose, as is also Charles Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners. Madero has promised his protection. It is too early to make predictions as to the result.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

From Regeneración of November 4, 1911
-Page 4, English Section:

…..Our readers must pardon us for piling up, week after week, the evidence of Madero’s complete subjection to the money power, and we ourselves feel that every mind open to conviction must have become persuaded long ago of the truthfulness of the charges we have been making for the last eight months. Unfortunately such women as “Mother Jones” apparently can be still won over by a handshake from Wall Street’s president-elect, and communications from men who are intriguing day and night for Madero are still played up in Socialist publications. For the most part, however, the Socialist press has dropped the Mexican revolution like a hot potato, it will have to take it up again, and, it is to be hoped, from an amended standpoint…..


[Emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones in Mexico, Meets with Madero, Gains Right to Organize Miners


Quote John ONeill re Mother Jones Resting Place, Miners Mag p6, Sept 23, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 22, 1911
Mother Jones in Mexico City, Meets with Madero Regarding Right to Organize

From the Appeal to Reason of October 21, 1911:

Mother Jones In Mexico

Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mexico City, Oct. 4.-Just a line to let you know I have just returned from the palace where I have had a long audience with President De La Barra. At the close of my interview the Mexican guaranteed me protection and my right to organize the miners of Mexico. This is the first time that any one has ever been granted that privilege in the history of the Mexican nation. It is the greatest concession ever granted to any one representing the laboring class of any nation.

I also spent an hour with President-elect Madero and he granted me the protection and aid from the government that I called for. I am the first person who has been permitted to carry the banner of industrial freedom to the long suffering peons of this nation.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Rebels Surrender to U. S. Army Officers at Tijuana; General Mosby and His Men Are Prisoners


Quote R Magon Viva Tierra y Libertad, Regen p2, May 13, 1911—————–

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 24, 1911
General Mosby and Rebel Army Defeated at Tijuana

From The San Francisco Call of June 23, 1911:

Mex Rev Rebels Defeated in Baja, SF Call p4, June 23, 1911

John R Mosby, IWW, General Baja Magonista Rebellion of 1911, wiki
John R. Mosby

TIA JUANA, Cal., June 22.—Armed resistance to the authority of the Mexican government in Lower California has practically ceased. General Jack Mosby and his men, comprising the second division of the Mexican liberal army in Lower California, are prisoners of Company D, Thirtieth infantry, U S. A., Captain Frank A. Wilcox commanding. 

About 100 men in all surrendered at the line, all Americans. They report their loss in the battle with 500 Mexican troops under Celso Vega, jefe politico of Lower California and Colonel Miguel Mayot, as three killed and one dying.

The dead are: George Morgan, Fred Rogers, Frank Smith.

Mortally wounded: Captain Holland of troop C.

Wounded and disabled: Lieutenant Barkalo, shot in groin.

The rebel prisoners of the United States troops were taken to San Diego this afternoon and conveyed to the guardhouse at Fort Rosecrans to await disposition of their cases by the government at Washington. In the meantime they will be treated as prisoners of war.

The rebels were divided into five troops, A, B and C, about 155 in all, Americans; and D and F, Mexicans, about 75 men. So far the Mexicans have scattered below the line, and some of them are said to be fleeing before scouting parties of the Mexican troops.

The loss of the Mexican force, at a late hour this afternoon, was not known, but it was believed to be heavy. B troop of the rebels at one time was within 50 yards of the federal firing line, and it is believed many Mexicans were killed at that time.

The Mexican force under Vega and Mayot occupies Tijuana, Lower California, this afternoon.

According to stories told by the rebel prisoners at the American troop camp the Mexican federal force had three machine guns and one field piece in action against them. The field piece was using canister and shrapnel alternately, they say. It was the machine guns and field piece that caused the retreat of the rebels.

The federal force was well placed three miles from Tijuana. It occupied hills commanding all approaches from Tijuana, and, greatly outnumbering the rebels, made an attack a forlorn hope at best.

The battle lasted little more than two hours and was witnessed at a distance by a great throng of spectators from San Diego and intermediate points. 


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “The Mexican Revolution is at an end.” -Ancient Tyrant Diaz Resigns


Quote Jack London, Comrades of Mexican Revolution, Sac Str p1, Feb 6, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 28, 1911
“The Mexican Revolution is at an end. Diaz has resigned.”

From the Appeal to Reason of May 27, 1911:

Diaz Has Resigned

Taft Diaz Meet, El Regidor p1, Oct 21, 1909
Taft Meets with Diaz
El Regidor of October 21, 1909

The Mexican revolution is at an end. Diaz has resigned. Sick almost to the point of death, with the entire nation in revolt against him, with an army marching on Mexico City, and with his own advisers presenting a resignation asking his signature, the ancient tyrant finally called: “Bring the resignation; I’ll sign now. You are traitors all.” The resignation was brought, he affixed his signature and the Diaz dynasty was at an end. DeLa Bara was proclaimed provisional president. Madero officially declared the revolution at an end and disbanded his army, and then went to Mexico City to act as advisor to the new president.

This is one story as sent out from Mexico. Others says that Diaz has not yet resigned, but will do so soon. The one fact is clear that he has already lost.

Thus ends a remarkable historical event that was practically inaugurated by the APPEAL TO REASON. When three years ago, the APPEAL began its expose of the Mexican situation, Diaz was deemed impregnable, and almost every capitalist paper in America loudly denounced the Appeal for calling him a tyrant. But the exposure, once began, would not end. An eastern magazine supplemented it, and though it discontinued its expose for some mysterious reason, the light did not fail.

The American government imprisoned refugees from the tyranny of Diaz, Taft visited Diaz and called “him friend ; but the truth could not longer be hidden. Finally the Mexican people summoned sufficient courage to rebel openly. The American army was sent to the border and talk of “American intervention” was rife; but the revolution went right on. It came to the point where the capitalist papers, deserting the old lion and liar, Diaz, told the truth about him. Every charge the APPEAL made has been fully substantiated. Finally the overthrow of the tyrant came. It is the most notable case in history of a newspaper, by its exposure, overthrowing one who had for more than twenty-five years, held dictatorial powers and whose reign was buttressed by the flattery of thousands of beneficiaries of his tyranny in America. The APPEAL Army really did more than Madero’s army.

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Hellraisers Journal: From Regeneración: “El Movimiento Avanza” -Compañeros Advised to Take Possession of the Land


Quote R Magon Viva Tierra y Libertad, Regen p2, May 13, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 23, 1911
Mexican Rebels of Baja Advised by P. L. M. to Take Possession of the Land

From Regeneración of May 20, 1911:

MexRev Baja, HdLn El Movimiento Avanza, Regen p1, May 20, 1911—–MexRev Baja, HdLn A Tomar Posesion de la Tierra, Regen p1, May 20, 1911

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1921: Journalist Claims Mother Jones Helping to Make Mexico Safe for American Business


Quote Mother Jones PAFL Congress, p72, Jan 13, 1921———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 25, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1921
-C. H. Newell Claims Mother Jones is Helping to Make Mexico Safe

From the Salt Lake Telegram of February 1, 1921:

Obregon, Villareal, Gompers and
“Mother Jones” Fight Bolshevism


Mother Jones, ed WDC Tx p2, Aug 29, 1920

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 1.-Mexico’s “big four” are Obregon, Gompers, Villareal and Mother Jones.

They’re making Mexico safe for Americans and American business.

The great American drive to capture the immensely rich Mexican trade is on full blast…..


Mother Jones, America’s 90-year-young labor leader, is helping to put the skids under bolshevism in Mexico.

Her visit to Mexico, at first hailed with glee by Communist party organizers, has resolved itself into a characteristic crusade for trade union organization.

This means, employers and government officials say, a better chance for the Obregon administration to get the country back on a productive basis.

[Mother Jones says:]

Education is the fundamental need of Mexico. I’m down here to preach the gospel of education for workers.

When they get education they will know how to act to achieve full industrial as well as political rights. And the agency through which they will make the most rapid, peaceful progress is the Pan-America Labor federation, backed as it is by the American Federation of Labor.

This is what Mother Jones told the communists at the labor convention:


Uncle Sam’s government may not be perfect, but it is the best one on earth today. So you rats may just as well understand that if you open your mouths against my country, I will grab you by the collar, drag you out of your hole, and shake hell out of you.

Mother Jones is the personal guest of General Antonio Villareal, who, as secretary of agriculture, is trying to restore farming and ranching pursuits, with real success.

Several years ago an effort was being made by mining and timber interests of northern Mexico have Villareal deported from the United States. His deportation would have meant his death.

Mother Jones made a trip to Washington in his behalf and he was not deported.

Villareal has been one of the foremost in restoring mail, wire, railway and ship service, so all important lines of communication are now open in the country.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Jack London Calls Himself a “Chicken Thief” -Supports Comrades of Mexican Revolution


Quote Jack London, Comrades of Mexican Revolution, Sac Str p1, Feb 6, 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday February 9, 1911
Jack London Supports “Dear Brave Comrades of Mexican Revolution”

From The Sacramento Star of February 6, 1911:


Jack London, The Comrade p 122, March 1903

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6-Friends of Jack London, the author, today are expressing surprise over a communication the writer sent to a gathering of Socialist and Mexican revolt sympathizers here last night in which he proclaimed himself a “chicken thief and a revolutionist.” Although used to the radical socialistic expression of London, his friends say be went further last night than ever before. His letter to the meeting follows:

To the dear, brave comrades of the Mexican revolution:

We Socialists, anarchists, hoboes, chicken thieves, outlaws and undesirable citizens of the United State are with you heart and soul in your effort to overthrow slavery and autocracy in Mexico. You will notice that we are not respectable. Neither are you. No revolutionist can possibly be respectable in these days of the reign of property. All the names you are being called we have been called. And when graft and greed get up and begin to call names, honest men, brave men, patriotic men and martyrs can expect nothing else than to be called chicken thieves and outlaws.

So be it. But I, for one, wish that there were more chicken thieves and outlaws of the sort that formed the gallant band that took Mexicali, of the sort that is heroically enduring the prison holes of Diaz, of the sort that it fighting and dying and sacrificing in Mexico today.

I subscribe myself a chicken thief and revolutionist.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: “Madre Juanita” in Mexico City, Greeted by Thousands of Workers and Shower of Flowers


Quote Mother Jones, Un-Christ-Like Greed, IN DlyT Ipls p1, July 15, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 13, 1921
Mexico City – Mother Jones Greeted by Shower of Flowers

Translated from Mexico City’s  El Universal of January 10, 1921:

Mother Jones Arrives in Mexico City

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

Upon arriving at Buena Vista station in Mexico City [on the morning of January 9th], Mother Jones was met by 2,000 workers among whom were a large feminine contingent from the factories: El Recuerdo, El Buen Tono, Tabacelera, Cigarrera, La Estrella, Departmentos Fabules, and from the Trade Union of Waitresses, etc., all of whom carried, as did the male element, the banners of their respective groups…..

Mother Jones was the object of singular interest. With ninety years on her shoulders, she is one of the most indefatigable fighters for working-class organization in the United States.

Amidst a veritable shower of flowers, Mother Jones was brought in an auto from the platform of the station to the Glorieta Cuauhtémoc, where another contingent of trade union workers were awaiting her. They applauded her and threw fragrant sprays of roses. In the Glorieta, a demonstration was organized to honor Mother Jones, and was followed by a parade to the Hotel St. Francis where several Mexican workers spoke, and the guest of honor answered. She did so in virile and intrepid language, saying , in short, that when she first visited Mexico [in 1911], she never believed the workers’ movement in this country would have reached its present numbers and effectiveness; that she had been struggling in the field of ideas and action for years and years, a a struggle which would end only with her death; that she had dedicated her existence to seeking the economic, moral, and cultural development of the working class. She ended with a tribute to the Mexican workers affirming that only on the day when a single language and a single nation would exist on earth, would human happiness have been achieved.

Mother Jones is an elderly lady whose appearance is as modest as it its admirable, a woman with a very friendly behavior.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Mexico’s Díaz Regime Replies to Reporting from the Appeal to Reason


Quote John Murray re Rio Blanco Martyrs, ISR p653, Mar 1909———–

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 2, 1910
“Mexico Replies to the Appeal to Reason” by C. M. Brooks

From the International Socialist Review of October 1910:

Mexico Dictator Diaz, ISR p211, Oct 1, 1910

Letter T, ISR p894, Apr 1910

HE exposures of the horrible conditions in Mexico by John Kenneth Turner, in the Appeal to Reason, are arousing a spirit of inquiry all over the United States that is going to prove increasingly embarrassing to the government on this side of the border line. Famous captains of industry who have invested heavily in Mexican industries are becoming alarmed. It is interesting to note the sudden bursts of enthusiasm experienced by some of the radical magazines and newspapers on matters Mexican these days. Evidently somebody’s palm has been crossed, or somebody’s pocket-book has been touched or somebody’s skin has been threatened. One grows curious to see just how far the epidemic will spread.

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