Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday June 12, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for May 1901, Part II
Found Organizing in Pennsylvania and West Virginia
From The Muncie Daily Times of May 16, 1901:
Mother Jones’ Rules For Kitchen
and Nursery Work.
“Mother” Jones is preparing to organize a servant girls’ union at Wilkes-barre, Pa., as well as in Scranton and has drawn up these rules, says the New York World, which the union will enforce at each, “place:”
Ten hours’ work a day and no more.
An increase in wages according to the the size of the house and the work required.
No one shall work for less than $3 a week.
Cooks shall not act as ladies maids or take care of babies.
Nursegirls shall not be required to act as cooks.
It shall not be necessary to stay in nights while the mistress goes out.
If more than ten hours work a day shall be required, a double shift must be employed.
An amusement room shall be furnished for the girls so that they shall not be required to sit in the kitchen all the time.
Visitors shall be allowed to call upon them any night they are off duty.
Wages must be paid every week.
They shall have the privilege of putting their clothes in the family wash.
Their meals shall be the same as those of the family.
Bedchambers shall be large, airy and well heated.
[Photograph added.]