Hellraisers Journal: John D. Jr. Safe at Last! Miners’ Wives Tell Wilson of Ludlow Horror


Quote Ludlow Mary Petrucci, Children all dead, ed, Trinidad Las Animas Co CO Affidavit, May 11, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 25, 1914
Rockefeller Safe in New York; Ludlow Survivors with President at White House

From The Washington Times of May 21, 1914:

Judge Lindsey, Mary Thomas, Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Thomas Girls. Mrs Lindsey, Frank Hayes, Mrs Lee Champion, WDC p1, May 21, 1914
Upper left to right: Judge Lindsey, Mary Thomas, Pearl Jolly,
Mary Petrucci, Thomas Daughters. Lower left to right:
Mrs. Lindsey, Frank Hayes, Mrs. Lee Champion
In Trinidad, Colorado, 1200 men, women and children, the Ludlow refugees, left homeless and with all of their earthly possessions destroyed, are being cared for by the United Mine Workers of America. While in New York City, we are pleased to report, Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr. is, at long last, safely back at work, his “tormenters” vanquished.

From The Fort Wayne Sentinel of May 20, 1914:


He Emerges from Retirement to Find Tormenters Silenced.

New York, May 20.-John D. Rockefeller, jr., has returned to work after twenty days spent at the country estates of his father at Pocantico Hills. Since May first when he went into retirement most of his tormenters under the leadership of Upton Sinclair, have been silenced, several by being sent to jail.

Sinclair is in Colorado and Marie Ganz and the Rev. Bouch [Bouck] White are serving sentences on Blackwell’s Island, the latter for having broken up the services at the Calvary Baptist church ten days ago.

“Mother” Jones alone remains in the lecture field and denounces the Rockefeller interests in the Colorado coal district. Mr. Rockefeller’s secretary said yesterday that he was making no investigation of the conditions in Colorado. He was only a minority stockholder in the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, it was said, and whatever recommendations he could offer might not influence the officials of the company in dealing with the miners.

[Emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: New York May Day Parade Banner: Rockefeller “Uses Bibles in New York and Bullets in Colorado”


He uses Bibles in New York
and bullets in Colorado.

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 4, 1914
New York, New York – Police Attack May Day Rally at Union Square

From The New York Times of May 2, 1914:

The Times blames anarchists for the police attack upon the peaceful rally:

Women and Children Felled in Flight
at Union Square May Day Rally.

Socialist Women March at NYC May Day Parade 1914, LoC
With Chief Inspector “Schmittberger close behind issuing vain orders to halt and return to their stations, 200 uniformed policemen charged through the May Day gathering of Socialists and labor unionists who celebrated the International Labor Day in Union square yesterday.

The police charge caused a stampede of 5,000 of the 15,000 persons in the Square. Clubs flew right and left, the police jumping over the bodies of prostrate women, men, and boys and even two babies, to reach people beyond them….

Schmittberger’s powerful voice was heard above the dim of the stampede and the screams of women and children who had been bowled over.

“Back to your stations, you men! Down with your clubs! Stop this! Stop it at once!” the big Inspector called out and his message seemed to bring the excited policemen to their senses.

As they turned to retreat over a big open space they had cleared they found two little babies rolling in the dirt, with their mother, Rebecca Shulman, trying to crawl to them from a point ten feet away where she had landed on her head. One man, Bola Bologna, of 355 East 184th Street, was bleeding profusely from a wound across his head…

Crowd’s Mood Changes.

While the charge was being made Socialist speakers, several of whom were women, were standing on the cottage porch, from which a woman was addressing the multitude. The police advance occurred so quickly that the meeting itself was not disturbed. Speakers continued with their appeals to keep May 1 as a general labor holiday, in harmony with a world-wide movement, for several minutes after the stampede.

But the mood of the crowd was changed. The marches, from 30,000 to 60,000 strong, had been sweeping into the Square for four hours. All had arrived in a cheerful mood, and there had been much singing, while little children by the hundreds mingled with the men and women marchers.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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