Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Wayland for Debs Campaign; Colorado Republicans; Georgia Democrats


Quote EVD, Prosperity, LW p1, July 1, 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 6, 1904
Comrade Wayland Supports Debs Campaign vs Republicans and Democrats

From the Appeal to Reason of Sept 3, 1904:

Comrade Wayland Does His Part for Socialist Candidates

In this week’s Appeal to Reason, Editor J. A. Wayland  describes how he has been working, on his own time, for the Socialist Party candidates and asks the Appeal Army to do the same:

EVD n Hanford for Pres SPA, AtR p6, Sept 3, 1904


Last week I rode sixty-five miles, circulating Appeals and pamphlets, about Girard [Kansas]. One evening after work I made twenty miles and left an Appeal and two pamphlets at every farm house. Don’t feel to dignified to do such work, and the most humble can do it and by it do just as effective work as the most brilliant speakers. I intend to keep this up during the entire campaign, giving fresh literature at each covering of the same roads. I do this after my day’s work in the office is done. Ten thousand men doing this two or fours hours a week would make a tremendous breach in capitalism this fall.


Good Christians of Colorado Fear Growth of Socialism

The Appeal to Reason reports that ministers throughout Colorado have been receiving the following letter:

Letter re Socialism v Christianity by Rev, AtR p2, Sept 3, 1904

The above letter was written to a New Castle, Colo., minister. A similar letter was sent to every minister in the state of Colorado. You will note that it is written on stationery furnished and paid for by the people of Colorado. It is by this means that the ruling class hope to further enslave the working class. The Mine Owners’ Association and the Citizens’ Alliance are flooding Colorado with literature in a vain attempt to stem the tide which they realize will soon engulf them. The Rev. Mr. Malone is very much afraid that Socialism will sweep aside the time honored institution of private property-and by private property in this case the gentleman has reference to the great productive properties of the state-the mines-the railroads-the mills and factories. Mr. Malone is right. Socialism proposes to destroy private property in these things, which are essential to the collective welfare and vest the title in society collectively. Exploitation will then cease.

Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “Child Slaves of the Cotton Mills” by Carrie W. Allen, Part II


Mother Jones Quote, Child Labor Man of Six Snuff Sniffer———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 5, 1911
Carrie W. Allen on Child Slaves of the Cotton Mills, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of March 1911:

Child Labor, Slaves of Cotton Mills by CW Allen, ISR p521, Mar 1911

[Part II of II.]

The Senate report already quoted gives this verbatim statement from one of the federal agents concerning a mill in North Carolina:

The mill employs many children, and the smallest I have seen working in any mills. I asked five exceptionally small ones how old each was and each answered, “I don’t know.” These children, the superintendent says, work from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. * * * I know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there are ten or twelve children under twelve years of age working in the mill, seven or eight of them at night.

One of the children is an emaciated little elf fifty inches high, and weighing perhaps forty-eight pounds, who works from 6 at night till 6 in the morning, and who is so tiny that she has to climb upon the spinning frame to reach the top row of spindles.

Instances might be multiplied of the criminally long hours these little victims are imprisoned in the mills, no sound reaching them except the racking whirr of the machinery, no air reaching their choked lungs except the fluff laden air of the dusty factory.

Is it any wonder that these poor little over-wrought beings under continuous nervous strain, frequently have their fingers and hands caught in the cruel cogs, which lacerate and tear and frequently cripple them? One hundred and twenty-two mills reported 1,241 accidents for a year, and it is known that these figures are only partial, as mill owners only report accidents when forced to do so.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “Child Slaves of the Cotton Mills” by Carrie W. Allen, Part II”