Hellraisers Journal: From United Mine Workers Journal: Mary Petrucci Unveils Ludlow Monument on Memorial Day


Quote Mary Petrucci, Joe's Little Hammer, NY Tb p7, Feb 4, 1915

Hellraisers Journal, Friday June 7, 1918
Ludlow, Colorado – Magnificent Monument Unveiled on Memorial Day

The unveiling described:

Mary Petrucci, on tour, May 1914

Mrs. Mary Pertucci [Petrucci], who lost three of her children in the massacre, unveiled the monument while the great crowd of miners and sympathizers paid their silent respect to the memory of the dead.

On the barren plain where once stood the humble tent colony of the Ludlow strikers, the monument towers, an impressive landmark. Down through the years that are to come it will mark the scene of a dastardly crime. More eloquently than any spoken word it will tell the tragic story of the poor murdered women and the innocent babes of Ludlow who died for democracy.

[Photograph added.]

United Mine Workers Journal of June 6, 1918:

Ludlow Memorial Dedicated, UMWJ, June 6, 1918


Ludlow Memorial Dedicated, Detail, UMWJ, June 6, 1918


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Hellraisers Journal: U. M. W. establishes fund “to build a monument to our martyred dead, on the field of Ludlow.”


Quote re Ludlow Monument, UMWJ June 21, 1917


Hellraisers Journal, Friday June 22, 1917
United Mine Workers of America to Honor Ludlow Martyrs

From the United Mine Workers Journal of June 21, 1917:

The Ludlow Monument

Ludlow Massacre by Morris Hall Pancoast, Masses, June 1914


While it is fully recognized that there would be only words of commendation if the International Executive Board had appropriated sufficient money to build a monument to our martyred dead, on the field of Ludlow, there is a sentimental value in the recommendation adopted instead that, no doubt, will be appreciated by the membership.

We wish to perpetuate the memory of those who died that the organization might live in Colorado and in the entire country.

Let us place that memorial upon every minute book of every local in the jurisdiction of the miners’ union. In subscribing a small sum to be expended in the erection of a fitting monument we recognize anew the bitter cost some were called upon to pay.

So many of us have fallen heir to the benefits that are derived from unionism. We have never learned to appreciate the cost of its up building and some of us may hold them lightly, and even so, the organization gained with sacrifice, struggle and pain, even unto death.

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