WE NEVER FORGET: Irish Rebel James Connolly, Executed at Kilmainham Goal on Friday May 12, 1916

It was a good clean fight.
The cause cannot die now.
-James Connolly

Irish Rebels, We Never Forget James Connolly, May 12, 1916



Irish Rebels of 1916, James Connolly

During the Easter Rising, James Connolly served as Vice-President of the Irish Republic and Commandant-General of the Dublin Division of the Army of the Irish Republic. He was severely wounded during the fighting at the General Post Office and was carried from there on a stretcher. He was taken from his hospital bed on May 12, 1916, placed in chair because he could not stand, and executed by firing squad.


Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Recalls James Connolly

That fall [1910] James Connolly came to say goodbye to our family. He had been called back to Ireland and was glad to go. He said he was not sorry he had come to America and not sorry to leave. Movements were on foot to organize industrial unions in Ireland. We sat and talked quite a while. The baby was very fretful that day. Connolly, who was well experienced with babies, having had seven, took the baby from me, laid him face down across his knees and patted his back until he burped soundly and then went to sleep. We all felt very sorry to see Connolly go. His family left shortly afterward-the older children not too willingly. This was the last time I saw this good friend.


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