Hellraisers Journal: Sensation Created in Utah As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys and Mrs. Stephen Arrives to Assist Defense


Quote Joe Hill, Poor Ragged Tramp, Sing One Song, LRSB 5th ed, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 22, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah -As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys; Mrs. Stephen Comes to His Aid

The State of Utah vs. Joseph Hillstrom

Virginia Snow Stephen

The Ogden Standard reports that “sensation after sensation piled up [Friday] in the Joseph Hillstrom murder trial.” These “sensations” were, apparently, the firing by Joe Hill of his attorneys, Scott and McDougall, along with the appearance in court of two women, “each shrouded in mystery.” The Standard was unable to identify one of the mysterious women, but the other was identified as Mrs. Virginia Snow Stephen, educator and “daughter of the late President Lorenzo Snow of the Mormon church.” Mrs. Stephen has become interested in the case of Joe Hill, believing him to be innocent of the crime of murder for which he is on trial for his life. Through the assistance of Mrs. Stephen, Attorney Soren X. Christensen will now be conducting the defense of Fellow Worker Joe Hill.

From The Ogden Standard of June 20, 1914:


Salt Lake. June 20.-Sensation after sensation piled up yesterday in the Joseph Hillstrom murder trial before Judge M. L. Ritchie in the district court.

Hillstrom discharged his own attorneys, F. B. Scott and E. D. McDougall, in open court, declaring they were in league with the district attorney and that he could conduct his own defense better than they. He re-engaged them in the afternoon, and Soren X. Chrlstensen also was entered as associate counsel, representing Judge Hilton of Denver, the famous labor advocate.

Two women entered the case yesterday, each shrouded in mystery, which counsel for the defense could not or would not clear up.

One is Mrs. Virginia Snow Stephen who is prominent in educational, social and art circles. Mrs. Stephen, who is a daughter of the late President Lorenzo Snow of the Mormon church, has long been connected with the art department of the University of Utah, and stands exceptionally high as an instructor. Mrs Stephen, it is said, has never seen Hillstrom, but has become so firmly convinced of his innocence that she will endeavor, while taking her vacation in the east, to raise funds for his defense.

Convinced of Innocence

“The man who wrote the songs and composed the music that Joseph Hillstrom has, simply could not be guilty of so brutal a murder as the killing of the Morrisons,” Mrs Stephens told F B. Scott, of the defense, before she left for the east.

Discussing the interest that Mrs. Stephen has displayed in the case, Mr Scott said yesterday:

Mrs Stephen came to my office some time ago and talked to me about the Hillstrom case. I did not know her until she introduced herself but she seemed greatly interested in Hillstrom’s defense. She said she had never seen Hillstrom but that she could not believe the man guilty from what she had read and heard of the case. She appeared eager to render any assistance in her power She told me that she was going east for her vacation and that she intended raising funds, if possible, while absent to assist Hillstrom in getting his case properly before the courts. At that time, I might add, we did not know that Hillstrom would be called for trial at so early a date.

“Mrs. Stephen also asked me if I would like to have assistance in the case and I told her I would. Having been informed that she intended stopping in Denver, on her way to the east, I suggested that she might see Judge O. N Hilton, the noted labor advocate in Denver who was associated with me in the Sorensen case. That she saw Judge Hilton is evidenced by the telegram which came to Soren X Christensen today.”

Attorney O. N Hilton, when interviewed in Denver last night regarding the connection of Mrs. Virginia Stephen with the Hillstrom murder case, said:

I know nothing of Mrs Stephens further than that she stated to me that she represented the defense committee of the I W. W. She was anxious, she said, to see that Hillstrom secured justice, and in case he was convicted by a jury in the present trial she wanted to be assured that he would secure a new trial and, if necessary, carry the case to the highest court. I was unable, by reason of other duties, to represent Hillstrom, and recommended Attorney Soren X. Christensen of Salt Lake, who is now conducting Hillstrom’s defense.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Sensation Created in Utah As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys and Mrs. Stephen Arrives to Assist Defense”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Delivers Talk to Packed House in Duluth, Minnesota, and Is Greeted With Rising Cheer


Quote EVD, Socialist Ripe Trade Unionist, WLUC p45, May 31, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 21, 1914
Duluth, Minnesota – Debs Speaks to Packed House, Supports Colorado Miners

From The Labor World of June 20, 1914:

Socialist Apostle At His Best In Speech
Last Monday Night At Auditorium

The Only Political Party Which Aids
Workmen on Strike Says Debs.

EVD, LW p1, Aug 30, 1902

Before an enthusiastic audience of close to 2,500 people, Eugene V. Debs of Terre Haute, delivered a most powerful address in behalf of the striking miners in Colorado and the socialist movement, of which he is recognized as America’s most forcible exponent, last Monday night at the Auditorium. To the discredit of the Duluth dailies very little notice was given to the reading public of this meeting.

When Mr. Debs entered the hall he was greeted with a rising cheer from the audience, which lasted fully five minutes.

Debs Introduced.

W. E. Towne the socialist candidate for congressman at the primary election acted as chairman and introduced the speaker as “the most loved and the most hated man in the United States.”

In opening his address, Mr. Debs pointed out the evolution in society, stating that “never in the world’s history has their been a self governing people. Aristocracy, monarchy and republic have all been governed by a minority. The working class has always been in some form of slavery or servitude.”

“Capitalism,” he declared, “must be abolished” before real democracy can be realized. Lawrence, Patterson, Little Falls, Calumet and Ludlow were cited as glaring instances of the impossibility of a further continuance of the capitalist system. The strikes of the workers at the various cities were spoken of as being lessons to the working class. “No strike has ever been lost,” said Mr. Debs. “The working class must free themselves from their bondage, and to accomplish this freedom they must unite in their industrial and political organizations regardless of nationality, creed, sex, or color.”

The Workers Being Educated.

The working class is educating itself. They are developing their own thinkers. There is nothing more glorious than a thinker in overalls. Emerson once said that “when a thinker acts the earth trembles.” The working class now beginning to think the world is being shaken to its foundations

Speaking of the socialist party he characterized it as the greatest political movement in the world. “Its final triumph is assured.” This coming triumph he declared, may be “hastened or retarded but cannot be prevented.”

That socialist speakers and adherents of the party are vilified to-day was not at all deplored by the speaker. The American patriots of the Revolution were slandered by the ruling class of their day. Such men as Samuel Adams, Thos. Paine and Patrick Henry were mentioned among the many. A glowing tribute was paid to Thos. Paine, the greatest of America’s patriots, who has been slandered and vilified for many years.

Urges Affiliation.

Mr. Debs urged upon all workers, affiliation with the socialist party. He said, “a worker in the republican party is as much out of place as John D. Rockefeller would be in the socialist party. Rockefeller knows why he is a socialist but you don’t know why you are not.”

The crimes at Ludlow were graphically portrayed by the speaker. Louis Tikkas [Tikas], the Greek miner who was murdered in cold blood by gunmen, who Debs said, “are men with the heart of hyenas and the conscience of a rattle-snake,” was spoken of as a hero.

Ben Lindsey, who visited President Wilson in an effort to adjust the struggle in Colorado was referred to by the speaker as a truthful man.

The system of society which allows a title deed to stand between the welfare of the people and the interests in control of the resources of wealth was severely criticized. “Rockefeller could have prevented Ludlow by one word. The blood of Ludlow is not only on his head but also on his hands. When Rockefeller stated that his conscience was clear then he showed he has no conscience. When Rockefeller testified that only ten percent of the miners wanted to strike, he lied,” said Debs.

Objections Answered.

Mr. Debs briefly referred to those speakers who are going around the country lecturing against the socialist movement.

The socialist does not propose to break up the home but on the contrary hopes to make the real home a possibility for the working class. When they tell you socialism will rob you of your religion, they lie, I should like to meet one of these gentlemen before a working class audience for about five minutes and I would tear him to tatters.

The socialist party is the only party that supports the working class when on strike, continued the speaker. The party sent $40,000 to the Michigan miners, and five carloads of food and three carloads of clothing.

The future was referred to as the coming ideal of man. The address was closed admist deafening applause with Ingersoll’s “Vision of the Future.”

[Photograph and emphasis added]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Delivers Talk to Packed House in Duluth, Minnesota, and Is Greeted With Rising Cheer”

Hellraisers Journal: John D. Rockefeller Jr. Remains Firm, Will Not Agree to Mediation in Colorado Coalfield Strike; Mother Jones Ends Tour of Vancouver Island Coal Camps


Quote John D Rockefeller Jr, Great Principle, WDC Apr 6, 1914, US House Com p2874—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 20, 1914
Rockefeller Refuses Mediation in Colorado Strike; Mother Jones Leaves Canada

From the Appeal to Reason of May 23, 1914
“The Oil of Rockefeller” by Ryan Walker

Oil of Rockefeller by Ryan Walker, AtR p2, May 23, 1914

From the Chicago Day Book of June 15, 1914
-Rockefeller Jr. Remains Firm, Will Not Agree to Mediation:


Washington, June 15.-A military receivership to compulsory arbitration faces the Rockefellers and allied interests in the Colorado coal fields. Aroused by the belligerent brief of the mine operators submitted to the House mines committee, members declared Pres. Wilson will be forced to one of the above extremes to settle the civil war now dormant under orders from federal troops.

Congress, Colorado state officials and the United Mine Workers were bitterly attacked in the brief. Lawless agitation throughout the country lamented. Congress was charged with showing extreme favoritism to “Mother” Jones, a strike leader. The operators showed no signs of agreeing to mediation. Everything in the brief was a reiteration of the position of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., before the House committee that the Rockefellers would lose every cent invested in Colorado before they would yield to the union demands.

[Emphasis added.]

From the Santa Cruz Evening News of June 15, 1914
-Mother Jones Ends Tour of British Columbia Coal Camps:


SEATTLE, June 15.-“Mother” Mary Jones, organizer of the United Mine Workers of America, is on her way to New York [Indianapolis], under orders from the general officers of her union.

Her tour of the British Columbia coal camps was without special incident, except that at Ladysmith [where miners are on strike] the mayor forbade her to speak in the city limits and she held a meeting outside.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: John D. Rockefeller Jr. Remains Firm, Will Not Agree to Mediation in Colorado Coalfield Strike; Mother Jones Ends Tour of Vancouver Island Coal Camps”

Hellraisers Journal: Salt Lake City, Utah-Jury Seated; Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill


Quote, Workingmen Unite, Joe Hill, Cry for Justice, p707, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 19, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill

From The Salt Lake Tribune of June 14, 1914:


Joe Hill wiki

Though two new jurors were obtained yesterday in the case of Joseph Hillstrom, charged with the murder of J. G. Morrison, one of the jurors obtained previously was excused by the court, leaving a gain of but one. There are now eight jurors sworn in.

Thomas Flowers, who was sworn in Friday night as the seventh juror, was excused by Judge M. L. Ritchie on a showing that a baby had come to his house and that the mother was very ill.

The new jurors obtained yesterday are Charles J. Ernshaw, of Brighton, and Rudolph Boss, of Salt Lake.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Salt Lake City, Utah-Jury Seated; Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill”

WE NEVER FORGET Fellow Worker Joe Hill Unjustly Imprisoned by the State of Utah, January 1914-November 1915


Workers of the World Awaken by Joe Hill, LRSB Memorial 9th Edition, Cleveland 1916—————

We Never Forget Rebel Songwriter Joe Hill
Imprisoned by the State of Utah from January 1914-November 1915

Photographic timeline of the last two years of the life of Fellow Worker Joe Hill:

January 15, 1914, Salt Lake Tribune
-Joe Hillstrom [Joe Hill], wounded man, arrested in connection with Morrison murders.

Joe Hill, Joseph Hillstrom, SL Tb p1, Jan 15, 1914

January 11, 1914, Salt Lake Tribune
-John G. Morrison, grocer, and son, Arling, murdered night of January 10th.

John G. Morrison and son murdered Jan 10th Salt Lake City UT, SL Tb 1, Jan 11, 1914

Continue reading “WE NEVER FORGET Fellow Worker Joe Hill Unjustly Imprisoned by the State of Utah, January 1914-November 1915”

Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill on Trial for His Life in Salt Lake City, Utah


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 13, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Joe Hill on Trial for Murder on Circumstantial Evidence

State of Utah vs. Joseph Hillstrom

Joe Hill, Joseph Hillstrom on day of arrest, SL Tb 1, Jan 15, 1914
Joe Hill on Day of Arrest

Joe Hill, famous I. W. W. songwriter, went on trial June 10th in Salt Lake City, Utah. Fellow Worker Joe Hill is on trial for his life, having been charged with the murder of J. G. Morrison who was shot and killed, along with his son, during the robbery of his grocery store on the night of January 10, 1914. Joe Hill was arrested three days later. He pleaded “Not Guilty” on January 22nd to the charge of murder in the case of J. G. Morrison. Hill has been in the Salt Lake County Jail since his arrest.

District Attorney E. O. Leatherwood admits that all of the evidence against Joe Hill is circumstantial, but states that he will prove Hill’s guilt through a chain of circumstantial facts: 1). that a tall man in the company of a short man were seen near the store just before the murder of Morrison, 2). that Hill was that tall man, 3). that Morrison’s son fired at the men and wounded Hill, who then shouted that he had been shot, 4). that Hill was treated shortly thereafter for a gunshot wound, 5). that Hill was carrying a gun of the same type used in the murder while at the doctor’s office.

Joe has strenuously denied any involvement in this brutal double murder. He states that he was shot by a friend during an argument over a woman known to both of them. He states that he is confident that he will be acquitted. Others are not so sure, pointing out that Fellow Worker Joe Hill has already been found guilty of being a member of the Industrial Workers of the World.

From The Voice of the People of May 21, 1914:


The following letter is published at the request of Fellow-worker Ed. Rowan, Secretary L. U. 69:                                                     

SALT LAKE CITY. May 2. 1914.

Voice of the People, New Orleans, La.:

Gentlemen–On January 10th, 1914, J. G. Morrison, ex-policeman, was shot at 9:31 p. m. in his grocery store by two masked men, in Salt Lake City, Utah. His son was also shot, but is supposed to have wounded one of the men first. Another son claims to have heard the shots and reached the store just as the masked men were running away.

Four days later at the house of his friends, seven miles front Salt Lake City, Joe Hill was arrested on information of a Dr. Bird, who drove him to Eselius’ home about 11:30 p. m. the night of the murder. Hill stated to the doctor who attended him that he had been shot at the house of a friend because the friend thought he had insulted his wife and that he did not want anything said as he knew the friend did not mean it.

Another son of the dead man claims to have identified Hill. Yet as the men were masked I don’t think much of the identification. We are defending him, but he states that he does not wish to involve his girl friend and will not state who shot him nor her name.

The main thing the State has against Hill is that he is an I. W. W. and therefore sure to be guilty. Hill tried to keep the I. W. W. out of it and denied it, but the papers fastened it on him. For this reason he is entitled to be helped and not allowed to hang for being an I. W. W. Every man is presumed to be innocent till proved guilty. It should not he necessary for him to prove his innocence, and it would not be if he was not an I. W. W.

Scott and MacDougall, per Scott.
(Attorneys for Joe Hill)

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill on Trial for His Life in Salt Lake City, Utah”

Hellraisers Journal: It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of corporations that is silent, not noisy like the violence they promote.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado


Quote KE Linderfelt re Damn Red Neck Bitches of Ludlow Massacre, Apr 20, 1914, CIR p7378—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 8, 1914
New York City – Judge Lindsey Continues Before Commission on Industrial Relations

From the Washington Evening Star of May 21, 1914:

Rep Keating Judge Lindsey, Rep Kent, Mrs Lindsey, Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Mary Thomas, Mrs Lee Champion, Rachel Thomas, Olga Thomas
Rep. Keating, Judge Ben Lindsey, Rep. Kent, Mrs. Lindsey,
Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Mary Thomas,
Mrs. Lee Champion, Rachel and Olga Thomas

New York, New York, May 28, 1914

Judge Lindsey testified before the Commission on Industrial Relations during the afternoon session of May 28th. Present were Chairman Walsh, and Commissioners Ballard, O’Connell, Lennon, Garretson, and Harriman.

[Judge Lindsey continues:] It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of capital, the violence of corporations, that is silent, if you please, and not noisy like the violence they promote. I think, therefore, that they owe it to our people to consent to the appointment by the President of a board of arbitration, who will go out there and investigate those conditions and listen to both sides, and both sides being willing, assuming, of course, the board is fair and just and acceptable to both sides, to abide by the decision they may come to. And I think a great mistake is being made by the powers that control the industrial government of this country, the seat of which is here in New York, and is as superior to the President of the United States, unless he is willing to exert himself in spite of it, as the boss over the employee in a factory. That is my view of it.

And being in that position, knowing that they have said, or claimed, to have the Constitution back of them, certain laws back of them that were primarily designed for property, they owe it to our people to concede, to give, if you please, some of this terrific power by consenting to this board, and letting them, so far as it is possible, at least, for temporary purposes, to adjust the difficulties up there and to relieve our people of the passion into which they have been plunged, but the fact that when these Federal troops were withdrawn, if they are, because of this condition that has grown up for years and years, beginning with the corporations themselves, their own lawlessness, will be too much, and there is a possibility of the repetition of Ludlow unless the President will keep the Federal troops there, and to bring about any sort of settlement, go a step further and appoint this industrial commission, and if both sides do not consent to this arbitration, then it is our contention, in the interests of peace, because of the military necessities of the case, because a republican form of government, with the confession of the governor of the State, has broken down in Colorado and the Constitution says the Federal Government shall guarantee us a republican form of government, that he would be justified in taking some means, even though they be forcible, to compel those who refuse to arbitrate to consent to arbitration.

Now, that is the feeling of many of our people and I speak that feeling. I am not here to speak on behalf of the militia, I am not here to speak on behalf of the mine owners. I am not here to-day to speak on behalf of the mine workers. I am simply here to voice my feelings, after years of experience, being down in the midst, knowing both sides, understanding their viewpoint, to make clear to you, as an industrial commission, in a general way, some of the conditions that have existed in our State and that exist in other States, that have brought about these results, in order that, in time if not now, there may be one result—an investigation like this, and that will begin to tackle conditions and tackle causes that make for these effects, and I would feel false in my duty to the children of my State and the children of this country if I did not take a bigger opportunity for this problem than merely sitting behind a desk and trying the immediate troubles of children. I have done that for 14 years, and I have looked into the faces of these children, and I have tried to think and find out why do boys do bad things? Why do girls do bad things? And I think I have found out. And I look at it and then I ask myself, why do men do bad things? And the reason in the one case is largely the reason in the other; it is the condition, in a large measure, not altogether, say, the environment, their viewpoint.

My plea is for a better understanding of these questions. Therefore I thought if I came over to New York after the President of the United States had given us a most courteous hearing, that Mr. Rockefeller himself would be willing to see me and permit me to present this phase of the situation. But after a courteous request for that privilege he has refused, not only to see me, but while I am of no particular consequence perhaps, I think it is of great consequence that he should have heard the miners’ wives whom you courteously and kindly and considerately heard here yesterday, whom the President of United States heard, because, I contend that when men receive profits or have possessions that promise profits, they haven’t any right to take the impersonal view that he takes, and deny any responsibility. Kings have gone down among their people, even in the days of the old feudalists, or even in modern conditions, we have known of kings going among their people and lending them succor and help and not being so impersonal and above them that they would not listen to their woes and troubles and miseries, and be willing to lend something of themselves to really find the cause of these things, and help to solve them, and surely Mr. Rockefeller is no bigger than the President of the United States. He isn’t any bigger than kings, who have done it.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of corporations that is silent, not noisy like the violence they promote.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: It is not an act of civilized warfare to turn machine guns upon women and children.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado


Quote Pearl Jolly, Ludlow Next Time, Women Will Fight, Tacoma Tx p3, May 25, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 7, 1914
New York City – Judge Lindsey Testifies Before Commission on Industrial Relations

LoC, Lindsey and Ludlow Women 1, WDC May 21, 1914
Mrs. Lindsey, Judge Lindsey, Mary Petrucci, Mary Thomas, Pearl Jolly,
Mrs. Lee Champion, Olga and Rachael Thomas
On Thursday May 28th, Judge Lindsey of Colorado appeared before the Commission on Industrial Relations. The previous week, Judge Lindsey had escorted miners’ wives, survivors of the Ludlow Massacre, to the White House for an interview with President Wilson.

In his testimony before the Commission, the Judge spoke about the plight of women and children when their husbands and fathers die on the job. He describe how the “industrial government” of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company dictates to every branch of the state and county governments in Colorado, and, that that “industrial government” is dictated to from the federal “industrial government” in New York City.

Of the Ludlow Massacre, Judge Lindsey stated:

It is not an act of civilized warfare, if you please, to turn machine  guns and rifles upon a tent colony in which it is known by those who are responsible  and those who do the deed that there are defenseless women and children.

Judge Lindsey testified during the afternoon session of May 28th. Present were Chairman Walsh, and Commissioners Ballard, O’Connell, Lennon, Garretson, and Harriman.  We present the first part of the testimony below, and will publish the rest of the testimony tomorrow.


Mr. Thompson. Now, just for the purpose of making our record, l will ask you a few preliminary questions. Your name?
Judge Lindsey. My name is Ben B. Lindsey.
Mr. Thompson. Your address?
Judge Lindsey. Denver, Colo.
Mr. Thompson. And your profession or-
Judge Lindsey. l am a lawyer, a judge on the bench, and have been for 15 years or thereabouts, in the city of Denver.
Mr. Thompson. Now, you may go on with your story.
Judge Lindsey. l will try, Mr. Chairman, to make my story as connected as possible; but unless l should be misunderstood, I first wish to make a statement as to the statement made by the gentleman who has preceded me [Major Boughton], which l think is a good illustration of much of the misunderstanding which grows out of an unfortunate situation like that which you are asked to hear some evidence about. He read from a newspaper saying that a Mr. Lord, representing the miners, had stated that there were 2.000 men, miners, and if necessary there would be 50,000 more ready to resist the militia. The gentleman did not state what Mr. Lord said, neither did the newspapers that he read from state what Mr. Lord said. Mr. Lord said, for l was present when he said, that if the tactics pursued by certain men in the militia that brought about the murders, as he expressed it and claimed, of women and children were repeated in Colorado that there were in that case 2,000 men who had red blood enough in their veins to resist that sort of encroachment under whatever name it might be called, and that there were 50,000 men in this country who were willing to join.

Now, that is an entirely different statement from that which the gentleman read and the statement which he would have this commission to believe is true. I merely mention it as a good illustration of how Mr. Lawson could have been misquoted and misrepresented by the paper from which he [the witness BoughtonJ read.

l have talked personally with Mr. Lawson within the last fortnight or so,  just before I left Denver. I have talked with Mr. Lawson in the presence of men of the most radical type, who proposed or suggested things that I have heard Mr. Lawson fight against and talk against, and the statements made to me by Mr. Lawson are quite contradictory of the statement the gentleman read from the newspaper purporting to be made by Mr. Lawson. Since I left Denver and since I have been in this city I  have found myself misquoted on several different occasions and things put into my mouth that l never said, things put into my mouth that I could not have said; and I wish to state to this commission, because of this fact of which I am a witness, having heard Mr. Lord, that it go very slow in accepting statements made in the newspapers.

I  have a statement in the Pueblo Chieftain of May 3 that I could offer to this commission, two or three columns, in which it is stated that a certain prominent citizen, of Colorado said that the thing to be done with men like myself was that they should be killed—k-i-l-l-e-d-. I am not going to claim that those men who are making inflammatory statements of that kind are trying to stir up a sentiment among certain individuals that will bring about my own murder, yet that will be found in the Pueblo Chieftain of May 3, which is supposed to be the official organ, in so far as they have any official organ, of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. Now, so much for that. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: It is not an act of civilized warfare to turn machine guns upon women and children.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: “Two days following the Ludlow massacre I came upon the ruins of the tent colony.”-Clara Ruth Mozzor


Quote KE Linderfelt re Damn Red Neck Bitches of Ludlow Massacre, Apr 20, 1914, CIR p7378—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 6, 1914
Clara Ruth Mozzor Describes Ruins of Ludlow Two Days After Massacre

From the International Socialist Review of June 1914:

The following article is written with deep feeling by Clara Ruth Mozzor who was present at the death-pit as the bodies of the women and children were recovered from the Black Hole of Ludlow:

Ludlow How About It Rockefellers by R Kirby, ISR p722, June 1914


By Clara Ruth Mozzor

TWO days following the Ludlow massacre I came upon the ruins of the tent colony. Ludlow was still a smoldering, smoking mass of ashes. What was once the homes of these men who had come across the seas to build for their wives and babies was now an aching desolation. I came to get at the bottom of the trouble that caused a colony in which there were women and children to be fired on by machine guns and soldiers’ rifles.

Waste and ruin, death and misery were the harvest of this war that was waged on helpless people. The ruthlessness of the steady fusillade of bullets from the machine guns turned against these people by the terrific force of capital in the human form of the inhuman octopus John D. Rockefeller, wiped out whole families, separated husbands and wives, mothers and babies and sent into the beyond little ones whose day of life was but a short time off.

Only a few weeks ago Ludlow was a colony of life. Eight American flags waved gladly in the air over its tents. Here was going on the making of Americans in this great western melting pot in the southern coal fields of Colorado.

And on these self-same ruins was enacted the most awful tragedy, the darkest chapter of American history, the Ludlow massacre when sleeping families were made the targets with which to break the backs of the strikers.

The very region of Ludlow is one of nature’s hell holes, full of its dark canyons and deep arroyos, its hills and mountains. And in these mountains, in these Black Hills are scattered the men. Many of them do not know where their families are. Some of the women and children are still in the friendly ranch houses, while most of them are in the shelter of Trinidad homes and refuges thrown open to them.

The entire southern district is in the throes of war. Not civil, but industrial warfare, that has made such a reign of terror as must forever remain a black spot in the history of the state and nation. Ludlow is not the beginning of this war of desolation and sorrow. Seven months ago the union men went on strike. They demanded many things, but they were willing to waive them all should they only be given the recognition of their union.

Today in Ludlow stalks the spirit of the dead, the massacred and the slaughtered. Mothers with babies at their breasts and babies at their skirts and mothers with babies yet unborn were the targets of this modern warfare. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Two days following the Ludlow massacre I came upon the ruins of the tent colony.”-Clara Ruth Mozzor”