Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June and July 1912: Found in West Virginia Standing with Striking Coal Miners of Kanawha County


Quote Mother Jones, Life Work Mission, WV Cton Gz, June 11, 1912, per ISR p648, Mar 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 16, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June and July 1912
Found in West Virginia Standing with Striking Miners of Kanawah County

From The Sacramento Star of June 3, 1912:

Mother Jones on Train, Sac Str p1, June 3, 1912

Mother Jones has forwarded $800 from Montana to the Harriman shop strikers. Seven hundred of this was donated, in response to her earnest appeal, by unions of coal miners, and the remainder came from mill and smeltermen, machinists and other crafts. How persistent has been her work tor the System Federation is seen in her statement that she refused to accept less than $250 from the union of miners at Roundup, and their $100 donation was sent through their international office. Butte metal miners gave $300 some time ago.

[She writes in a characteristic letter to President E. L. Reguin and Secretary John Scott of the System Federation:]

If the men had been working regularly in the coal mines, I could have gathered up very much more. However, the whole thing shows the disposition of the men to aid each other in the struggle, which counts to me very much more than the finances,

I shall leave in a few days for West Virginia, to take up the battle there. It is a dangerous field, and many of us who go in there are more than likely never to come out, but what difference does that make so long as we are carrying on the industrial battle, and flaunting in the face of the foe the red flag of industrial freedom? There must be sacrifices made, and there must be martyrs. That state and Alabama must be organized within the next few years.

Tell my boys of the Federation it matters not where I go, I shall keep up the fight against oppression and wrong. Men, women and children must be free, and sentiment will never free them. Those who are grounded in the philosophy of the class struggle must go forth and give battle to the well-entrenched foe.

Tell the boys to keep up the fight. It is far better to die fighting and suffering than to remain slaves.


From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of June 6, 1912:


A conference of all the officers of the different districts of the United Mine Workers of America of the Rocky Mountain Jurisdiction, was held Monday in Butte, Mont. Plans were laid for more thorough organization, and for active assistance to employers of union labor in the matter of securing increased sale of union-mined coal. “Mother” Jones addressed the meeting and left Monday night for West Virginia.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June and July 1912: Found in West Virginia Standing with Striking Coal Miners of Kanawha County”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs, S.P.A. Presidential Candidate, Speaks at Grand Socialist Picnic in Pennsylvania


Quote EVD, SPA Campaign Opens, Riverview Park, Chicago, June 16, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 30, 1912
Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa. – Debs and Seidel Speak at Interstate Socialist Picnic

From The Coming Nation of July 27, 1912:

EVD Speaks Cascade Park, New Castle PA June 22, 1912, Cmg Ntn p9, July 27, 1912

Note: Photograph was taken June 22, 1912 at Cascade Park, New Castle, Pennsylvania, at the Grand Interstate Socialist Picnic. Speakers included Eugene Debs and Emil Seidel, candidates for President and Vice-President, Socialist Party of America. Transportation was provided from as far away as Pittsburgh.  

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs, S.P.A. Presidential Candidate, Speaks at Grand Socialist Picnic in Pennsylvania”

Hellraisers Journal: UMW Organizer Mike Livoda Warned to Leave Colorado, Beaten and Terrorized at Huerfano County


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 4, 1912
Mike Livoda, Organizer for U. M. W. A., Beaten in Huerfano County, Colorado

Affidavit of Mike Livoda
-Sworn to on June 20, 1912, at Las Animas County: 

Affidavit Las Animas Co CO, Mike Livoda Beaten on 13th at Huerfano Co, Sworn to on June 20, 1912

From the Denver Post of June 27, 1912:

Other Authorities Fail to File in
Assault and Robbery Case.

Governor Shafroth has been reminded that when a county prosecuting officer fails to do his duty when facts are presented sufficient to make a prima facie case the attorney general of the state can step in and personally take charge of the prosecution. When Attorney General Benjamin Griffith returns Friday he will be instructed by the governor to proceed against the five men who dragged Michael Livoda, organizer for the United Mine Workers of America, from his bed, robbed him of his union papers and ordered him to leave Walsenburg and Colorado.

John McLennan and John R. Lawson, in charge of the organization of miners, made the request that the state executive take action after District Attorney McHenry of Las Animas county failed to act. Deputy District Attorney Undershot, at Walsenburg, also refused to cause the arrest of the accused men.

McLennan and Lawson gave the names of these men to Governor Shafroth to turn over to the attorney general for prosecution: Charles A Kaiser, assistant superintendent of the Walsen mine; Deputy Sheriff Carr, stationed at the Walsen mine; James Farr, deputy sheriff, stationed at the Ravenwood mine, where Livoda was beaten, and a nephew of Sheriff Jefferson Farr; John Neish, superintendent of the Ravenwood mine, and Joseph Watson, guard at the Ravenwood mine. They claim to have witnesses to prove the five men guilty of the assault and robbery

Livoda was asleep in the house of a friend on the night of June 13 when five men entered the place, went through his clothes, took all union documents, marched him through the camp with mouth bound so he could not cry out, and when he reached the open country turned him loose after firing four shots and threatening to kill him if he came back.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: UMW Organizer Mike Livoda Warned to Leave Colorado, Beaten and Terrorized at Huerfano County”

Hellraisers Journal: From Regeneración: Nuestros Hermanos Condenados a Un Ano, Once Meses de Prision en McNeil Island


Quote R Magon Viva Tierra y Libertad, Regen p2, May 13, 1911

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 30, 1912
Los Angeles, California – Mexican Comrades Sentence to Nearly Two Years
-Ricardo and Enrique Flores Magón, Librado Rivera, and Anselmo L. Figueroa

From Regeneración of June 29, 1912:

RnE Magon Rivera Figueroa Sentenced to Two Years, Regeneracion p1n4, June 29, 1912


A Todos Nuestros Companeros Vamos Tranquilos, Regeneracion p1, June 29,1912


English Section re Mexican Comrades Magon etc to McNeil Prison, Regeneracion p4, June 29, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Regeneración: Nuestros Hermanos Condenados a Un Ano, Once Meses de Prision en McNeil Island”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: Strikers Along Paint Creek Are Standing Firm; Union Ranks Remain Intact


Quote Mother Jones on Swearing & Praying, UMWC 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 28, 1912
Paint Creek District, West Virginia – Striking Miners Standing Firm

From The Wheeling Majority of June 27, 1912:

Miners Strike In Kanawha Valley

(By G. H. Edmunds)

West Virginia Miner, Evansville IN Press, Feb 20, 1907

Charleston, W. Va., June 24.—(Special)—After two months and one week of striking, the miners along Paint Creek and other places on strike, are standing firm. No desertions from the union ranks whatsoever.

This strike was forced upon the miners by the Paint Creek operators refusing to concede the same raise in wages that was granted by the other operators. The miners agreed early in March to work after April 1st, pending a settlement of the wage question, and the operators agreed to pay to them whatever scale was agreed upon, from the first of April. One-half of the Cleveland agreement was agreed upon, and three of the largest operators in the valley have refused to pay the scale.

They [the operators] at once resorted to the armed thug, and political tools some times called sheriffs and since the inauguration of the strike, one defenseless foreigner has been killed, one negro miner shot, and scores of men, women and children beaten, intimidated and insulted by this gang of gun men.

It is a disgrace upon the county of Kanawha and the state of West Virginia that such crimes could happen right under the “shadow of the dome” of the state capital, and the Honorable Governor at Chicago, singing for Roosevelt, and the high sheriff there also, joining in the chorus, while the poor common people are being killed, beaten, intimidated and exploited, and the Governor and sheriff thoroughly familiar with the entire situation, yet they refuse to prevent this continual violation of law and society, yet they are all lined up for Teddy.

No miner in this state can afford to vote for such politicians as these men…

On June 12th, the grand jury of Kanawha county returned indictments against eight Baldwin Feltz guards for first degree murder, in connection with their killing of the Italian miner [Donato di Pietro] at Wancomah, on June 4th. The 12th was on Wednesday, and the sheriff’s office made no attempt to apprehend or arrest these indicted mine guards until the following Monday, or on the 17th.

Yet six miners that were put in jail by these same guards, without the formality of a trial, were kept there, although the grand jury could find no indictment against them. Now Mr. Glasscock [Governor of West Virginia], did you not swear that you would see that the laws were strictly enforced? Please let us know under what law are these poor miners being kept in jail?

In the fact of all these hardships the miners are going to win this strike. Large mass meetings are being held daily all over the field to enlist support for the people on strike. Sunday there was a large meeting at Plymouth, in the south end of the field, and at Cedar Grove, in the central part of the Valley, and also on Paint Creek, up amongst the miners on strike.

Each week sees a new victory for the strikes. First was the winning Winnifrede. Next the complete victory of the men on Morris Creek. Next was the last past week we had two places on the Ohio river to sign up, making four victories of which we have a right to feel proud. Another gratifying condition, at this time is we are getting the miners to stand up for their rights in the courts, and by persistent fighting we are winning here and there. Organizer No. 3 has adopted a unique way of advertising the strike, by printing one thousand placards which reads as follows: 

To all miners and other Workmen

You are hereby notified to stay away from Burnwell, Waucoma, Standard, Mucklow, Mahan, Hickory camp Tomsburg and Banner, all on Paint Creek in Kanawha county. West Va. Also from Cole river and Fort Defiance, as there is a strike of the union miners at each of these places. If you are not a strike breaker, please stay away.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Wheeling Majority: Strikers Along Paint Creek Are Standing Firm; Union Ranks Remain Intact”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign with Speech at Chicago’s Riverview Park, Part II



Hellraisers Journal – Thursday June 20, 1912
Riverview Park, Chicago, Illinois – Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign

[Eugene V. Debs Speaks to Thousands at Grand Picnic
Sunday June 16, 1912 –
Full Text of Speech, Part II:]

Ad Socialist Picnic Riverview Park, Chicago, EVD to Speak, Inter Ocn p33, June 16, 1912The national convention of the Socialist Party recently held at Indianapolis was in all respects the greatest gathering of representative socialists ever held in the United States. The delegates there assembled demonstrated their capacity to deal efficiently with all the vital problems which confront the party. The convention was permeated in every fiber with the class-conscious, revolutionary spirit and was thoroughly representative of the working class. Every question that came before that body was considered and disposed of in accordance with the principles and program of the international movement and on the basis of its relation to and effect upon the working class.

The platform adopted by the convention is a clear and cogent enunciation of the party’s principles and a frank and forceful statement of the party’s mission. This platform embodies labor’s indictment of the capitalist system and demands the abolition of that system. It proclaims the identity of interests of all workers and appeals to them in clarion tones to unite for their emancipation. It points out the class struggle and emphasizes the need of the economic and political unity of the workers to wage that struggle to a successful issue. It declares relentless war upon the entire capitalist regime in the name of the rising working class and demands in uncompromising terms the overthrow of wage-slavery and the inauguration of industrial democracy.

In this platform of the Socialist Party the historic development of society is clearly stated and the fact made manifest that the time has come for the workers of the world to shake off their oppressors and exploiters, put an end to their age-long servitude, and make themselves the masters of the world.

To this end the Socialist Party has been organized; to this end it is bending all its energies and taxing all its resources; to this end it makes its appeal to the workers and their sympathizers throughout the nation.

In the name of the workers the Socialist Party condemns the capitalist system. In the name of freedom it condemns wage-slavery. In the name of modern industry it condemns poverty, idleness, and famine. In the name of peace it condemns war. In the name of civilization it condemns the murder of little children. In the name of enlightenment it condemns ignorance and superstition. In the name of the future it arraigns the past at the bar of the present, and in the name of humanity it demands social justice for every man, woman, and child.

The Socialist Party knows neither color, creed, sex, or race. It knows no aliens among the oppressed and downtrodden. It is first and last the party of the workers, regardless of their nationality, proclaiming their interests, voicing their aspirations, and fighting their battles.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign with Speech at Chicago’s Riverview Park, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign with Speech at Chicago’s Riverview Park, Part I


Quote EVD, SPA Campaign Opens, Riverview Park, Chicago, June 16, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday June 19, 1912
Riverview Park, Chicago, Illinois – Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign

[Eugene V. Debs Speaks to Thousands at Grand Picnic
Sunday June 16, 1912 –
Full Text of Speech, Part I:]

Ad Socialist Picnic Riverview Park, Chicago, EVD to Speak, Inter Ocn p33, June 16, 1912

Friends, Comrades, and Fellow-Workers:— We are today entering upon a national campaign of the profoundest interest to the working class and the country. In this campaign there are but two parties and but one issue. There is no longer even the pretense of difference between the so-called Republican and the so-called Democratic parties. They are substantially one in what they stand for. They are opposed to each other on no question of principle but purely in a contest for the spoils of office.

To the workers of the country these two parties in name are one in fact. They-or rather it-stands for capitalism, for the private ownership of the means of subsistence, for the exploitation of the workers, and for wage-slavery.

Both of these old capitalist class machines are going to pieces. Having outlived their time they have become corrupt and worse than useless and now present a spectacle of political degeneracy never before witnessed in this or any other country. Both are torn by dissension and rife with disintegration. The evolution of the forces underlying them is tearing them from their foundations and sweeping them to inevitable destruction.

We have before us in this capital at this hour an exhibition of capitalist machine politics which lays bare the true inwardness of the situation in the capitalist camp. Nothing that any Socialist has ever charged in the way of corruption is to be compared with what Taft and Roosevelt have charged and proved upon one another. They are both good Republicans, just as Harmon and Bryan are both good Democrats-and they are all agreed that socialism would be the ruination of the country.

Taft and Roosevelt in the exploitation of their boasted individualism and their mad fight for official spoils have been forced to expose the whole game of capitalist class politics and reveal themselves and the whole brood of capitalist politicians in their true role before the American people. They are all the mere puppets of the ruling class. They are literally bought, paid for, and owned, body and soul, by the powers that are exploiting this nation and enslaving and robbing its toilers.

What difference is there, judged by what they stand for, between Taft, Roosevelt, LaFollette, Harmon, Wilson, Clark, and Bryan?

Do they not all alike stand for the private ownership of industry and the wage slavery of the working class?

What earthly difference can it make to the millions of workers whether the Republican or Democratic political machine of capitalism is in commission?

That these two parties differ in name only and are one in fact is demonstrated beyond cavil whenever and wherever the Socialist Party constitutes a menace to their misrule. Milwaukee is a case in point and there are many others. Confronted by the Socialists these long pretended foes are forced to drop their masks and fly into each other’s arms.

The baseness, hypocrisy, and corruption of these twin political agencies of Wall Street and the ruling class cannot be expressed in words. The imagination is taxed in contemplating their crimes. There is no depth of dishonor to which they have not descended-no depth of depravity they have not sounded.

To the extent that they control elections the franchise is corrupted and the electorate debauched, and when they succeed to power, it is but to execute the will of the Wall Street interests which finance and control them. The police, the militia, the regular army, the courts, and all the powers lodged in class government are all freely at the service of the ruling class, especially in suppressing discontent among the slaves of the factories, mills, and mines, and keeping them safely in subjugation to their masters.

How can any intelligent, self-respecting wage worker give his support to either of these corrupt capitalist parties? The emblem of a capitalist party on a workingman is the badge of his ignorance, his servility and shame.

Marshaled in battle array against these corrupt capitalist parties is the young, virile, revolutionary Socialist Party, the party of the awakening working class, whose red banners, inscribed with the inspiring shibboleth of class-conscious solidarity, proclaim the coming triumph of international socialism and the emancipation of the workers of the world.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Opens Socialist Party Campaign with Speech at Chicago’s Riverview Park, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1912: Speaks in Anaconda, Montana, on Behalf of the Harriman Lines Shopmen’s Strike


Quote Mother Jones re Wealth Power Government, Anaconda Standard p5, May 4, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 16, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for May 1912
Found Speaking in Anaconda, Montana, on Behalf of the Shopmen’s Strike

From The Anaconda Standard of May 4, 1912:


Speaker is well known as strike aider and
advocate of labor unions in general
-Speaks on behalf of Southern Pacific men.

Mother Jones, Tacoma Tx p3, Feb 14, 1912

Mother Jones, the strike worker and speaker for labor unions, was in the city yesterday in the interest of the strikers on the Harriman lines. She addressed the members of the Mill and Smelter Men’s union at last night’s session. Mother Jones is known the world over. Last night she made a plea for the strikers on the Southern Pacific, stating that if this strike was lost it would be much harder to win the next. She said, in part:

I am here tonight in the interest of the strikers on the Harriman lines. From time immemorial all our wars were based on economic principles. It is a conflict between classes, and always has been. It is not a struggle between parties, it is class war. The great system you are grappling with the world has never known before. We are in the midst of a great industrial war such as the world has never seen before. Everything is changing; our newspapers, ideas, ways of living, ways of thinking and everything that is connected with us. What are our newspapers? Organs in the control of the ruling class.

We are producing more wealth today than ever before. We produce more wealth than ever did Rome or Greece. There is something wrong with the people when they let this wealth get in the hands of a few. Wealth is power, power rules, consequently we have a despotic government. The power is not in the government, but in Wall Street. The president who is elected is named two years before election by the banks on Wall street. The press is controlled by that power and it molds public opinion. The magazines are the same. Religion fits in with this system of the capitalists. You did not see any Salvation Army 60 years ago. It was not needed. The Salvation Army came with the controlling class. The same is true of the temperance movements. The controlling class needs these devices to keep the working class hypnotized so they cannot think. Everything is in conflict. We are all after the dollar. We betray ourselves for the dollar, as well as for a smile from the boss.

Mother Jones continued in a similar strain at some length. 


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for May 1912: Speaks in Anaconda, Montana, on Behalf of the Harriman Lines Shopmen’s Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: From Mother Earth, San Diego Edition: Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman Describe Brutal Cossack Regime


Quote re IWW FSF San Diego Tribune, Mar 4, 1912 fr Mother Earth p106, June 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 15, 1912
San Diego, California – Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman Report on Free Speech Fight

From Mother Earth of June 1912:

Mother Earth Cv IWW San Diego FSF Edition, June 1912


Mother Earth Contents p96, IWW San Diego FSF, June 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Mother Earth, San Diego Edition: Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman Describe Brutal Cossack Regime”