Hellraisers Journal: Lawrence Strikers Greet Bill Haywood with Wild Enthusiasm as Attempt at Settlement Falls Flat


Quote BBH Dream of One Big Union, Bst Glb p4, Jan 24, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday January 27, 1912
Lawrence, Massachusetts – Big Bill Haywood Arrives to Cheering Crowds

From The Boston Daily Globe of January 25, 1912:

HdLn Lawrence Attempt to Settle Strike Fizzles, Bst Glb p1, Jan 25, 1912

Lawrence BBH on Platform, Bst Glb p1, Jan 25, 1912


LAWRENCE, Jan 24-The first attempt to hold a conference between the striking employes of the textile industry and the mill owners and mill agents fizzled flat tonight.

The mill owners’ representatives did not all come to the meeting in City Hall. Nobody appeared for the Kunhardt, the Duck, the Pemberton nor the Arlington Mills. Of the seven men representing the other mills, all but two left almost immediately.

The strikers’ committee was then told that the mill agents who were there had not sufficient authority to treat with them. “We’re wasting our time,” said a strikers’ delegate and the strike committee adjourned to its own hall.


Lawrence BBH Hailed, Bst Glb p4, Jan 25, 1912

Greeting to Haywood.

In the meantime [while Ettor was in conference with the Mayor] the scenery was setting for the first big spectacular event of the day. For two hours the strikers and their sympathizers, with tour bands, were gathering at the North Lawrence Station to greet William D. Haywood, the famous labor agitator, whose coming has been so eagerly expected here.

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