Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 26, 1904
Telluride, Colorado – Union Men Dragged from Homes and Deported
From the American Labor Union Journal of March 24, 1904:
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 26, 1904
Telluride, Colorado – Union Men Dragged from Homes and Deported
From the American Labor Union Journal of March 24, 1904:
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 30, 1903
Cripple Creek, Colorado – General Bell Captures Town as Miners Marched to Court
Friday Sept. 18, was the day the prisoners [Messrs. Parker, Campbell, Lafferty and McKinney] were to be produced by the military. The writs issued by Judge Seeds being returnable on that date. Tom McClelland appeared in the district court that morning to represent Generals Chase and Bell, who were not present, and asked for a continuance of the habeas corpus cases for five days. This was refused by Judge Seeds, on the grounds that the respondents had made no return upon the writ, neither producing the prisoners in court, or showing cause why the order of the court had not been complied with. McClelland then stated to the court that if given until 2 o’clock in the afternoon, he would make a return on the writ and then argue the question of continuance.
When court convened at 10 o’clock McClelland arose and, with folded arms, addressed the court, stating that he represented the respondents, Chase and Bell, and on their behalf asked for a continuance. He said: “A great many question are involved in this case, and owing to the duties of the military camp I have not had the time to prepare such an answer as I would like to present to this court. Under this statute it is discretionary with the court to allow five days for an answer. I would, therefore, ask until Monday morning or longer to do so.”
General Eugene Engley, counsel for the prisoners, objected. He said: “There has not been sufficient showing to warrant the continuance sought by Brother McClelland. The statute is very clear on this point. It says that only upon the return of the writ a day shall be set for a hearing. A continuance must be made after a return of the writ, which has not been made. Whether an imprisonment has been made by the military forces or by civil officers, that person ought to know before making an arrest what is the authority for doing so, and he should be ready at any time to make a showing of his position.” McClelland said that upon the return that day the court might make an order for continuance, either for making a return or for a hearing.
John Murphy, general attorney for the Western Federation said: “The order of this court was to produce these prisoners. The respondents are in contempt because they have not done so, and have given no reason to the court why they have failed to produce the prisoners. Without warrants citizens of this commonwealth have been thrown into prison. The military is only the reserve police of the state, and cannot hold a man longer than absolutely necessary to take him before a magistrate.’’ The court said that section 2108 of the code contemplates a return of the parties to whom a writ is directed. He added: “That would be a foundation for the court to consider the questions at issue. Upon that the court would be advised that there are matters subject to trial. It would then be within the province of the court to fix a time for a hearing. Moreover, it is the judgment of the court that on a proper showing the time of the return may be extended, but that the showing must be one upon which the court should be advised that more time may be necessary. Mr. McClelland’s showing is not sufficient. It should be supported by facts and circumstances.”
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 7, 1909
Denver, Colorado – Monuments for Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated, Part II
From The Miners Magazine of August 5, 1909:
Monument to Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated July 24th.
[Part II]
—–Judge Hynes in a neat address then introduced John M. O’Neill, editor of the Miners’ Magazine, who delivered the following address:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of Organized Labor and Delegates to the Western Federation of Miners:
We have gathered here today to dedicate monuments to the memory of two men, who in life entwined themselves in the hearts of men and women who are scanning with yearning eyes the distant horizon and watching for the faint gleams of that glad morning that shall usher in a civilization that bequeathes to humanity the priceless heritage of industrial liberty. These monuments are the generous gifts of men who mourned the cruel summons of the grim messengers of death that snatched from life’s arena men whose deathless devotion and loyalty to the eternal principles of justice, made their names immortal in the labor movement of Western America. They did not come from the gory field of battle bearing victories that were baptized in human blood. They were not crowned with achievements won amid the fire and smoke of shot and shell, but they were soldiers in that great army of the world’s struggling millions that is slowly but surely marching onward toward the goal of economic freedom.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 6, 1909
Denver, Colorado – Monuments for Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated, Part I
From The Miners Magazine of August 5, 1909:
Monument to Murphy and Pettibone Dedicated July 24th.
[Part I]
—–On last Saturday afternoon the monuments erected to the memory of John H. Murphy and George A. Pettibone, were unveiled in the presence of more than 500 people who had gathered in Fairmont cemetery: The convention of the Western Federation of Miners adjourned at noon Saturday in order that the delegates might attend the dedication services in a body. At 2:15 p.m. the delegates left Denver in two special cars for the cemetery, followed by a special car containing members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen and another special car with members of the Granite Cutters’ Union. When the special cars reached the cemetery, the monuments were already surrounded by many of the friends of the departed and at 4 o’clock, Judge W. F. Hynes, who was master of ceremonies, addressed the gathering and paid eloquent tributes to the men who had proven their loyalty to the principles of organized labor. Judge Hynes then introduced A. H. Hawley, general secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, who spoke as follows:
One thing I never can forget—
that I owe my life and my liberty
to the working class of America,
and what you have accomplished for me
and my comrades you can do for yourselves.
-Big Bill Haywood
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 22, 1908
Salt Lake City, Utah – Mother of Big Bill Haywood Dies
The death of Mrs. Henrietta Carruthers, mother of William D. Haywood, has ended Comrade Haywood’s Eastern speaking tour. Haywood is also grieving the recent death of his friend, John Murphy, attorney for the Western Federation of Miners. And from San Diego comes more bad news: George Pettibone and Charles Moyer are both hospitalized in San Diego. Mr. Pettibone is critically ill and may not recover. Mr. Moyer, President of the W. F. of M., is suffering from a severe attack of asthma.
From the Appeal to Reason of March 14, 1908:
Haywood’s Tour of the East.
The reports that come to us of the meetings now being addressed in the New England and eastern states by William D. Haywood are truly remarkable. He has visited nearly all the principal cities in that section, and wherever be has been the hall capacity has been insufficient to accommodate the eager thousands who have thronged to hear him. Haywood is doing a power for the movement in that section. His appeal to the working class is from the standpoint of the workingman himself. The logic is irresistible. Moreover, the proved fidelity of Haywood to the working class during the past few years, and the suffering he has undergone to serve it, bring him very close to the hearts of the workers. He has been tried by fire and they know he is true.
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday May 16, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Haywood Showing Signs of Strain?
From The Spokane Press of May 14, 1907:
(Scripps News Association.)
BOISE, May 14.-Haywood is beginning to show the effects of long confinement and worry. Lines about his mouth and eyes are becoming more clearly defined daily.
He is still pursuing the study of law, and, according to his attorneys, is making excellent progress. His youngest daughter is his constant companion and his wife is by his side the entire session.
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday October 14, 1906
Washington, District of Columbia – State Kidnapping Challenged
The Appeal to Reason of October 13th published a good part of the brief presented by Attorneys Murphy, Darrow, and Richardson on behalf of Fellow Workers Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone before the U. S. Supreme Court. The attorneys for the defense seek to free the men who were kidnapped from their homes as part of a plot perpetrated by the governors of Colorado and Idaho to deprive the men of their constitutional rights. The brief takes up an entire page of this issue of the Appeal, and we, therefore, offer this summary:
We ask and we believe that the action of the supreme court of the state of Idaho and of the circuit court of the United States, sitting in and for the state of Idaho, will be reversed, and that they will be directed to sustain the writs and direct the release of the prisoners, with an opportunity to them of returning to the state from which they were kidnaped by the conspiracy, confederation and agreement of the governors of the states of Idaho and Colorado, for the overthrow and in avoidance of a provision of the constitution of the United States and an act of congress made pursuant thereto.
Respectfully submitted.
Counsel for Appellants and Plaintiffs in Error.