Hellraisers Journal: Scandal Monger, Polly Pry, Claims Mother Jones Could be Former Madam Who Once Ran Houses of Ill-Repute


Quote Dorothy Adams re Mother Jones asleep moonlight, Tammany Tx p10, Aug 12, 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 22, 1904
Denver, Colorado – The Polly Pry Claims Mother Jones Could Be Former Madam

Mother Jones per Polly Pry, Florence CO Dly Tb p1, Jan 5, 1904

Leonel Ross Campbell, Denver journalist now turned scandal monger, writing under the name of Polly Pry, has recently directed her prying gaze upon Mother Jones. In her magazine, The Polly Pry, Campbell claims to have evidence, supplied by the Pinkertons, that “proves” that Mother Jones once ran various houses of ill-repute in Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, and San Francisco. The file, it is claimed, dates back to 1889.

According to the report, Mother Jones could be the madam who hired the “best looking girls on the row” for her house on Market Street in Denver where she went broke after her paramour, “Black-leg,” supposedly ran off with one of her girls. She then began drinking and was arrested and jailed several times. The Prying Polly further reported that this woman was:

…an inmate of Jennie Rogers’ house on Market street, Denver, some twelve years ago. She got into trouble with the Rogers woman for bribing all of her girls to leave her and go to a house in Omaha-for which act she was paid a procuress fee of $5 to $10 apiece for the girls.

She was a confidential servant in Rose Lovejoy’s private house on Market street, Denver, and with her several years. …

Lived in Eva Lewis’ house on Market street at the time the Coxey Army passed through here, and took a prominent part in the Denver preparation for their care.

Is known to Harry Loss, a piano player at 1925 Market street, who says he knew her first in Omaha in 1894, when she lived in a house at tenth and Douglass.

She was then selling clothes to the girls. A sewing woman for the sporting class living on Lawrence street…says it was commonly reported that she was a procuress by trade.

[Emphasis added.]

The Pinkerton report goes on to claim that a Mary Harris (using her maiden name) was a “vulgar, heartless, vicious creature, with a fiery temper and a cold-blooded brutality rare even in the slums.”

Now, in the slander sheet which bears her pen name, Miss Polly Pry is careful to maintain a distance from her lurid charges by reporting on a supposed report on Mother Jones. Very clever of her, and also in keeping with her usual style of reporting on labor leaders who are the often made the targets of her attacks. She has previously defamed U. M. W. District 15 President Howells, U. M. W. National Organizer William Wardjon, and U. M. W. National Executive Board Member John Gehr. Anti-union newspapers across the country see fit to pick up these sordid stories from The Polly Pry and reprint them.

For her part, Mother Jones refuses to give dignity to the charges by responding to them in any way. U. M. W. attorneys doubt that a law suit would be successful since the charges made by The Polly Pry are implied rather than made directly.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Scandal Monger, Polly Pry, Claims Mother Jones Could be Former Madam Who Once Ran Houses of Ill-Repute”

Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 13, 1903
Colorado Coal Miners Obey U. W. A. Strike Order; Mother Jones on Hand

From The Indianapolis News of November 9, 1903:


John Mitchell, The Columbian, Bloomsburg PA p2, Oct 23, 1902Denver, November 9.-Information received from the coal fields of Colorado to-day indicates that the strike of coal miners will be more extended than anticipated. It is reported that the order of the executive committee of the United Mine Workers of America declaring a strike in District 15 for to-day has been obeyed in Colorado almost to the man. At certain mines where it was confidently believed a sufficient number of men could be retained to operate them, it appears that not enough men reported to make a showing.In the northern fields, where the men decided to strike upon their own referendum vote because an eight-hour day has not been granted, the walkout is complete. It is said that several of the independent mine will make efforts to continue in operation, but, it is understood, with little hope of success.
Troops in Readiness

Unusual precautions have been taken by the sheriff of Las Animas county in southern Colorado, where trouble is feared. It is reported that strikers have threatened violence if they are ousted from the cottages of the Victor Fuel Company and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. The State troops are being held in readiness.Already the effects of the strike are being felt in this city. Practically all the dealers announced to-day that they had no coal to sell. The prospect is favorable for a serious coal famine in Denver and other points in the state.

[Emphasis and photograph added.]

Mass evictions from the  coal company “cottages” (shacks) are underway at this time. And, in fact, the miners, rather than threatening violence, have prepared for this eventuality by establishing tent colonies on land rented by the union. The company guards, however, do not refrain from violence as they evict the striking miners and their families, kicking in doors, ransacking family belongings, and generally spreading terror as they roam about the strike district heavily armed. Most of these company gunthugs have been deputized by the Las Animas County Sheriff.


From The Arizona Republican of November 10, 1903:


Formal Beginning of Strike in District 15
The Struggle Will Be a Long One
But Both Sides Are Prepared for It
-“Mother Jones” Is Now in the Field
CO Miners Idle, Strike Order Obeyed, Ipl Ns p11, Nov 10, 1903Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 9.-The strike of the coal miners of district No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America is now on in full force, and indications point to a long struggle. This morning only a very small per cent of the men reported for work and the tie-up is complete in Las Animas county, the largest producer of District 15, Starkville, Gray Creek, Engleville and Sopris, the largest producing camps went out to a man.At union headquarters tonight all the officials were jubilant over the outlook and more than pleased at the number of non-union men who went out with the union. Since Saturday night nearly 2,000 men sent their names to the union. Out of nearly 3,000 employed in this county, it is claimed that less than one hundred reported for work. These are at Hastings, Delagua and Primero, Victor fuel camps, and it is openly stated that if any trouble occurs in this district it will be at the above camps.“Mother” Jones is doing more than all the balance of the organizers to bring the men into line. Union headquarters was very busy today. William Howells, president of District 15, said tonight, “You can say that the men in this section went out to a man and the tie-up is more complete than we thought it would be. We have a right to feel good over the large number of non-union men who joined us. Eighty per cent of the men have gone out in Huerfano county and also in Colfax county, N. M. We nor the Colorado Fuel and Iron company officials dreamed that the strike would be of such magnitude.

[Emphasis added. Newsclip added from Indianapolis News of Nov. 10th.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1902, Part I: Predicts Victory for Striking Coal Miners of Pennsylvania and West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones Breaker Boys Bleeding Hands, LW p4, Sept27, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 10, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for September 1902, Part I

Predicts Victory for Striking Coal Miners of Pennsylvania and West Virginia

From the Wilkes-Barre Daily News of September 3, 1902:



Mother Jones, Coal Miners, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902

President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon, from Philadelphia, and immediately repaired to strike headquarters. He was accompanied by Louis Hammerling, of this city…..

Mother Jones, the labor advocate also arrived in town yesterday afternoon. She talked very interestingly to a News reporter about the prospects of the miners. She believes that no matter how long the struggle continues, there can be but one thing, and that is success for the miners.

[She continues:]

I hope the struggle will soon be over because there is no reason why the people of the anthracite regions should not be enjoying peace and prosperity, like the other workmen throughout the country. The operators if they have the proper conception of the exact conditions will end the disastrous strike, because no matter how long it continues, it will mean defeat for them in the end.

I do not not know when I shall return to West Virginia, but there is a probability that I may depart for those fields in a few days.

She also believes that the West Virginia miners will be successful in their efforts for better conditions.

[Photograph added.]

From The Philadelphia Inquirer of September 4, 1902:

HdLn Mother Jones Sure of Victory, Phl Iq p2, sept 4, 1902

“Mother” Mary Jones arrived here yesterday afternoon, confident that the mine workers would be victorious in their struggle.

[She said:]

There are 16,000 soft coal miners who are out on strike in the New River, Kanawha and Loop Creek districts of West Virginia. They are out to a man. The conditions in that region are appalling. It is far worse than the situation in the Pennsylvania coal fields.

“What do you think of the recent injunctions issued in West Virginia?” she was asked.

We are approaching a very dangerous crisis in the American nation. The American people are patient, but there will come a time when they will not tolerate such rule.

Disregarded the Injunction

Only last Saturday I was served with an injunction to prevent my speaking in Ohio. But it didn’t work. I have been served with enough injunctions to make a comfortable shroud to bury me in. In West Virginia they issue injunctions against everything. Injunctions are not laws. They are the work of one man. He makes it, issues it, serves it on us, tries us and then he sentences us. We disregard all of them because we know that none of them will stand the test.

“What is your idea of the termination of the strike?”

The miners are not weakening in the slightest degree. We are sure of victory and will accept no compromise. We are determined to right it out to the finish. There will probably be a settlement made before long. I cannot say when that will be.  Public sentiment is growing. If it is necesary, I am sure that the American people will support the miners for another year, just as well as the operators have done. The public has never before realized what a big factor the miner is in civilization.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for September 1902, Part I: Predicts Victory for Striking Coal Miners of Pennsylvania and West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1902, Part III: Found in Pennsylvania Anthracite Region, Returns to West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, God s Cause, Scranton Tb p1, Aug 7, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 11, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1902, Part III

Found in Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, Returns to West Virginia

From the Wilkes-Barre Daily News of August 11, 1902:

She Does Look With Favor
on Certain Statements.



Mother Jones , Phl Inq p24, June 22, 1902

President Mitchell spent yesterday at Scranton, the guest of friends. His visit was one of pleasure and had no bearing on the strike situation. He returned last evening but had nothing of an interesting nature to disclose. He is still confident of the ultimate results.

Mother Jones still remains in the city and unless the present plans are changed she will deliver an address this afternoon at Nanticoke. Mother Jones has no particular love for Father O’Reilly and believes the latter to be unwise in his assertion about the miners and their organization. She believes that he will profit by his indiscretion. When told that he had delivered another address derogatory to the miners’ cause, she waxed warm, saying that if the occasion permitted; she would go to Shenandoah and tell the miners some pertinent facts.

[Declared Mother Jones:]

I know the miners are going to win this struggle, and every just man who is a competent observer of the prevailing conditions must be actuated by the same feeling. It is fallacy for even biased persons to harbor the idea that the miners are not steadfast. They show the same determined spirit, are practically speaking, of one mind and will never swerver the least iota from that course, they planned to take. The time is not far distant when the operators must mine coal or else lose their markets. In September the consumers will make an effort to get anthracite, and if they cannot they will look elsewhere and once the grates are changed it will take years, perhaps, before they resume the use of hard coal. If the operators permit it their business ability is not as great as credited. There may be an attempt made to operate the mines with non-union men, but the number will be so decidedly small and the work incompetently done, the effort will be given up with disgust. The operators will, after the trials, comprehend the determination of the men and will make the necessary concessions. The people of this country can rest assured that the miners are going to win this strike.

How about the one in West Virginia? asked the reporter.

[Mother Jones continued:]

We will not give up until the same results are achieved. Some of the places are completely tied up and victory is only a question of a short time. The collieries at Fairmont have not been reached, that I will admit, but do you know that there is a fence built around the town and no one in allowed to enter unless a permit is secured from some company agent. The men of West Virginia are partly paid in script, receive their money every month, sometimes every six weeks, deal in ‘”pluck me” stores and undergo other indignities. No American can or will endure such conditions.

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1902, Part III: Found in Pennsylvania Anthracite Region, Returns to West Virginia”