Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 6, 1902 Eugene V. Debs Describes the Western Labor Movement
From the International Socialist Review of November 1902:
The Western Labor Movement [by Eugene V. Debs] ———-
There seems to be considerable misapprehension, especially among Socialists, in regard to the trade union movement of the Western states, whose delegates, recently assembled in national convention, adopted the platform of the Socialist Party and pledged the support of their organizations to the International Socialist movement. This radical departure from the effete and reactionary non-political policy of the American Federation of Labor, so long and so earnestly striven for by the Western leaders, and so entirely compatible with the Socialist conception of class-conscious and progressive trade unionism, should have been met with the prompt and hearty approbation of every unionist and every Socialist in the land. That such was not the case, the lukewarm comment and half-approving, half-condemning tone of the Socialist Party press, with but one or two exceptions, bear convincing testimony, while the uncalled for, unwise, and wholly unaccountable official pronunciamento of the St. Louis “Quorum,” purporting to speak for the National Committee, capped the climax of unfairness and injustice to the Western movement. [See REVIEW of October 1902]
Stripped of unnecessary verbiage and free from subterfuge, the Socialist Party has been placed in the attitude of turning its back upon the young, virile, class-conscious union movement of the West, and fawning at the feet of the “pure and simple” movement of the East, and this anomalous thing has been done by men who are supposed to stand sponsor to the party and whose utterance is credited with being ex cathedra upon party affairs.
They may congratulate themselves that upon this point at least they are in perfect accord with the capitalist press, and also with the “labor lieutenants,” the henchmen, and the heelers, whose duty it is to warn the union against Socialism and guard its members against working class political action.
The writer takes issue with these comrades upon this vital proposition; and first of all insists that they (including the members of the Quorum) speak for themselves alone, as they undoubtedly have the right to do, and that their declaration in reference to the American Labor Union is in no sense a party expression, nor is it in any matter binding upon the party, nor is the party to be held responsible for the same.
As a matter of fact the rank and file of the Socialist Party, at least so far as I have been able to observe, rejoice in the action of the Denver convention, hail it as a happy augury for the future, and welcome with open arms the Western comrades to fellowship in the party.
“Why didn’t they stay in the Federation of Labor and carry on their agitation there? Why split the labor movement?” This is made the burden of the opposition to the Western unionists, who refused to be assimilated by Mark Hanna’s “Civic Federation”-the pretext for the scant, half-hearted recognition of their stalwart working class organization and their ringing declaration in favor of Socialism and in support of the Socialist Party.
And this objection may be dismissed with a single sentence. Why did not those who urge it remain in the Socialist Labor Party and carry on their agitation there? Why split the Socialist movement?
It is not true that the Western unionists set up a rival organization from geographical or sectional considerations, or to antagonize the Federation; and they who aver the contrary know little or nothing about the Western movement, nor about the causes that brought it into existence. A brief review of these may throw some light on the subject.
In 1896 the annual convention of the Federation of Labor was held in Cincinnati. The Western Federation of Miners, at that time an affiliated organization, was represented by President Edward Boyce and Patrick Clifford, of Colorado. The strike of the Leadville [Colorado] miners, more than 3,000 in number, one of the bloodiest and costliest labor battles ever fought, was then in progress and had been for several months. The drain and strain on the resources of the Western Federation had been enormous. They needed help and they needed it sorely. They had always poured out their treasure liberally when help was needed by other organization, East as well as West, and now that they had reached their limit, they naturally expected prompt and substantial aid from affiliated organizations. Boyce and Clifford appealed to the delegates. To use their own language they were “turned down,” receiving but vague promises which, little as they meant, were never fulfilled. At the close of the convention they left for home, disappointed and disgusted. They stopped off at Terre Haute to urge me to go to Leadville to lend a helping hand to the striking miners, which I proceeded to do as soon as I could get ready for the journey. It was here that they told me that the convention was a sore surprise to them, that 3 or 4 men had votes enough to practically control the whole affair, and that the dilatory and reactionary proceedings had destroyed their confidence in the Federation.
Afterward I was told by the officers in charge of the strike that no aid of the least value, or even encouragement, had been rendered by the Federation of Labor and that the financial contributions were scarcely sufficient to cover the expense of the canvass for same.
It was not long after this that the Western miners withdrew from the Federation and a couple of years later, conceiving the necessity of organizing all classes of labor in the Western states, which as yet had received but scant attention, the American Labor Union was organized, the Western Federation of Miners being the first organization in affiliation with the new central body.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 11, 1912 Big Bill Haywood Lectures for The Review, Elected to N. E. C. of Socialist Party
From the International Socialist Review of January 1912:
William D. Haywood
The Haywood Lectures. During the National Executive Committee election [of the Socialist Party of America] (not over as we go to press) [see below for results] there has arisen a sudden and peculiar misunderstanding with relation to the routing of Comrade William D. Haywood by this office. Friends may have imagined that Comrade Haywood has yielded to the repeated and urgent requests of former National Secretary Barnes, acting under instructions from the National Executive Committee, to become one of the authorized lecturers on the National Lyceum Lecture Bureau, as did Comrade Frank Bohn under similar pressure, but we are glad to announce that Haywood preferred to continue lecturing under the auspices of the REVIEW.
The statement has recently been published broadcast by Comrade Robert Hunter, that locals securing Haywood were compelled to pay the REVIEW $250 a night. We take pleasure in repeating here the terms we have made ever since Comrade Haywood began to lecture for us. Except in the West, where close dates cannot be arranged at this time, our terms for Haywood dates are the local’s guarantee to take 500 admission tickets to the lecture (each ticket being good for a three months’ REVIEW subscription at 25 cents each, amounting to $125.00.) Out of this sum we pay $25.00 hall rent, supply all advertising material, donate 200 copies of the current REVIEW and pay all Haywood’s expenses.
The State Committee of Ohio is arranging dates in Ohio for Haywood from Jan. 15 to Feb. 15. Arrangements for other states may be made through this office. It might be well if our friends, who believe in fair play, would ask Comrade Hunter upon what foundation he based his published statements in this regard.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
From the Baltimore Sun of Jan 1, 1912:
SOCIALIST PARTY ELECTS ———- National Executive Committee And Secretary Are Named.
Chicago, Dec. 31.-A national executive committee and a national secretary for the Socialist party, elected by referendum, the votes being sent to Chicago, were announced yesterday. On the executive committee thus chosen are Victor Berger, Milwaukee; Job B. Harriman, Los Angeles; William D. Haywood. Denver; Morris Hillquit, New York; Alexander Irvine, Los Angeles; Kate Richard O’Hare, St. Louis, and John Spargo, Yonkers, N. Y. John M. Work, of Chicago, was elected national secretary.
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 26, 1911 Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1911, Part I John O’Neill, Editor of Miner’s Magazine, Speaks in Defense of Mother Jones
From Proceedings of W. F. M. Convention, Butte, August 2, 1911:
[Excerpt from Address of John O’Neill -Editor of Miners Magazine]
We [the W. F. M. executive board and the John O’Neill] have been arraigned by the Wallace committee because the editor deemed that he was justified to train the editorial guns of the Magazine on the dishonesty, immorality and drunkenness of J. Mahlon Barnes, the national secretary of the Socialist party. For some time the editor has known that the office of the Socialist party at Chicago could not be classed as a place fit for the inmates of a Sunday school, and in editorials of a general character, attempted to arouse the membership of the Socialist party to the fact that “something was rotten in Denmark,” and suggested that there should be a house–cleaning. Editorials of a general character are not feared by criminals, and it is only when an editor becomes specific and points out the crime and the criminal that there is heard a howl of indignation from men and women who realize that lightning is striking close to where they live. The editor who informs the people of a city that the community is infested with criminals, does not arouse the antipathy of the criminals, but when an editor brands John Jones as a burglar, Sam Brown as a foot–pad, and Jim Smith as a porch climber, such an editor, by striking close, is making it tropical for criminals. To say that the Socialist party needed fumigation officially or to declare that the Western Federation of Miners has a number of Pinkertons in its member ship, would arouse but little excitement; but when an editor points the finger of accusation at the culprits and names the crimes of which they are guilty, their masks of righteousness are pulled on and some people exclaim, “The editor has a personal grudge.”
The editor has no personal grudge against the secretary of the Socialist party, but when the report of an investigating committee which white–washed Barnes reveals the fact that twelve empty whiskey bottles were found in the office of Barnes, when the report of that committee shows that a stenographer of the gentler sex is found at hotels until long after midnight taking dictation from male members of the national committee of the Socialist party, and that when that report discloses that Barnes did not hold in his possession one single shred of positive evidence that he had liquidated the financial obligation that existed between himself and “Mother” Jones until he was forced to pay the obligation through a threat of an action in court, and when a quintet of conspirators who voted for themselves to serve on a committee, give angelic virtues to a “booze–fighter,” a blackmailer, and “ free–lover, ” the editor of the Miners’ Magazine concluded that it was time that members of the Western Federation of Miners who are socialists and pay per capita tax, should know something of the official conduct of the leading official of the Socialist party of America.
Had the report of the investigating committee which white–washed Barnes, cast no reflection on the honor of that silvery–haired woman who has been crowned the “Queen of the Miners,” the editor of the Miners’ Magazine might have refrained from using his pen to hold up to the arclight some of the frailties that affect the Socialist party officially, but when Barnes and his white-washing committee herald through a document published in the official bulletin of the Socialist party, that “Mother” Jones is a black–mailer, then no power on earth can restrain the editor of the Miners’ Magazine from denouncing such an infamy and defending the woman who has given the best years of her life to lift laboring humanity to a higher plane of civilization. That report of the investigating committee branded “Mother” Jones as a black mailer,” and gave credentials of honor and integrity to the libel on manhood who had used his ingenuity in an attempt to bilk her out of the sum of $200.
I cannot forget that when the storm raged in Colorado, that when the members of the Western Federation of Miners in Cripple Creek and Telluride were torn from their homes, that when the wails of wives and the cries of children could be heard as they saw husbands and fathers brutally slugged by the hired thugs of the mine owners and driven at the point of the bayonet to bull–pens and freight trains, that “Mother” Jones, the woman blackmailed by Barnes and a subsidized committee, sent $500.00 to the Western Federation of Miners to help feed the women and children whose protectors were driven beyond the borders of the state by the brutal power of armed Hessians farmed out to a Mine Owners’ Association.
Will the committee of Wallace Miners’ Union and Globe Miners’ Union, tell me that the editor of the Miners’ Magazine shall remain mute and silent in the defense of a woman who has faced the injunctions of courts, been thrown into bull–pens and pest houses, and who never flinched or faltered before the rifles of State militia or federal troops in her loyalty to the cause of unionism? Shall the Wallace committee and Globe Miners’ Union tell me that I shall not wield my pen or raise my voice in resenting the aspersions cast upon the tried and true woman, who, for thirty years, has stood beneath the folds of labor’s flag to give the best that was in her to combat the machinations of corporate despotism and to lead men on labor’s battlefield closer to the goal of economic liberty? The editor is not an ingrate. Within his memory is treasured the history of the struggles and sacrifices of the dauntless woman, who even now in her 78th year, as her eyes are growing dim and her step faltering, is still fighting the cause of suffering humanity, and the editor refuses to shackle his pen or imprison his tongue and permit this woman to be maligned by a “booze fighter,” blackmailer and “free lover,” who has been Loramerized by a quintet of white–washers who voted for themselves to serve on an investigating committee .
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday October 25, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1911 Found at Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Where Miners Meet to Call Off Strike
From Pennsylvania’s Latrobe Bulletin of July 3, 1911:
The Calling Off of the Strike Is
Declared To Be In Sight
Greensburg the Scene of Special Convention.
Ten Delegates Are Present From the Local Union
Behind closed doors, with Francis Feehan presiding, with Mother Jones, Van Bitner and others prominently identified with the strike present, the convention of miners is now on in full swing in Tonkay’s hall, at Greensburg…
The Greensburg Tribune claims to have received authentic information from Indianapolis to the effect that the executive board decided that the strike should end.
Mother Jones, who is at the convention, was in attendance at the International board meeting, last week, and it is said that she made a plea for the strikers…..
[Photograph added.]
From the Pittsburgh Gazette Times of July 6, 1911:
The long and bitter labor struggle of the coal miners in the Irwin-Greensburg field for recognition of the union was brought to a close yesterday. Locals of the United Mine Workers of America met and adopted a resolution to return to work. This action was taken under instructions from the international executive board of the United Mine Workers, which held a special meeting last Monday that resulted in the decision to call a meeting of the locals and order the return to work.
It is believed the miners welcomed the instructions from their executive board. They had been idle for 16 months, during which time many hardships were endured. When notice was served that the payment of strike benefits would cease next week, the men realized that their cause was lost and the struggle hopeless…..
The abrupt ending of the long strike resulted in a divided sentiment among union miners. When it became known yesterday that the locals had concurred in the action of their international executive board, the following circular was sent out to the various locals, signed by Robert Gibbons, Abe Kephart and Andrew Puskar of the miners’ organization of District No. 5:
The miners throughout the Irwin-Greensburg fields today held local meetings at which in every case a vote was taken to call off the strike which has lasted for 16 months. This was compulsory for these poor, misguided brothers, as the International Executive Board in session at Indianapolis headquarters last week voted to discontinue paying strike benefits to them and directed Francis Feehan to call their leaders and arrange to have the strike terminated without recognition or concessions whatever.
Meeting of Leaders.
A meeting of these leaders was held in Greensburg on Monday. International Board Members A. R. Watkins of Ohio, George Dagger of Western Pennsylvania, and Thomas Haggerty of Central Pennsylvania had been delegated to represent the International Union. Mother Jones told the International Board at Indianapolis that it had been a lost cause since last summer. But it was continued until there had been the loss of 18 lives and the useless expenditure of a $1,000,000 of the miners’ money, besides large donations from many of our people and others in sympathy……
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 29, 1911 Chicago, Illinois – Barnes Resigns as National Secretary of Socialist Party
From the Appeal to Reason of August 26, 1911:
J. Mahlon Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist party [Socialist Party of America], has resigned. The resignation was accepted by the national executive committee and John M. Work, who has been head clerk in the national office was made national secretary until an election can be held.
This a consummation of a hard and bitter fight that has been waged against Barnes. There was no charge against his official acts, but only relative to his private life. Twice the national executive committee investigated the charges, and in both case found that while there were many charges, there was no definite proof of his guilt. So soon, however, as an affidavit was presented showing that in day s past Barnes had been guilty of immorality, being charged with paternity of a seven-year-old girl, the action indicated above was taken. Barnes denies guilt, but admits it was best for the party that he retire.
This much must be said of the case, that the Socialist have handled the matter as no other party would dare do. With democrats and republicans it has been assumed that the private life of the individual has absolutely nothing to do with the fitness for public office. The notorious Tom Taggard, who was proven guilty of running numerous house of ill-fame and who was accused in the Ella Gingles case, was chairman of the democratic national central committee, and nothing was said about it. So soon, however, as it was charged that the private life of a Socialist official was not all it might be there was agitation, that amounted to a clamor, for his removal, and when the first affidavit, which made definite and positive charges, was brought to light, resignation was offered and accepted.
Nothing could more clearly show the attitude of the Socialist Party on questions of personal purity and nothing could demonstrate more clearly that the Socialist party is capable of managing its own affairs and having its will executed.
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 20, 1911 Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1911
Dreamer Finds Mother Jones in Heaven Wearing Biggest Crown of All
From the Appeal to Reason of April 1, 1911
-page 3, Kansas & Oklahoma edition:
Comrade Lee, of Oklahoma City, sends in a list of subs. He says that he had a dream not long ago and found himself, much to his surprise, in heaven. The first person he saw was Mother Jones, who was wearing the biggest crown in the bunch.
Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 17, 1911 Mother Jones News Round-Up for March 1911: –Found in Denver Fighting for Sixteen Miners Jailed by Judge Whitford
From the Black Hills Daily Register of March 6, 1911:
Accuses Judge of Bribery
(By Pan-American Press.)
Sixteen miners freed from jail with assistance of Mother Jones. —–
Denver, March 6.-The impeachment investigation against Judge Greeley W. Whitford, which is being conducted by a committee of the Colorado house of representatives, took a most sensational turn when the committee was told by Mrs. Margaret Miller that prior to his sentencing sixteen union men to jail a few mouths ago, she had delivered a package to Whitford which, she alleged, contained $3,000.
Mrs. Miller said she had been on terms of close relationship with Whitford for eight years. She testified that during the Cripple Creek mining troubles she was in the employ of the Mine Owners’ Association. She alleges a man associated with her in those troubles, gave her the money to give to Judge Whitford.
The sixteen miner were released from jail recently by Judge Whitford after serving two months of their sentence.
Union labor organizations all over the state of Colorado united in petitioning for Judge Whitford’s removal from the bench, declaring that the court in sentencing the miners, had found them guilty of a criminal charge without giving them the right of trial by jury. “Mother Jones” played an important part in the freeing of the men by holding immense meetings in all the large cities of the state.
Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1911, Part II:
–Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee
From The Socialist Party Official Bulletin:
Report of the Investigating Committee- Sub-Committee of the National Committee
As to charges of dishonesty, brought by Comrade Mother Jones against Comrade J. Mahlon Barnes, through Attorney Thomas J. Morgan, the Investigating Committee found that:
[W]hen the alleged claim was placed in the hands of Thomas J. Morgan there was, in fact, nothing due Mother Jones; that the debt had been paid in full, and that the subsequent payment of $200 to Morgan was made under duress.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 15, 1911 Mother Jones News Round-Up for December 1910: –Praised by Max Hayes and Eugene Debs for Work in Pennsylvania
From the International Socialist Review of December 1910:
MOTHER JONES has been busying herself during the past few weeks in trying to bring cheer and comfort to the poor miners in the Irwin-Greensburg soft coal district of Pennsylvania [Westmoreland County], and assisting those unfortunate victims of one of the most heartless lockouts in American industrial history (as has been shown in THE REVIEW) to gain a semblance of humane working and living conditions. Mother is never so happy as when helping “the boys” in the mining fields, and, as every officer and member of the U. M. W. knows, she has gone into districts in Colorado, Alabama, West Virginia and other places where many of the bravest of men have feared to tread. She has faced injunction judges, served time in jail, lived on bread and water and has undergone a thousand hardships where others have hesitated or flunked, and never a word of complaint as to her own sufferings escape her lips. In fact she is as jolly and happy-go-lucky as a girl of sixteen and always refers to her direful experiences as humorous escapades.
Mother Jones only grows sorrowful and indignant when she discusses the fool factionalism among the miners and the sufferings endured by “the boys” and their wives and children, whom she knows and loves and for whom she has done organizing work in past campaigns. She has little patience with the penny-ante politics of this or that alleged leader who aspires for place or power, and when in a reminiscent mood she can relate some wonderful stories.