Hellraisers Journal: “Facts Suppressed in Spokane” by Fellow Worker J. C. Knust for the Socialist Workingman’s Paper


Quote re IWW Spk FSF n Solidarity, IW p1, Nov 3, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday February 25, 1910
Spokane, Washington – Facts of Free Speech Fight from J. C. Knust

From the Seattle Socialist Workingman’s Paper of February 19, 1910:

By J. C. Knust, of Spokane

IWW Spk FSF, Dont Buy Jobs, IW p4, Feb 19, 1910

EDITOR’S NOTE.-Here we give yet another dose of FACTS to the sick Spokane authorities. It is killing testimony, and until the record is disowned officially it will damn Spokane in the eyes of the whole world.

The second round in the fight against the Working class is now being fought by the city authorities of Spokane, backed by the employment agencies and other expressions of corporate rule.

Spokane is the natural and the principal distributing point of labor and its supplies to the great Northwestern lumber regions, agricultural districts and mining camps.

Spokane, being a comparatively young city, is necessarily under heavy expense, and, like many young cities in the past, through their spasmodic growth, has given undue power to certain official individuals, who sometimes make, either wilfully or maliciously, grievous mistakes in the use of such power in order to serve private interests.

In order that the reader may get a fairer and more clear conception of the immediate cause of this fight of the workers to maintain their rights, it will be necessary to begin at the beginning.

Every year thousands of men are sent out by the employment agencies to all parts of the country, through faked advertisements, to work which does not exist. For many years these licensed thieves have reaped in this way a rich harvest. Men would come here, buy a job and ship out. Some would find work for only a week where they expected to find steady employment. Others found no work at all.

Investigation proved often that employers, foremen and agents were dividing spoils, their fee being anywhere from $1 to $15 for jobs. After a few days work these men would be discharged and another crew would be sent to fill their places, thus keeping three crews-one going, one coming and one working. [Perpetual motion!]

Can you suggest anything for these men to do but to organize to do away with such thievery? No redress was to be had from the courts, the city attorney saying, “Nothing can be done,” showing plainly that there is plenty of “law,” but it is not for the benefit of the masses.

These conditions grew to be intolerable. One office alone in this benighted town boasts proudly of having sent out in one year 85,000 men. Think of it! Out of that number there were less than 1 per cent. who actually found remunerative employment. And again consider that there are many of these slave markets here, and all doing a thriving business.

Then these men grew desperate; something had to be done. So about two years ago they began to organize themselves into one union known as “The Industrial Workers of the World,” one object being to educate its members to buy no more jobs, but compel employers to come to a union headquarters for their men, where no fee would be charged.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Facts Suppressed in Spokane” by Fellow Worker J. C. Knust for the Socialist Workingman’s Paper”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: National Organizer J. H. Walsh Introduces I. W. W. Band


Quote JH Walsh Overall Brigade, IUB p1, Oct 24, 1908———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday June 22, 1909
Northwestern Montana – The I. W. W. Band from Eureka, to Kalispell, to Somers

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of June 17, 1909:

JH Walsh and IWW Band, IW p3, June 17, 1909

The thousands of readers of the Industrial Worker will probably be interested in a few paragraphs relative to I. W. W. brass band that is now on the road doing propaganda work. It was last year that we organized in Portland what was know as the “Overall Brigade,” composed of 20 people who “hoboed” it from Portland, Ore., to Chicago, holding propaganda meetings in nearly every division point between the above mentioned cities.

The great success of those meetings and the receipts of the same was what led to the organization of a brass band for the propaganda work on the road. It was easy to see that if 20 people with no instruments could make their way across the country as the “Overall Brigade” did, that about a dozen, specially selected people in a brass band and bright uniforms would certainly be a howling success. Such it has been for the first week on the road.

It took nearly three months to get the people, instruments, tents, trunks, etc, together. There is an investment of about $800 in the outfit, all of which is owned by the “bunch.” Our first meeting was Eureka, Mont., in the lumber strike district. The head “sprag” of the thieving lumber corporation was there and he was so opposed to the teachings of the I. W. W. and so enraged by the sight of a working class in red revolutionary uniforms, that he bought a couple cases of eggs and proceeded to get company suckers and kids to throw them at the speakers. However, they were caught in the nick of time. The lumberjacks were across the street, a few big fists were thrust into the air and the corporation tools took a sneak.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: National Organizer J. H. Walsh Introduces I. W. W. Band”

Hellraisers Journal: Bail Needed for Fellow Workers at Leavenworth; “Invincible IWW” by Floyd Dell for The Liberator


Quote Floyd Dell, Invincible IWW, Liberator p9, May 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday May 28, 1919
From Leavenworth Penitentiary Comes Urgent Request for Bail

From The New Solidarity of May 24, 1919:

[-by Fellow Workers Joseph J. Gordon and Pietro Nigra.]

Frank Little, Grover Perry, Lbr Def Aug 1926, Lgr

This communication explains the necessity of getting some of the Fellow Workers out of jail as early as possible.

Four Fellow workers, Walsh, Lorton, Hamilton and Plahn are in permanent isolation, segregated from the others and have no way of keeping in communication with the other boys. These boys are always in danger of violence from the officials and should be gotten out on bonds immediately.

Fellow Worker Perry is in the hospital with tuberculosis, has had several relapses. Has no one who can go his bonds. Also Andreytchine is tubercular but has funds. Several of the Fellow Workers of the one year men will be released about June 18, 1919. Those who will be held for deportation will be arrested upon their release from prison and will have to stay in jail until the disposition of the cases by the Appellate Court, which may be from six months to a year or two. If these men can be released on bonds of $1,000.00 the authorities will have to pay their transportation to their homes.

Jos. Gordon.
Pietro Nigra

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Bail Needed for Fellow Workers at Leavenworth; “Invincible IWW” by Floyd Dell for The Liberator”

Hellraisers Journal: Spokane I. W. W. Faces Court Fines and Beatings by Thugs and Sharks for Speaking on the Streets


Quote JH Walsh, re Employment Sharks, IUB p1, Feb 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 2, 1909
Spokane, Washington – I. W. W. Members Fined and Beaten

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of April 1, 1909:

[Cartoon: The Street Speaker, The Judge, and The Shark]

IWW FSF, Sharks Pay, Spk IW p1, Apr 1, 1909


IWW FSF, Sharks Pay Details, Spk IW p1, Apr 1, 1909



After the arrest of National Organizer J. H. Walsh for speaking on the street for the I. W. W., some weeks ago, he was convicted of the crime of street speaking by police judge Mann, and fined $10.00 and costs. The case was appealed to the Superior Court as an object lesson. When the case was called before Judge Ilinkle, the demurrer of the union’s attorney V. T. Tustin was of course over-ruled. The trial will take place in the Spokane County Court House on April 6th. All union men should be present at this entertainment-the admission is free. Those interested in the repeal of the United States constitution by the Spokane employment agents will have a chance to laugh-not out loud-. The decision of this court will be a jewel in the brilliant career of Ilinkle or some of the other sprags. It will make the ever-growing power of the employing class apparent. Judging from the justice handed out to the I. W. W. men heretofore in Spokane, we can expect that not much difficulty will be made on account of the constitution. Even the Indians were allowed to agitate in their tribes. But we are living on “the civilized plane”-and two meals a day.

Funeral notice later. Please omit flowers.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Spokane I. W. W. Faces Court Fines and Beatings by Thugs and Sharks for Speaking on the Streets”

Hellraisers Journal: Charles Grant on Free Speech & Law and Order from the First Edition of Spokane’s Industrial Worker


Quote Charles Grant, Spk IWWs Sing in Jail, IW p3, Mar 18, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 19, 1909
Spokane, Washington – Free Speech and Law Order

From the Industrial Worker of March 18, 1909:

Industrial Worker Spokane, Vol I No I, Mar 18, 1909


By Charles Grant

[Since the I. W. W. began holding outdoor meetings in Spokane…..]

…The capitalistic papers, Spokesman-Review-morning dollar sign-and its concubine, the Chronicle, were quick to take up the cry against the I. W. W. The Spokane Press brought up the rear. Rev. Dr. Bull wrote several [withering?] articles against the union, saying he considered these the most dangerous men in Spokane.

The City Council.

The city council was influenced by Dr. Bull to draw upon an ordinance [which] prohibited free speech and peaceful assemblage upon the streets of Spokane, but this applied only to the revolutionists and Industrial Workers of the World.

The Fourth of March.

The I. W. W. still persisted in the fight and forced the council to a general application of the law in all organizations, Salvation Army, Volunteers of America, etc., and on the 4th of March an ordinance was put into effect, and on that date J. H. Walsh violated the ordinance and was arrested, put in jail and fined $10 and costs. The Salvation Army and Volunteers also violated the ordinance and were arrested, but not put in jail. Their fines were also $10 and costs. All the cases were appealed to the superior court, but the members of the I. W. W., as individuals, continued to speak upon the streets, were arrested and placed in jail. The conditions there equalled the black hole of Calcutta. Mexican dungeons were not to be compared as regards brutality and utter hate for humanity.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Charles Grant on Free Speech & Law and Order from the First Edition of Spokane’s Industrial Worker”

Hellraisers Journal: Fight Against Employment Sharks is on in Spokane, “The I. W. W. Storm Center for the West”


Quote JH Walsh, re Employment Sharks, IUB p1, Feb 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 28, 1909
Spokane, Washington – I. W. W. Takes on Employment Sharks

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of February 20, 1909:


IWW Gen Adm Emblem, IUB, Mar 14, 1908

The I. W. W. storm center for the West just now appears to be Spokane, Washington. The very great activity of the fellow workers of that city is noticeable at General Headquarters in frequent orders and remittances for due stamps, membership books, buttons and other supplies, as well as Bulletins and other literature. Their fight against the employment bureau sharks continues unabated, and with growing sentiment against those institutions.

Fellow worker James Wilson, secretary of the Central Committee of the Spokane locals, writes on Dec. 19: “Over 100 members have joined here this last week,” and again on Dec. 23, he says: “I can tell you in all sobriety that we are convinced that the success of the I. W. W. in this part of the country will be amazing from now on, and I flatter myself that I am not visionary.”

J. J. Stark writes Dec. 23 in behalf of Local 222: “We are going to move into a larger hall about the first of the year, where the rent will be $125 per month, while formerly we only paid $30. However I think that the increasing membership will warrant the move. Walsh is still with us and is doing great work. He has just received a telegram from Whitehead to come on the first train to Seattle, and will leave at once. It appears that there is something doing among the loggers, and they need his services for a time.”


[Photograph and paragraph breaks added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fight Against Employment Sharks is on in Spokane, “The I. W. W. Storm Center for the West””

Hellraisers Journal: Chinese IWW Hall Raided in New York City; FWs Organized by Gurley Flynn and Carlo Tresca


Quote JH Walsh re Exclusion or IO, IUB p3, Apr 11, 1908———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 23, 1919
New York, New York – Chinese Fellow Workers Arrested and Deported

From the South Bend (Indiana) News of February 21, 1919:


IWW, Raid on Chinese FWs, EGF, Tresca, South Bend IN Ns p10, Feb 21, 1919


IWW, EGF, Tresca Organize Chinese FWs, South Bend IN Ns p10, Feb 21, 1919
I. W. W. Organizers: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Harry Kelly, Jack Isaacson,
Carlo Tresca, and Frank Levy

Thousands of Chinese in the United States may be deported as a result of the recent discovery in New York of an active Chinese branch of the I. W. W. Just as Chinese there prepared to sow discontent among their fellow countrymen by misrepresentation, intimidation and other means the police stepped in and obtained sufficient evidence to cause the deportation of four Chinese. In the round up of the Chinese I. W. W. fifteen prisoners were taken and eleven remained to be tried by the federal authorities. The Accompanying pictures shows some of the most prominent agitators.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Chinese IWW Hall Raided in New York City; FWs Organized by Gurley Flynn and Carlo Tresca”

Hellraisers Journal: J. H. Walsh: Spokane to Made Headquarters for the Migratory Lumber Workers of the Great Northwest


At the rate the organization is now growing
we shall soon have doubled our membership in this city
and the territory tributary to Spokane.
-J. H. Walsh
IWW National Organizer

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 6, 1908
Spokane, Washington – J. H. Walsh Has Returned from Chicago

From The Western News of December 2, 1908:


IWW Emblem, IUB p1, Oct 24, 1908

SPOKANE, Nov. 24.-Spokane is to be made the headquarters for over 5,000 members of the Industrial Workers of the World employed in the lumber industry in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Northern California.

During the last year the number of sawmill workers and men employed in logging camps who have become members of the Industrial Workers, has attained large proportions, 3,000 members being located in Montana alone.

The Industrial Workers have now decided to form a department for men engaged in the lumber industry in these five states and in British Columbia, placing all local organizations in various towns and cities under the jurisdiction of the head officers of the department, who, it is stated, will have their offices in this city.

Organizer J. H. Walsh, of the Industrial Workers of the World, has returned from Chicago where he has been in conference with prominent members of his organization.

[Declares Mr. Walsh:]

Since the fourth annual convention of the I. W. W. at Chicago during the latter part of September, the organization has become thoroughly united and unaffected by factional differences.

The Western Federation of Miners is now practically co-operating with us. We have gained remarkable strength in the Coeur d’Alene country and in Montana we have control of the lumber situation and our organizers are meeting with phenomenal success in the formation of strong new unions. We are well organized in the Flathead country and after a few small tussels with employers have gained control of considerable work.

At the rate the organization is now growing we shall soon have doubled our membership in this city and the territory tributary to Spokane.

Mr. Walsh anticipates that he will shortly be ordered to Montana to assist in the organization work now in progress in that state.


[Emblem of I. W. W. added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: J. H. Walsh: Spokane to Made Headquarters for the Migratory Lumber Workers of the Great Northwest”

Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker J. H. Walsh Completes Tale of the Overall Brigade’s Journey to IWW Convention


Quote JH Walsh Overall Brigade, IUB p1, Oct 24, 1908~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 2, 1908
The Overall Brigade “Abroad the Nation” from Missoula to Chicago

IWW Gen Adm Emblem, IUB, Mar 14, 1908

In the Industrial Union Bulletin of September 19th, J. H. Walsh described the journey of the Overall Brigade, riding the rails from Portland, Oregon, to the I. W. W. Convention in Chicago. He ended his account with the Brigade encamped near Missoula, Montana. The Brigade was bent on making it to Chicago by September 21st, the first day of the Convention. The story of the journey to Chicago is found completed in the latest edition of the Bulletin.

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of October 24, 1908:



The “Overall Brigade,” en route from Portland, Ore., to Chicago to the Fourth Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World at this point, has finished another successful propaganda meeting at Missoula, Mont. This makes three successful meetings in this city. Literature sales have been the best here of any place so far on our route, while the song sales have doubled, running as high as $10 or $12 per meeting. The collections have been in the same proportion. In fact, it is the first place where the audience has thrown dollars into the crowd at the feet of the singers, as well as many smaller pieces of change that came jingling along at the same time. One collection in the hat was $14.25. This all tells one story in brief-and that is the growing sentiment toward Industrial Unionism.

It is plain to see that the lumbermen’s union, which was generally understood to be a part of the W. F. of M., will soon be a part of the I. W. W. But with all the favorable conditions and enthusiasm, and a thousand invitations for the “bunch” to return, we are off again for the railroad yards to continue our journey to the city of Butte-the noted mining camp.

Our special car is found. It goes in our direction as far as Garrison Junction. It is not a long ride, and we are now spinning along at passenger speed. The long blast of the whistle which sounds and resounds through the mountain tops and valleys on this cold morning, announces that we are approaching the junction. We are there, unloaded and off for the jungles. The cook and a delegate are on their way to the store for supplies, while the rest and the “bunch” is shivering around the camp fire.

Soon the fire is burning bright, the breakfast is cooking and the sun is making its appearance above the horizon, which adds some comfort to our condition on these cold mornings in the Rocky Mountain country. The delicious breakfast is ready and the “bunch” is congregated to partake of the passover.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker J. H. Walsh Completes Tale of the Overall Brigade’s Journey to IWW Convention”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Western Overall Brigade Present at Chicago Convention of IWW


Quote Dolly Walsh re IWW Overall Brigrade, Itr Ocn p3, Sept 30, 1908

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday October 1, 1908
Chicago, Illinois – I. W. W. Convention “Running Full Blast”

From the Chicago Inter Ocean of September 30, 1908:

IWWC, EGF n Dolly Reed Walsh, Chicago Itr Ocn p3, Sept 30, 1908


IWWC, Overall Brigade, Chicago Itr Ocn p3, Sept 30, 1908


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Western Overall Brigade Present at Chicago Convention of IWW”