Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 3, 1909
Chicago, Illinois – St. John Welcomes Spokane Industrial Worker
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of April 1, 1909:
Chicago, March 24.
The initial issue of the Industrial Worker is a credit to the organization in Spokane and will help to prove to the friends and enemies of the I. W. W. alike that the organization is still kicking. Passing Fellow Workers of Spokane bouquets will not be of very much material benefit to them and so, in this regard you can consider that your time and mine is saved and that everything that I could or should say in the way of congratulations has been said.
Gen. Secy. Treas.[Inset of I. W. W. Executive Board added.]
Chicago, Ill., March 23rd, 1909.
The initial number of the “Spokane Industrial Worker” just to hand. Bully for the “Slummists” [or “Bummery”] On glancing-over the paper I’ll find it to contain the right kind of stuff for the worker who wants to learn and know the Industrial Workers of the World, what it stands for now and it’s final aim. Let’s hope that it will continue along the same lines in the future.
The cartoon is a feature which deserves the attention of everybody who has a bit of sense of humor.
The paper stock is fine and the type easy to read.
Words, words, words, “How mighty is the supply of sound behind which lies no support of deeds,” can not be said of the I. W. W. membership on the Pacific Coast .
If there is anything I can do for you, give me particulars.
With success to the “Industrial Worker” and best regards to all the hustlers.