Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 23, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Report from W. F. of M. Convention
From the Duluth Labor World of June 22, 1907:
TO I. W. OF W.
Revolutionary Organization of
Industrial Workers Are Repudiated.
Annual Convention of Western Federation
Takes Decisive Action.
DENVER, Col., June 20.—”To hell with Moyer and Haywood—they are merely individuals.”
“To hell with Eugene V. Debs—we are revolutionists.” These inflammatory utterances made on the floor during the second annual convention of the Industrial Workers of the World in secret session in Chicago last September, were probably largely responsible for the split that has since occurred in the ranks of that organization.
This was brought out in the afternoon session of the federation convention yesterday afternoon. The disclosures were made in a communication read from Charles O. Sherman, former president of the Industrial Workers of the World. There were some quickly hushed hisses and some applause following the conclusion of the reading of the lengthy document.
The Western Federation of Miners, is known as the “mining department” of the Industrial Workers of the World. The latter association is divided into two factions—the “revolutionists” and the advocates of an economic industrial organization. The federation members are mostly from the latter class and practically left the Industrial Workers last December when they refused to pay a per capita to that body.
Since then there has been much dissension between the two organizations and many attempts on the part of the Workers to have the federation return to the fold. The question is to be settled at the convention now in session in Denver.