Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 7, 1912
Songs from the Front Lines of the San Diego Free Speech Fight
From the Industrial Worker of May 1, 1912:
-“Industrial Workers of the World” by Laura Payne Emerson
-“We’re Bound for San Diego”
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 7, 1912
Songs from the Front Lines of the San Diego Free Speech Fight
From the Industrial Worker of May 1, 1912:
-“Industrial Workers of the World” by Laura Payne Emerson
-“We’re Bound for San Diego”
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday October 4, 1917
New York, New York – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Returned to the Tombs
From the New York Sun of October 2, 1917:
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Alleged Plotter,
Sent Back to Tombs Cell.
Four Accused New York Radicals Will Be,
Arraigned at 2 P. M. To-morrow.
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, accused of complicity in I. W W. plots, waited in vain yesterday for some fairy godmother to furnish the $10,000 bail demanded for release pending proceedings which have been brought to compel her extradition to Chicago. As the hours passed a hopeful smile that she had borne upon her arraignment before United States Commissioner Samuel M. Hitchcock faded and at nightfall she was hustled into a patrol wagon and returned to her little cell in the Tombs.
She wan not alone in her misery, for the fat, prosperous looking Carlo Tresca and the swarthy Giovanno Baldazzi found themselves in a similar plight. Tresca, who is editor of an Italian anarchist organ printed in this city, had twirled his thumbs all the afternoon waiting for Amos Pinchot to come around and ball him out. Such were the expectation that he expressed, but Mr. Pinchot failed to materialize. So the pair sat opposite their queen in the patrol wagon, manacled to each other and guarded by big deputy marshals.
Only Arturo Giovannitti, versemonger for the Industrial Workers of the World, he of the flowing hair and tie, idol of the unkempt and bane of the police, was permitted to breath freedom’s sweet air. The poet was bailed out and the queen returned to her cell.