Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill Writes a Cheerful Note to the Editor of Solidarity from the Salt Lake County Jail


Quote Joe Hill, Poor Ragged Tramp, Sing One Song, LRSB 5th ed, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 21, 1914
Fellow Worker Joe Hill Writes to Editor of Solidarity from Salt Lake County Jail

From Solidarity of December 19, 1914:


 Salt Lake County Jail, Nov. 29

Editor Solidarity:

Ad LRSB 8th ed, Joe Hill, Sol p4, Dec 19, 1914

I see in the “Sol” that you are going to issue another edition of the Song Book, and I made a few changes and corrections which I think should improve the book a little, which I am enclosing herewith.

Now, I am well aware of the fact there are lots of prominent rebels who argued that satire and songs are out of place in a labor organization and I will admit that songs are not necessary to a movement. But I think that our little Song Book is doing good work for the cause; and whenever I “get the hunch” I intend to make some more foolish songs, although I realize that the class struggle is a very serious thing.

A pamphlet, no matter how good, is never read more than once, but a song is learned by heart and repeated over and over; and I maintain that if a person can put a few cold, common sense facts into a song, and dress them (the facts) up in a cloak of humor to take the dryness off of them, he will succeed in reaching a great number of workers who are too unintelligent or too indifferent to read a pamphlet or an editorial on economic science.

There is one thing that is necessary in order to hold the old members and to get the would-be members interested in the class struggle and that is entertainment. The rebels of Sweden have realized that fact, and they have their blowouts regularly every week. And on account of that they have succeeded in organizing the female workers more extensively than any other nation in the world. The female workers are sadly neglected in the United States, especially on the West coast, and consequently we have created a kind of one-legged, freakish animal of a union, and our dances and blowouts are kind of stale and unnatural on account of being too much of a “buck” affair; they are too lacking the life and inspiration which the woman alone can produce.

The idea is to establish a kind of social feeling of good fellowship between the male and female workers, that would give them a little foretaste of our future society and make them more interested in the class struggle and the overthrow of the old system of corruption. I think it would be a very good idea to use our female organizers, Gurley Flynn, for instance exclusively for the building up of a strong organization among the female workers. They are more exploited than the men, and John Bull is willing to testify to the fact that they are not lacking in the militant and revolutionary spirit.

By following the example of our Swedish fellow workers, and paying a little more attention to entertainment with original song and original stunts and pictures, we shall succeed in attracting and interesting more of the young blood, both male and female, in the One Big Union.

Yours for a change,
Joe Hill.

Address Jos. Hillstrom, Co. Jail, Salt Lake City, Utah

(We are more than pleased to offer these suggestions from Fellow Worker Hill to our readers, and believe they should be given thorough consideration by all active I. W. W. men and women. We are sorry that Hill’s corrections and changes for some of his songs arrived too late for the Eighth edition, which was already on the press when his letter came. Will keep them on file for a later edition.-Editor Solidarity.)

Ad LRSB 8th ed, Joe Hill, Sol p4, Dec 19, 1914

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill Writes a Cheerful Note to the Editor of Solidarity from the Salt Lake County Jail”

Hellraisers Journal: Imprisoned Fellow Workers Ford & Suhr will each leave a wife and two children to battle with this world.


Quote JP Thompson re Wheatland, June 25-26, 1918, Chicago IWW Trial of H George, p71-2,—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday December 5, 1914
Folsom, California – Fellow Workers Ford and Suhr Arrive at State Penitentiary 

Hop Pickers, Mothers w Children, Durst Ranch, Wheatland CA, 1913

In this month’s edition of the International Socialist Review, Grace Ford, wife of Richard Ford, reflects on the loss of her husband. No, her husband is not dead, but he is now buried alive in Folsom prison along with Herman Suhr, both prisoners of the class-war in the hop fields of California.

Before we get to the article written by Mrs. Ford, we present two accounts of that sad day that Fellow Workers Ford and Suhr were taken away to begin serving life sentences at Folsom State Prison. Neither man is guilty of murder, but they stand convicted nevertheless. Their crime was attempting to organize desperate, impoverished hop pickers. The death of the District Attorney resulted from an attack made upon those hop pickers as they were peaceably assembled on their own rented property.

From the Oakland Tribune of November 15, 1914:

“Blackie” Ford Departs for State Penitentiary
in a Happy Mood.

Ford and Suhr Arrive at Folsom Pen CA, Nov 15, 1914

AUBURN, Nov. 14.-“Blackie” Ford hummed and whistled to himself in a happy mood, apparently assumed, when Sheriff O. L. Meek of Yuba county arrived here and handcuffed him to Herman D. Suhr and then departed with them for the State penitentiary at Folsom.

Ford and Suhr, I. W. W., were convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of district attorney Edmund T. Manwell of Yuba county. The murder occurred during the Wheatland riot of August 1913.

Ford’s father-in-law and mother-in-law bade him goodby. Ford kissed them both and said he would not be in Folsom long.


He gave to I. E. Lamber, one of the I. W. W. leaders of Sacramento, who was present, a new suit of clothes. He said he would not have much use for them in Folsom.

Lambert said to Sheriff Meek as Meek was leading Ford from Sheriff McAulay’s office to the auto outside, “I hope the whole bunch of you break your necks on the way to Folsom.”

Lambert continued: “Blackie, you know I am your friend, but I hope you get killed before you reach Folsom. It is going to cost the State more to keep you and Suhr in Folsom the rest of your lives than the capitalists who run the State realize. Somebody besides you and Suhr is going to suffer for this.”

Ford kept up his nonchalant demeanor to the last. To a newspaper man Ford asked for a ready made cigarette, saying it might be the last he would ever get a chance to smoke.

Suhr and Ford sat in the back seat of the auto. Both had handcuffs on. Suhr was quiet and inclined to be surly. The only time he smiled was when he and Ford met again after their four months’ separation.

Ford and Suhr made no comment upon arriving at prison. They were given the regulation bath and haircut today and their finger prints and photographs were taken.

[Photographs and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Imprisoned Fellow Workers Ford & Suhr will each leave a wife and two children to battle with this world.”

Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Denied New Trial, Case Appealed to Utah Supreme Court, Execution Date Stayed


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 3, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Joe Hill Denied New Trial by Judge Ritchie

HdLn Hillstrom Joe Hill, New Trial Denied, SL Hld p12, Sept 2, 1914
Salt Lake Herald
September 2, 1914

Joe Hill appeared Tuesday before Judge M. L. Ritchie accompanied by his attorney, Soren X. Christensen. Christensen presented an argument for a new trial stating that:

1). Hill had not been identified as the man who killed the store owner, Morrison.
2). There had been only one thing proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and that was that Hill had been shot on the same night that Morrison was killed.
3). The jury had been prejudiced when, in the presence of the jury, Hill fired his own attorneys (Scott and McDougall) These same attorneys were then retained by the court as friends of the court contrary to the wishes of the defendant.
4). The jurymen were not impartial but were inclined to favor the prosecution. On this point, Christensen argued that: “That jury was selected by a science at which the district attorney is a past master and the defendant’s attorneys were unskilled.”

District Attorney E. O. Leatherwood insisted that the trial was fair and had been conducted in strict accordance with the law, and that Hill should be executed on the date set by Judge Ritchie [September 4, 1914].

Judge Ritchie ruled for the prosecution.

Christensen immediately filed for an appeal to the Utah Supreme Court which again stays the execution of Fellow Worker Joe Hill, for now.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Denied New Trial, Case Appealed to Utah Supreme Court, Execution Date Stayed”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and Eugene Debs Blast Insurgents of Butte WFM Local 1, “Foes of All Unionism”


MJ Quote Solidarity————————-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday August 22, 1914
Mother Jones and Eugene Debs Blast Insurgents of Butte WFM Local 1 

From the Miners’ Magazine of August 20, 1914:
Mother Jones Opposes Insurgents’ Union in Butte

Butte Miners Hall after Explosion of June 23, ISR p89, Aug 1914

In a letter to the editor written August 13th and published in the August 20th edition of Miners’ Magazine, Mother Jones opposes, in no uncertain terms, the admission of the insurgent Butte Mine Workers’ Union into the United Mine Workers of America. Mother refers to this union, formed by the large majority of members who seceded from the W. F. of M.’s Butte Miners’ Union No. 1, as a “dual union.” Perhaps Mother has forgotten that the United Mine Workers of America itself was formed largely by members of the Knights of Labor Trade Assembly No. 135 who had seceded from the parent organization.

Denver, Colorado
August 13, 1914

To the Editor of the Miners’ Magazine:

I have received a few letters from Butte, Montana, from  parties who were formerly identified with Butte Miners’ Union No. 1 of the Western Federation of Miners, but who are now members of Butte Mine Workers’ Union. I have not answered these letters owing to the fact that I cannot give my approval to the lawlessness that disgraced the greatest metal mining city of America-a city that has been lauded as the best organized mining camp in America.

Two of the parties who have written letters to me have stated that the Butte Mine Workers’ Union would seek affiliation with the United Mine Workers of America. It seems to me that the time has come when it is imperative that every man and woman who is interested in the cause of labor should speak in in no uncertain language relative to the situation that presents itself in Butte, Montana. I feel positive that the United Mine Workers of America will not court the admission of a local union that was born in dissension and promoted by disrupters who seem to have no scruples, as they destroyed with explosives a temple that stood as a monument to the pioneers who laid the foundation of Butte Miners’ Union. The United Mine Workers of America has never given its sanction or recognition to dual unions, and the coal miners of this continent, believing in the strength and power of labor solidified, will scorn to accept an organization that came into the world heralded by explosions of dynamite.

The Butte Mine Workers’ Union can have no standing with the bona fide labor movement of this country. The members of the Butte Mine Workers’ Union can only come into, or become a part of the United Mine Workers of America through the Western Federation of Miners, and if any members of this dual union are laboring under the delusion that they can become affiliated or become a part of the United Mine Workers of America, they should get rid of the deception immediately for the United Mine Workers believe with all their hearts and souls that solidarity of the working class that will one day be able to grapple with the hosts of greed. If the Butte Mine Workers’ Union ever becomes a part of the United Mine Workers of America, it must come under the flag of the U. M. W. of A. as members of Butte Miners’ Union No. 1, W. F. M. , or remain outside the pale of the labor movement. The United Mine Workers of America will demand that those seeking affiliation or amalgamation shall come in with clean hands, not as secessionists, but standing under the banner of the Western Federation of Miners-an organization that for more than twenty-one years has fought the battles of labor in Western America, and though defeated in a number of battles has never been conquered.

I have fought for the men of the coal mines for many long years. I have helped to establish the United Mine Workers, and my voice shall be raised in protest against the taking into its folds men who have seceded from the metal miners’ organization. I know the Western Federation of Miners. I have also fought its battles, and shall continue to do so, and I now serve warning on all who would seek its destruction that it will find no place in the United Mine Workers of America, unless it be as members of the Western Federation of Miners. If they have grievances against the management of their local affairs, let them go to work like men and adjust them, and not spend their time in an effort to destroy an organization such as the Western Federation of Miners, which will go down in history as second to none in fighting the battles for the emancipation of the toiling masses.

Mother Jones

[Emphasis added.]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and Eugene Debs Blast Insurgents of Butte WFM Local 1, “Foes of All Unionism””

Hellraisers Journal: Sensation Created in Utah As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys and Mrs. Stephen Arrives to Assist Defense


Quote Joe Hill, Poor Ragged Tramp, Sing One Song, LRSB 5th ed, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 22, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah -As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys; Mrs. Stephen Comes to His Aid

The State of Utah vs. Joseph Hillstrom

Virginia Snow Stephen

The Ogden Standard reports that “sensation after sensation piled up [Friday] in the Joseph Hillstrom murder trial.” These “sensations” were, apparently, the firing by Joe Hill of his attorneys, Scott and McDougall, along with the appearance in court of two women, “each shrouded in mystery.” The Standard was unable to identify one of the mysterious women, but the other was identified as Mrs. Virginia Snow Stephen, educator and “daughter of the late President Lorenzo Snow of the Mormon church.” Mrs. Stephen has become interested in the case of Joe Hill, believing him to be innocent of the crime of murder for which he is on trial for his life. Through the assistance of Mrs. Stephen, Attorney Soren X. Christensen will now be conducting the defense of Fellow Worker Joe Hill.

From The Ogden Standard of June 20, 1914:


Salt Lake. June 20.-Sensation after sensation piled up yesterday in the Joseph Hillstrom murder trial before Judge M. L. Ritchie in the district court.

Hillstrom discharged his own attorneys, F. B. Scott and E. D. McDougall, in open court, declaring they were in league with the district attorney and that he could conduct his own defense better than they. He re-engaged them in the afternoon, and Soren X. Chrlstensen also was entered as associate counsel, representing Judge Hilton of Denver, the famous labor advocate.

Two women entered the case yesterday, each shrouded in mystery, which counsel for the defense could not or would not clear up.

One is Mrs. Virginia Snow Stephen who is prominent in educational, social and art circles. Mrs. Stephen, who is a daughter of the late President Lorenzo Snow of the Mormon church, has long been connected with the art department of the University of Utah, and stands exceptionally high as an instructor. Mrs Stephen, it is said, has never seen Hillstrom, but has become so firmly convinced of his innocence that she will endeavor, while taking her vacation in the east, to raise funds for his defense.

Convinced of Innocence

“The man who wrote the songs and composed the music that Joseph Hillstrom has, simply could not be guilty of so brutal a murder as the killing of the Morrisons,” Mrs Stephens told F B. Scott, of the defense, before she left for the east.

Discussing the interest that Mrs. Stephen has displayed in the case, Mr Scott said yesterday:

Mrs Stephen came to my office some time ago and talked to me about the Hillstrom case. I did not know her until she introduced herself but she seemed greatly interested in Hillstrom’s defense. She said she had never seen Hillstrom but that she could not believe the man guilty from what she had read and heard of the case. She appeared eager to render any assistance in her power She told me that she was going east for her vacation and that she intended raising funds, if possible, while absent to assist Hillstrom in getting his case properly before the courts. At that time, I might add, we did not know that Hillstrom would be called for trial at so early a date.

“Mrs. Stephen also asked me if I would like to have assistance in the case and I told her I would. Having been informed that she intended stopping in Denver, on her way to the east, I suggested that she might see Judge O. N Hilton, the noted labor advocate in Denver who was associated with me in the Sorensen case. That she saw Judge Hilton is evidenced by the telegram which came to Soren X Christensen today.”

Attorney O. N Hilton, when interviewed in Denver last night regarding the connection of Mrs. Virginia Stephen with the Hillstrom murder case, said:

I know nothing of Mrs Stephens further than that she stated to me that she represented the defense committee of the I W. W. She was anxious, she said, to see that Hillstrom secured justice, and in case he was convicted by a jury in the present trial she wanted to be assured that he would secure a new trial and, if necessary, carry the case to the highest court. I was unable, by reason of other duties, to represent Hillstrom, and recommended Attorney Soren X. Christensen of Salt Lake, who is now conducting Hillstrom’s defense.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Sensation Created in Utah As Joe Hill Fires His Attorneys and Mrs. Stephen Arrives to Assist Defense”

Hellraisers Journal: Salt Lake City, Utah-Jury Seated; Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill


Quote, Workingmen Unite, Joe Hill, Cry for Justice, p707, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 19, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill

From The Salt Lake Tribune of June 14, 1914:


Joe Hill wiki

Though two new jurors were obtained yesterday in the case of Joseph Hillstrom, charged with the murder of J. G. Morrison, one of the jurors obtained previously was excused by the court, leaving a gain of but one. There are now eight jurors sworn in.

Thomas Flowers, who was sworn in Friday night as the seventh juror, was excused by Judge M. L. Ritchie on a showing that a baby had come to his house and that the mother was very ill.

The new jurors obtained yesterday are Charles J. Ernshaw, of Brighton, and Rudolph Boss, of Salt Lake.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Salt Lake City, Utah-Jury Seated; Testimony Begins in Murder Trial of Fellow Worker Joe Hill”

Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill on Trial for His Life in Salt Lake City, Utah


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 13, 1914
Salt Lake City, Utah – Joe Hill on Trial for Murder on Circumstantial Evidence

State of Utah vs. Joseph Hillstrom

Joe Hill, Joseph Hillstrom on day of arrest, SL Tb 1, Jan 15, 1914
Joe Hill on Day of Arrest

Joe Hill, famous I. W. W. songwriter, went on trial June 10th in Salt Lake City, Utah. Fellow Worker Joe Hill is on trial for his life, having been charged with the murder of J. G. Morrison who was shot and killed, along with his son, during the robbery of his grocery store on the night of January 10, 1914. Joe Hill was arrested three days later. He pleaded “Not Guilty” on January 22nd to the charge of murder in the case of J. G. Morrison. Hill has been in the Salt Lake County Jail since his arrest.

District Attorney E. O. Leatherwood admits that all of the evidence against Joe Hill is circumstantial, but states that he will prove Hill’s guilt through a chain of circumstantial facts: 1). that a tall man in the company of a short man were seen near the store just before the murder of Morrison, 2). that Hill was that tall man, 3). that Morrison’s son fired at the men and wounded Hill, who then shouted that he had been shot, 4). that Hill was treated shortly thereafter for a gunshot wound, 5). that Hill was carrying a gun of the same type used in the murder while at the doctor’s office.

Joe has strenuously denied any involvement in this brutal double murder. He states that he was shot by a friend during an argument over a woman known to both of them. He states that he is confident that he will be acquitted. Others are not so sure, pointing out that Fellow Worker Joe Hill has already been found guilty of being a member of the Industrial Workers of the World.

From The Voice of the People of May 21, 1914:


The following letter is published at the request of Fellow-worker Ed. Rowan, Secretary L. U. 69:                                                     

SALT LAKE CITY. May 2. 1914.

Voice of the People, New Orleans, La.:

Gentlemen–On January 10th, 1914, J. G. Morrison, ex-policeman, was shot at 9:31 p. m. in his grocery store by two masked men, in Salt Lake City, Utah. His son was also shot, but is supposed to have wounded one of the men first. Another son claims to have heard the shots and reached the store just as the masked men were running away.

Four days later at the house of his friends, seven miles front Salt Lake City, Joe Hill was arrested on information of a Dr. Bird, who drove him to Eselius’ home about 11:30 p. m. the night of the murder. Hill stated to the doctor who attended him that he had been shot at the house of a friend because the friend thought he had insulted his wife and that he did not want anything said as he knew the friend did not mean it.

Another son of the dead man claims to have identified Hill. Yet as the men were masked I don’t think much of the identification. We are defending him, but he states that he does not wish to involve his girl friend and will not state who shot him nor her name.

The main thing the State has against Hill is that he is an I. W. W. and therefore sure to be guilty. Hill tried to keep the I. W. W. out of it and denied it, but the papers fastened it on him. For this reason he is entitled to be helped and not allowed to hang for being an I. W. W. Every man is presumed to be innocent till proved guilty. It should not he necessary for him to prove his innocence, and it would not be if he was not an I. W. W.

Scott and MacDougall, per Scott.
(Attorneys for Joe Hill)

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Joe Hill on Trial for His Life in Salt Lake City, Utah”

Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Correspondent, John Kenneth Turner, Begins Series on “Government by Gunmen”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday May 14, 1914
Mother Jones Praises John Kenneth Turner’s Series, “Government by Gunmen”

From the Appeal to Reason of May 9, 1914:

John Kenneth Turner Opens Fire
On Government by Gunmen

WV Mother Jones w John Kenneth Turner 1913, AtR p1, Apr 11, 1914

Here follows the introductory article of the “Government by Gunmen” series. In investigating these facts John Kenneth Turner risked his life, as it required his association with gunmen, detectives and the riff-raff of capitalist society. Several times he was warned by friends to drop his investigations. A reformed gunman has written the Appeal urging us to suppress this series if we valued Turner’s life. But the author of “Barbarous Mexico” and the investigator of West Virginia and other recent labor wars, laughs at this threat. He believes that the publicity given to this series will not only protect him but all who are today in danger of being “eliminated” by the murderous detective agencies. Here then is the beginning of the “Government by Gunmen” series. And every week for nearly half a year we shall bring before the public bar the strongest indictment of Capitalism’s Invisible Army that was ever attempted in this country. The Appeal feels that our first and most important duty is to abolish Government by Gunmen. It must be done-it will be done. 

Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.

Gunthug Gun n Booze, AtR p1, May 9, 1914

In the county jail at Marysville, Cal., a short time ago I talked with two young workingmen who were on trial for murder. A jury of twelve men-not working men-has since declared them guilty and a judge has sentenced them to imprisonment at hard labor for the rest of their natural lives.

Yet these two workingmen had not killed anybody. Nor had they planned or attempted to kill anybody.

One, Richard Ford, is ruined for life-torn from his wife and two little children forever-solely because he became the spokesman for 2,300 hop-pickers who went on strike against intolerable conditions.

The career of the other, Herman Suhr, is blasted-he too, is unfortunate enough to possess a wife and two children-solely because he signed a number of telegrams asking that organizers be sent to the hop-fields to enroll the 2,300 pickers in a labor union.

The arrest, the trial and the conviction of Ford and Suhr was a deliberate frame-up of a ring of capitalists, in which a private detective agency took a necessary and criminal part…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Correspondent, John Kenneth Turner, Begins Series on “Government by Gunmen””

Hellraisers Journal: Unemployed of New York City Seek Shelter in Blizzard; 200 Arrested Including Frank Tannenbaum


Quote Joe Hill, Poor Ragged Tramp, Sing One Song, LRSB 5th ed, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 7, 1914
New York City – Police Attack and Arrest Unemployed Men Seeking Shelter 

200 Unemployed Men Held after Arrests
at St. Alphonsus’ Catholic Church

UE Storm Church, Frank Tannenbaum, NY Tb p1, Mar 5, 1914

Some 200 unemployed men were arrested during a blizzard on the night of March 4th as they sought shelter at St. Alphonsus’ Catholic Church. Frank Tannenbaum is being held on a felony charge with his bail fixed at $5,000. The others could be bailed out at the cost of $1000 each, were that amount available. The men are being held at four different prison: the Tombs, Jefferson Market, West 57th Street, and West 53rd Street.

At the Jefferson Market prison, the men are being kept in a large pen without cots and with only eight blankets for 50 men. Conditions at West 57th are much the same. At the Tombs and the West 53rd Street prison, the men have been crowded five and six to cell, and are being kept in unsanitary conditions described as vile.

Mary Heaton Vorse explains how the arrests came about:

Frank Tannenbaum, [Frank Strawn] Hamilton and [Charles] Plunkett had asked Father Schneider of St. Alphonsus if they might have shelter in his church. Father Schneider had refused on the ground that the Blessed Sacrament of the Body of our Lord was exposed and it would be sacrilege to allow men to sleep in the church at such a time.

The crowd of unemployed had not understood their instruction to wait outside and had started going inside to sit down in the back seats. A police officer told Tannenbaum to go into the church and bring the men out. Tannenbaum obeyed. The doors were closed and locked on him as soon as he went inside. The arrest followed before he could speak to the men. The papers had been told that the Catholic Church was going to stand for no nonsense and there was a battery of reporters and cameramen ready for the trouble.

It so happens that the newly formed Labor Defense Conference was holding its first meeting at the home of Mary Heaton Vorse and her husband, Joe O’Brien, the same night that the men were arrested. The Conference was organized by Big Bill Haywood of the Industrial Workers of World, and has attracted what Vorse calls “a strangely assorted group.” All of them are committed to defending workers, whether currently employed or not.

In the middle of the meeting, Heber Blankenhorn entered the room, and said, “We have your first case for you. Frank Tannenbaum and a crowd of two hundred men have just been arrested down at St. Alphonsus’.”

The Labor Defense Conference launched into action immediately. Justus Sheffield was contacted and will act as the attorney for men.

Note: Newsclip from New York Tribune of March 5, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Unemployed of New York City Seek Shelter in Blizzard; 200 Arrested Including Frank Tannenbaum”

Hellraisers Journal: “The Wheatland Boys”-Herman Suhr and Richard Ford Convicted of Second Degree Murder; Appeal Expected


Quote JP Thompson re Wheatland, June 25-26, 1918, Chicago IWW Trial of H George, p71-2,—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday March 3, 1914
Herman Suhr and Richard Ford Convicted of Second Degree Murder

From the International Socialist Review of March 1914:

The Wheatland Boys

Hop Pickers, Mothers w Children, Durst Ranch, Wheatland CA, 1913

HERMAN Suhr and Richard Ford, leaders of the strike on the Durst Hop Ranch at Wheatland, have been convicted of murder in the second degree, in the trial for the murder of District Attorney Edmund Manwell, killed in the raid of the sheriff’s posse on a peacable meeting of men, women and children strikers. William Back and Harry Bagan, who stood trial with them, have been released “on account of insufficient evidence.”

Ford and Suhr are convicted of murder. But they are not convicted of actually having murdered Mr. Maxwell. They are convicted of conspiring to murder, of being accessory before the fact.

The evidence of several eye witnesses proved that the District Attorney was killed by a Porto Rican, who came to the rescue of his fellow strikers. But the Porto Rican was killed himself; Ford and Suhr were not killed. And, as Prosecuting Attorney Carlin says, “The blood of Ed Manwell cries from the ground for their conviction.” The employing class cry for their conviction, Mr. Carlin might have added with less false sentiment and more truth. For these men, Ford and Suhr, were strike leaders, and their strike promised to be successful, had not the sheriff’s posse acted as strikebreakers for the Hop Barons.

These are the reasons for the conviction of Ford and Suhr. The precedent of a conviction of a labor leader for conspiracy to murder, of being accessory before the fact to any violence fomented by the employers in time of industrial trouble, is choked down the throats of the working class in California. And a staggering blow is given of the organization of the migratory workers, in whose vast army they urge toward organization had just begun to take embryonic shape.

Immediately behind the four prisoners during the trial sat Mrs. Suhr and Mrs. Ford, each with her two children. Suhr is desperately broken by the tortures of the Burns detectives, and even wiry, spirited hopeful Ford shows the long imprisonment and the strain. But the men show their ordeal hardly more than their wives.

As they sat before the twelve men who were to decide their fate, it was difficult to imagine a situation where justice would be more bitterly impossible to secure than in this county of Yuba, from which change of venue had been denied the four prisoners. Not a man in the jury who would not consider (however falsely) that his financial interest would be more secure for the conviction of these men. Not a man there who knew them or had ever looked upon their faces before. Not a man there who did not know at least by reputation, the dead man, his widow and orphans. Not a man who had not read the bitter attacks of the local press, condemning these men to the gallows before they were even brought to trial. Not a man who had ever read a word favorable to them (the reading of the pamphlet [“Plotting to Convict the Wheatland Hop Pickers”] sent into Yuba County by this league having been declared by the judge to disqualify a man from jury service). Not a man in the jury, probably, who did not share the prejudice of the man with a home, against the so-called hobo.

Austin Lewis’ plea for the defense was brilliant, profoundly human and convincing. It took the evidence, as given by both sides and utterly demolished the case of the prosecution with the sword of cold reason, slashed the cowardly Stanwood for his persecutions of helpless prisoners, and then flung itself upward in such an appeal to the blood-kindred of all men in aspirations for betterment and freedom, such as the strike on the Durst Ranch, as must have stirred the blood of every listener. But Lewis was a stranger to the jurymen, and their petty life in an agricultural community rendered it impossible for them to judge in a case involving an industrial question.

Prosecuting Attorney Carlin, who followed, had set his stage well. Opposite the jury sat the widow of the dead man with her six children. Intimately, as a man might talk to them leaning over the front fences, Carlin drove his plea home to the jury, every man of whom knew him, and many of whom, it is stated, were under obligations to him. Analysis of the testimony there was none; argument there was none; reason there was none.

A poor, shabby, cowardly speech, vulgar and dull. But it did not have to be very clever. All was well prepared without a clever plea. The judge read to the jury instructions from the law exactly covering a conviction for conspiracy in these cases, and hastily skipped over the instructions which would have freed the men by showing that Ford and Suhr did not aid and abet the Porto Rican who did the shooting.

The crooked, brutal case was about finished. The prophecy of gentlemen intimately associate with the ever clever Burns detectives to the effect that the verdict would be brought in at 1:30 p. m. on January 31, was correct. Society women and social workers who had come up from San Francisco, representatives of the press, investigators from the new Federal Commission on Industrial Relations, townsmen and townswomen crowded the courtroom. And the impious mock dignity of the law went on its wind-inflated way, to free the two men whom it dare not hold and to pronounce guilty the two whose sole crime was that they rose to lead out of the darkness, a helpless crowd of men, women and children, to convict these men who used what talents were theirs to voice the will and aspirations of these people for clean and decent conditions and a wage sufficient to allow them to hold up their heads as men.

Their cases will be appealed, and the storms of protest and wrath will not be downed until they are free.

[Photograph and Emphasis added.]

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