Hellraisers Journal: Speech of IWW Organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn at Spokane on June 29, 1909, Part IV


Quote EGF, My Aim in Life, Spk Rv p7, July 8, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 28, 1909
Spokane, Washington – June 29th Speech of Gurley Flynn, Part IV

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of July 15, 1909:


(Concluded From Last Week)

Address of Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Organizer and Lecturer of the Industrial Workers of the World, given at Spokane, Wash., on Tuesday evening, June 29, 1909.

Employers Unite Industrially.

EGF, Spokane IW p3, July 22, 1909

The tobacco trust is organized from the tobacco fields straight through all the productions to the United States cigar stores and sell it over the continent; the American woolen trust, from the backs of the sheep clear through the mills, where the cloth is sold to the wholesaler; the beef trust is organized from the ranchers of the West through the slaughter houses and packing houses, and even in through the tannery, where leather is tanned, and they are now grasping out for the shoe factories, where the shoes are made.

Everywhere in the field of industry you see the organization according to the commodity produced, from the source of the raw material straight through the distribution of the finished product; and you find that straight line of capitalist industry sliced across by the union, just a little slice here and there; and by that method a class that has no capital hope to defeat those that have every power at their command. We have only our organization, fellow workers; they have capital; they have the power of the government, the slugging community of the capitalist class; they have the power of the state; they have the power of international capital-and we have but our power of organization. They can call out against us the militia, the army and the navy, and we have no means of stopping it, until we are organized to shut off from that army and navy their supply of food and their means of transportation. (Applause.)

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Hellraisers Journal: From Spokane’s Industrial Worker: “Employment Sharks Must Go!” -Part II, Industrial Control


Quote JH Walsh, re Employment Sharks, IUB p1, Feb 27, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 27, 1909
Spokane, Washington – Industrial Control Will Defeat Employment Sharks

From Spokane’s Industrial Worker of March 25, 1909:

IWW re Emply Sharks, Spk IW p3, Mar 25, 1919

[Part II.]

How to Fix Things

The importance of a systematic fight can hardly be overestimated. The employment agencies are IN OUR WAY. It is not worth while to try to reform them, even if it were possible. They MUST BE DONE AWAY! There are a number of very good reasons for this, and there is every certainty of success of the I. W. W. in doing it. So well known to the workingmen is it that the Union is fighting this thing that it would a dull day for the Secretary if from a dozen to fifty men did not come into the hall who had been robbed and who want the Union to recover the money for them. The instinct of the workers teaches them where their interest is. A systematic boycott of these dives, the continue advertising they get from the Union and other means, such as picketing, etc., etc., are having a great and good effect. The opposition of the agents themselves shows us that we are on the right track. But the fight must be urged, kept up, increased! Down with the employment shark! Up with the Union! During the few weeks that the Union has been unable to hold street meetings some may imagine that we have got slack in this fight. It is only the lull before the storm. The I. W. W. men know well enough who started the riot on the streets of Spokane and then tried to throw the blame on the Union! We have forgotten none of these things. They are simply drawing interest for the near time to come.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Spokane’s Industrial Worker: “Employment Sharks Must Go!” -Part II, Industrial Control”