Hellraisers Journal: Joe Ettor Addresses Mass Meeting on Behalf of Lawrence Textile Strikers at Boston’s Faneuil Hall


Quote Joe Ettor re John Golden, Lawrence Strike n Revolution, Bst Glb p4, Jan 27, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 29, 1912
 Boston, Massachusetts – Joe Ettor Speaks on Behalf of Lawrence Strikers

From The Boston Daily Globe of January 27, 1912:


Lawrence Strike Leader Joe Ettor, Bst Glb Morn p2, Jan 16, 1912

Joseph J. Ettor was the star of the great meeting in the interest of the Lawrence strikers which was held last evening in Faneuil Hail under the auspices of the socialist party of Boston. His picturesque looks and his vivid description of conditions in Lawrence contributed in part to the applause which greeted him. 

This man differs in appearance from any labor leader that has ever been seen in this part of the world before. He has a face on him which at first impresses you as being feminine, but which becomes masculine and full of expression when he talks. His skin looks as soft as a girls and his eyes are as black as coals.

More than $200 was taken up in a collection for the benefit of the strikers. The hall was crowded, though not uncomfortably so, and the rather large force of policemen found nothing to do but listen. There was a band of music, which kept the crowd entertained until 8:20, when a great cheer went up as the red Socialist flag and the American flag were borne up the center aisle and behind them came Ettor, James P. Carey and a number of people who were to sit on the platform.

The meeting was called to order by George D. Hall, who said he had personally visited all the textile cities in New England and had found nowhere more miserable conditions than existed in Lawrence.


Woman Striker Speaks.

Miss K. S. Hanscom, one of the Lawrence strikers, addressed an audience for the first time and found a little difficulty in expressing herself. But she was so deeply impressed with the thing she wanted to say that she found no difficulty in making herself understood. She wanted to express first her admiration for the courage of the poor people who went out on strike, but more especially for the Italian women who were the first to walk out of the Wood Worsted mill. The average wage of most of the men and women, she said, was $5 a week, and they were compelled to do three and four times more work than formerly. The weavers and spinner do not average $9 a week.

Chairman Hall announced that the Boston Socialist Club proposed through a committee of 300 to collect by means of a house-to-house campaign clothing and funds for the strikers.


Ettor Speaks of Wood.

Joseph J. Ettor was loudly cheered when he was introduced and it took considerable protesting with his hand to stop the applause.

This evening I was an conference with Mr. William M. Wood and he assured me that while I represented 20,000 workers he had 14.000 investors. Some of  them live on the Riviera. (Laughter).

[Continued Ettor with a laugh:]

That’s way off in Russia, I guess. You see the capitalist class know no East nor West, nor any other boundary.

The important thing today is that 20,000 mill workers of Lawrence are out on strike. The other side has done all in its power to crush out every effort that has been made by these people in the past to express themselves. The one who made a complaint was always made the victim of oppression by bosses and superintendents.


Learn They Are Not Slaves.

An attempt is being made to bring the workers back to the mills, that they may be able to weave their lives into cloth on the old terms. John Golden with Billy Woods, say that in Lawrence we have no strike-we have a revolution. Well, where it is a question of life and death it is sure a revolution.

Twelve days ago the strikers were slaves, with nobody to speak for them-slaves attached to the looms who did not dare to raise their heads. All that has been changed in 12 days. These people have discovered that they are not slaves to superintendents or agents of mills.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Joe Ettor Addresses Mass Meeting on Behalf of Lawrence Textile Strikers at Boston’s Faneuil Hall”

Hellraisers Journal: Dynamite Found in Lawrence; Strikers Blamed and Arrests Made; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Arrives


Quote Lawrence Strike Committee, Drunk Cup to Dregs, Bst Dly Glb Eve p5, Jan 17, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 23, 1912
Lawrence, Massachusetts – Joe Ettor Asserts Dynamite a “Plant”

From The Boston Sunday Globe of January 21, 1912:

HdLn Lawrence Dynamite Found, Bst Glb p1, Jan 21, 1912


LAWRENCE, Jan 20-With more than 20,000 mill operatives, among whom are Italians, Poles, Syrians, Russians, Lithuanians, Franco-Belgians, Portuguese and those, of other nationalities on a strike, and talk of dynamite plots, indiscriminate bomb throwing and other acts of violence rife here for the past week, the city was thrown into a violent state of excitement today when Inspector Rooney of Boston and his men, working in squads, discovered dynamite, fulminating caps and fuss [fuses?] in three different places.


HdLn Lawrence Ctzn Com Try Settle Strike, Bst Glb p2, Jan 21, 1912—–Lawrence Diagram Where Dynamite Found, Bst Glb p2, Jan 21, 1912

“Plant” Is Claim of Ettor. 

The searchlights in the different mills are kept constantly at work, and sharpshooters posted in the towers and on the mill property are unusually alert. 

Joseph J. Ettor of the Industrial Workers of the World, who is recognized by the strikers themselves and by every one else as the leader in the strike, says that the dynamite which was found was placed where it could be found by persons who later directed the searchers where to look for it.


Seven Under Arrest. 

The five men and two women who were in the tenement house when taken in the first raid at 292-294 Oak st. where seven sticks of dynamite and a box of caps were found in a closet of an unoccupied room, said their names were Farris Marad, who led the parade of Syrians on Thursday and who came into contact with the soldiers at the head of Canal st; Joseph Assaf, Trinidad Beshon, David Roshed, David Beshara, Mary Squeriq and Zekla Roshell. 

A five-chambered revolver was found in the pocket of Marad, and Beshara had a pail of steel knuckles. 

 Marad and the two women were bailed out tonight, the former furnishing $1000 and the latter $500 each. 


Miss Flynn Begins Work. 

…..Leader Joseph J. Ettor of the strikers relaxed his efforts this evening after a busy day, and went into conference with Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, National organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World, who arrived on a late afternoon train. 

She will begin her work tomorrow at the meeting of the Franco-Belgians and Americans in Franco-Belgian Hall in the morning and will probably address one or two more meetings in the afternoon. 


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Dynamite Found in Lawrence; Strikers Blamed and Arrests Made; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Arrives”

Hellraisers Journal: Textile Workers at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Stage Walk-Out Due to Short Pay; Italians Lead the Way


you tube—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 14, 1912
Lawrence Textile Workers Stage Walk-Out Due to Short Pay

From the Boston Evening Transcript of January 12, 1912:

Bst Eve Tp p1, Jan 12, 1912

 Special to the Transcript:

Lawrence, Jan. 12-The mill district of this city was thrown into a state of great excitement today by a riotous outbreak on the part of about five hundred Italians, who left their work at the Wood, Ayer and Washington mills of the American Woolen Company because they objected to a reduction of two hours pay a week under the workings of the new 54-hour law. Before the trouble ended several persons had been injured, none seriously, a number of girl operatives had fainted and six arrests had been made by the police. The mill agents hastily looked things over and found that so many operatives had quit work through fear of the angry Italians that it was decided to close down the Wood and Ayer mills at once. The Washington mills and those of the Lawrence Duck Company, to which the disturbance extended, were kept in operation, although 800 operatives at the Washington mills and 400 at the duck mills stopped work after the riot. As the Wood mill employs 6000 hands and the Ayer mill 3500, nearly 11,000 operatives were idle this afternoon.

Just what effect today’s rioting will have on the general situation is problematical. Some of the mill agents expressed the opinion that it might make the more responsible operatives realize the dangers which would accompany a general strike and thus might make it easier to reach an amicable agreement. The union leaders were not prepared this afternoon to make any statements as to their probable attitude, but it was evident that the disturbances today had produced a sobering effect. No formal meeting of union workers had been called early this afternoon, but it was generally expected that such meetings would be held very soon to discuss the situation and decide what action would be taken. The mill agents intimated that they would open all the mills tomorrow as usual, including the Wood and Ayer mills. How many of their operatives will be on hand to go to work cannot yet be foretold. The six men arrested will appear in court tomorrow.

Two hundred operatives at the Pacific Mills quit work this afternoon, the majority of whom were employed in the examining room. At the Farwell bleachery, School Committeeman John Breen addressed a band of Syrians, this afternoon, and succeeded in inducing them to disband. About fifty Farwell bleachery employees quit work this afternoon on account of the wage reduction. 


Amazing Mixture of Races in Mills

Forty-Five Languages Spoken Within a Mile Radius–Only Chicago and Fall River Have as Large a Per Cent Foreign-Born–Foreign Labor Mostly Unskilled

Within a mile radius of the mills are spoken forty-five languages, including their sub-divisions, and there are people living within this area representing fifty-one different countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. It is safe to say that there are more languages spoken within the Wood or Washington mills than in any one spot of equal size in the world. Whereas Lawrence covers an area of seven and a quarter square miles, the races represented live within two square miles of area, the congested district being close to the mills. And Lawrence presents unique conditions in that all the different nationalities live close together, as many as six and seven distinct races often living in one tenement block. While in the larger cities, as in New York and Chicago, there are more races represented, they are also more widely scattered, being grouped in sections. In Lawrence they all live together even as they work together. Only Chicago and Fall River has as large a percentage of foreign-born citizens to their population as has Lawrence.

One is also impressed by the number of women in excess of men passing along the streets. The foreign-born element of women in Lawrence is thirty per cent greater than that of the men, making the town a force in the dubbing of New England a weary girl-congested land, whereas, in other countries where there are large foreign-born percentages to the population, it often happens that the men are in excess of the women of their races in the ratio of four to one.

As in Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania mining districts, Lawrence is again exceptional in that the women of the Slavic and Finnish races and those speaking the Romance languages often come here and obtain work in the mills, leaving their husbands at home with the young children. Many Italian and Syrian women are at work, aiming to bring their husbands and families later, such economic conditions being made possible by the fact that seventy per cent more woman are employed in the mills than men


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Textile Workers at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Stage Walk-Out Due to Short Pay; Italians Lead the Way”

WE NEVER FORGET: Tomás Martínez, Class-War Prisoner, Who Died from Illness Due to Conditions at Leavenworth


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Nunca Olvidamos: Tomás Martínez, 1893-1921, Class-War Prisoner
-Died October 23, 1921, after Deportation to Guadalajara, Mexico

Photograph of Tomás Martínez, sent to Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, shortly before his death.

WNF Tomas Thomas Martinez shortly bf death Oct 23, 1921, photo sent to EGF, Zimmer, Red Scare Deportees

From Iron in Her Soul by Helen C. Camp, page 95:

Thomas Martinez was deported to Mexico after he left the Kansas penitentiary in the spring of 1921. He arrived there very ill, suffering from tuberculosis-“which I suppose I took from the jail of Free America”-and the effects of a botched appendectomy. The Mexican IWW gave him a little money, as did [Elizabeth Gurley] Flynn, and the Workers’ National Prison Comfort Club branch in Milwaukee sent him two union suits and a pair of shoes. A friend of Martinez sent Elizabeth a photograph taken of him shortly before he died in October of the same year.

[Emphasis added.]

From “Red Scare Deportees” by Kenyon Zimmer:

Tomás Martínez (Thomas Martinez)

Born 1893, Mexico. Miner. 1905, a founding member of La Unión Liberal Humanidad in Cananea, which was affiliated with the new Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM) and helped lead the 1906 Cananea miners’ strike. Member of several more PLM-affiliated groups. Migrated to the US circa 1907; active in Morenci, Arizona; helped plan and joined the PLM’s cross-border invasion of Baja California in 1910. Taken prisoner by Carranza’s forces and ordered executed, but escaped. 1914 organizing miners in Cananea; denounced and expelled as a “Huerta supporter,” leading to a strike of 2,500-3,000 miners until he was allowed to return. 1915-1918 active in IWW and PLM activities in Arizona and Los Angeles. Wrote numerous articles for the IWW’s paper El Rebelde (1915-1917). Arrested Miami, Arizona, March 1918; convicted to two years in Leavenworth Penitentiary and a $500 fine for violation of the Espionage Act [convicted of having literature of seditious nature]. Contracted tuberculosis while in prison, and a botched operation resulted in septicemia. Upon his release, detained for deportation but he petitioned to be allowed to leave what he called “the Jail of Free America” to another country at his own expense for fear that he would be executed for his past revolutionary activities if returned to Mexico; his petition was denied and he was deported in 1921; according to one report, “When he was finally shipped across the border he was more dead than alive.” Furthermore, he wrote to a friend in the US, “When I arrived at the border, they left me naked, they burned my clothes and shoes.” He never recovered, and died in Guadalajara, October 23, 1921. Comrades buried him with a headstone reading: ¡Nunca olvidamos! (We Never Forget!).

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “WE NEVER FORGET: Tomás Martínez, Class-War Prisoner, Who Died from Illness Due to Conditions at Leavenworth”

Hellraisers Journal: Miss Flynn Speaks before New England Civil Liberties Committee on Behalf of Sacco and Vanzetti


Quote EGF, re Sacco at Dedham Jail, Oct 1920, Rebel Girl p304———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 14, 1921
Boston, Massachusetts – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks for Sacco and Vanzetti

From The Boston Daily Globe of March 12, 1921:

Criticises Method Used in
Prosecuting “Holdup Men”

Asks Twentieth Century Club if
Justice Is Being Done Immigrants


EGF, Invitation f Speech re Sacco Vanzetti, Boston, Mar 11, 1921

In defending Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, the two Italians who are to be tried for the murder and robbery of a paymaster in East Braintree some months ago, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, at the Twentieth Century Club last night [March 11th], denounced the methods used in prosecuting them, warmly upheld the foreign born workmen, or their children, as the victims of gross misconceptions among the so-called “American” population, excoriated this same attitude as unjustified, stupid and cruel-the product of fear and the “Red” hysteria.

Miss Flynn spoke before the New England Civil Liberties Committee.

[Said Miss Flynn:]

If a man is active in the labor movement and is trying to bring about better working conditions in industry, we have been taught to look behind charges brought against him. The Mooney case taught us to investigate before conviction, not afterward. We are willing to assume that men interested in labor movements are not of the criminal type.

That may not be a good reason in law, but it is perfectly true. No one with a studious, thoughtful mind can on the spur of the moment plan a crime requiring the skill of practiced criminals.

Touching on the popular prejudice against the alien element, she said she had read a sketch by Owen Wister, in which Mr. Wister compared aliens to guests within our house, who. if they did not like our ways, are privileged to leave, but not privileged to break up our home.

[She said:]

Yes, but they are not guests who sit in the parlor playing the piano while we are out in the kitchen doing the work. Not by a good deal. We are sitting in the parlor and they are washing the dishes, scrubbing the floor, fixing the furnace and doing all the drudgery we can load on them. If they were really guests we might expect them to reciprocate; but we expect them to do all the work and have nothing to say about the conditions under which they do it.

John S. Codman presided.


[Invitation and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Miss Flynn Speaks before New England Civil Liberties Committee on Behalf of Sacco and Vanzetti”

Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse on Lockout of Amalgamated Clothing Workers: “In the Employment Bureau”


Rose Schneiderman Quote, Stand Together to Resist Mar 20, NY Independent p938, Apr 1905———–

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 9, 1921
New York, New York – Mary Heaton Vorse Reports from Employment Bureau

From the Oklahoma Leader of January 3, 1921:
(Note: the leader is a member of Federated Press.)



ACW Lockout Strike 1920 to 1921, Girls Picket, NY Dly Ns p1, Dec 15, 1920
New York Daily News
December 15, 1920

In the employment bureau of the Amalgamated [Clothing Workers of America] on East Tenth street, groups of women gather every morning. There are bareheaded women, and smart, well dressed women, who look as if they had just stepped off Fifth avenue. In the same room Sicilian peasants meet and talk with advanced workers of Tuscan descent.

Labor contests are lost and won in such little groups. Put a dozen of them together and you have the temper of the people. It is not what people shout for in big meetings that always counts most, it’s what they say at home or among themselves in slack moments on gray, rainy mornings, waiting in the employment bureau.

Out of the murmur and talk a voice cuts with corroding sharpness: “Children! I haven’t any children! Children break strikes. The worker’s children make it easy for the employers to tramp us. The workers are afraid because they are afraid for the children. Look at our Sicilian women who have a baby every year. How terrible a strike is for them! Babies are scab makers and strikebreakers for a worker! I’ll not have babies to live wretched like me! Let the rich people have the children! Let the employers’ children do the work!

The revolt in this woman was a hot blue flame. It never went out. It was a spirit like this that had taken the factories in Italy. With that example before her, what a scorn she had for the American workers.

“The people in this country lie down for the bosses to walk on. My husband he’s just come back from Italy. The workers here make me ashamed-when a policeman waves a club at a crowd they run; there it takes fifty guards to capture thirty workers.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mary Heaton Vorse on Lockout of Amalgamated Clothing Workers: “In the Employment Bureau””

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part II


Rose Schneiderman Quote, Stand Together to Resist Mar 20, NY Independent p938, Apr 1905———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 4, 1911
Chicago, Illinois – Garment Workers Strike Continues, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of January 1911:

Chg Garment Workers Strike Police v Strkrs crpd, ISR Cv Jan 1911


[Part II of II.]

The most admirable and contagious strike meetings were held in thirty-seven various halls in the city and money was pouring in from all parts of the country, with letters of encouragement and promise of further aid when another blow, again from union headquarters, once more nearly demoralized the strikers.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for October 1900, Part II: Found Leading Army of Women; Lattimer Now Close Down Tight


Quote Mother Jones re Lattimer Raid Oct 6, 1900, Ab p87, 1925———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 20, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for October 1900, Part II
Mother Jones with Army of Women Shuts Down Lattimer

From The Scranton Times of October 6, 1900:

Lattimer Closed Mother Jones PA Anthracite Strike, Scranton Tx p1, Oct 6, 1900Lattimer Shf Mother Jones PA Anthracite Strike, Scranton Tx p1, Oct 6, 1900Hazleton, Pa.. Oct. 6. The striking miners here made a raid on the Lattimer colliery this morning and executed a unique coup. Sheriff Harvey, with a number of deputies and coal and iron police, were on hand to protect the miners who have remained at work at the colliery.

The company also made thorough preparations for offensive and defensive warfare against the raiders. They were determined to keep their miners at work, but they failed to count on the cunning of “Mother” Jones, who was operating with the raiders.
She, with a small band of strikers, entered the company store and persuaded the workmen to follow her out into the road.
She kept the men there talking to them, and the sheriff and his deputies directed all their attention to the woman. In the meantime other strikers made a detour of the mine property and talked with the men they found at work. As a result all of these men laid down their tools and left for home, and the mine is now closed tight…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for October 1900, Part II: Found Leading Army of Women; Lattimer Now Close Down Tight”

Hellraisers Journal: From Spokane’s Industrial Worker: Fresno-Backbone of California-500 Fellow Workers Needed


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 8, 1910
Fresno, California – 500 Fellow Workers Needed for Free Speech Fight

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of November 2, 1910:

IW Masthead, Nov 2, 1910



The Sierras east of Fresno are covered with great forests of pine, sugar pine and Oregon pine. The Hume-Bennett Lumber company is at Hume, a mile from Kings river, employing over 700 men; Fresno Lumber company at Pine Ridge, working a thousand men; Sugar Pine farther, to the north, working about 700. This territory also abounds in minerals, especially gold and copper, and is as yet only scratched. Fresno county is the stronghold of King capital in California. He wears his crown with haughty mein and brooks no oppositions. Fresno is the back bone of California. To break this back bone will take at least 500 men. If we break it, all California falls to the crimson standard, for we will then systematically proceed to organize. We have men here who are the goods and will make it their special business to see that this is done. There are a vast number of Armenians, Greeks, Italians and Mexicans here, also colonies of Germans and Russians. In fact all nationalities are here represented. We omit the Japanese because they are already fairly well organized. All these different  nationalities have their eyes now focused on the I. W. W. If we win they are bound to regard us with admiration, and it will be easy to organize them. If we lose-perish the thought-we can’t afford to lose. We are fighting for breath. Send men, gather recruits, and send funds. This is a battle royal and must be supported. Yours for Industrial Freedom.


Address W. [U.] L. Leister, P. O. Box 209, Fresno, Cal.
On arrival inquire at 1128 I St. Not J St.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Spokane’s Industrial Worker: Fresno-Backbone of California-500 Fellow Workers Needed”