Hellraisers Journal: Southern Pacific Official at Arizona Desert Town Denies Water to Striker’s New Born Babe and Wife


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB Oct 1919———————-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 4, 1911
Gila Bend, Arizona – Southern Pacific Official Denies Water to New Born Babe

From the Duluth Labor World of December 2, 1911:

LW p1, Dec 2, 1911

TUCSON, Ariz., Nov. 30.-The Southern Pacific officials at this point have resorted to brutal and de­sperate methods to compel its strik­ing employees to return to work. Out on the desert where many men are on strike they depend upon the company to bring them water. As a last re­sort the company has refused to fur­nish or sell water to any employee on strike. 

In a news story published by, “The Voice of the People” of this city, a tale is told of the tactics of the com­pany in its attempt to crush the men on strike: The paper states: 

Refused Water. 

“Even a Digger Indian or a Papago buck on the war path, will turn over a rock and allow a squaw with a new born pappoose the first pick of the fat grubs which may be found beneath it, but it has remained for an official of the Southern Pacific railroad, Superintendent J. H. Dyer, of the Tucson division, which extends from El Paso, to Yuma, to refuse a drink of waiter to a strikers’s wife with a new born babe at her breast,

“The babe was only three days old when the order was issued by the railroad superintendent, and on account of the order the wife of W. E. Stewart a striking boilermaker at Gila Bend, Ariz., out in the desert, miles from civilization, is without water for the nurse to wash the linen, which the simplest demands of sanitation, to say nothing of civilization, require in such cases. 

Two Kind of Water. 

There are two. kinds of water at Gila Bend-the water which the engines must use—it eats the flues out of boilers with a celerity which requires a force of men at the round house to make what are called “running repairs” on the locomotives, and W. E. Stewart was one of these men. 

“The other water is drinking water, which is brought in a water car from Sentinel. Since the strike Stewart has been standing with the other me­chanics of the federation at his post, the little semi-oasis of the desert about half way between Tucson and Yuma. 

“On November 7, Superintendent Dyer, angered and furious at the un­breakable lines of the shopmen who would not return to work until the grievances are adjusted, issued his order to cut off the water from all strikers at Gila Bend. 

Money Is Tendered. 

“The secretary of the Tucson branch of the federation received a wire from Stewart telling of the action and asking legal counsel. A. A. Worsley, the attorney for the fed­eration, notified Stewart by wire, to tender pay for the water. 

“Stewart obeyed and money was of­fered by his father-in-law, while Stewart held his three days old babe in his arms and looked into the eyes of his suffering wife, unable to offer her a drink of water which she craved, but the money was refused by the roundhouse foreman, Allgood, who was acting under Dyer’s orders. 

“Kindly disposed women neighbors, whose husbands are still in the rail­road service in other departments than that affected by the strike, have seen to it that enough water to drink has been smuggled to the bedside of Mrs. Stewart, whose condition forbids her being moved to any other place at this time.”

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Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Phillips Russell on the Shopmen’s Strike against the Harriman Lines


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 3, 1911
“Switched off the Main Line” by Phillips Russell

From the International Socialist Review of November 1911:

Title re Harriman  RR Shopmen Strike by P Russell, ISR p268, Nov 1911

ON the last of September, the long delayed strike of the System Federation among the shopmen of the Harriman lines took place, extending from the middle west to the Gulf in the south and taking in all that territory westward to the Pacific ocean.

The System Federation comprises the shopmen of ten different organizations. the principal ones being the International Association of Machinists, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers, International Association of Sheet Metal Workers, the steamfitters, clerks, painters, engine hostlers and members of the Federal Labor Union. The first five mentioned are the leading organizations involved. The international presidents of these unions, having had many conferences with Vice-President Kruttschnitt of the Harriman lines, finally called the strike on three lines, these lines being the Illinois Central, the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific lines.

The union officials claimed that 25,000 men came out. The railroad heads asserted there were only a few thousand at most.

In this strike there are just two questions with which the men in the ranks need concern themselves, and these are-hours and wages. The matter of recognition early in the fight was made the most of, but of all the issues involved, this was the most insignificant. However, the Federation heads insisted on making recognition the leading demand and pushing the first two fundamentals into the background.

Of all the questions at issue, that pertaining to the hours of labor is supreme. Men on strike can afford to make the matter of wages a secondary issue. It is the hours that count, for it cannot be too often repeated that shorter hours in variably mean higher wages.

Several thousand unorganized workers followed the union men out, and having been given the impression that the revolt was for an eight hour day and better conditions, they were eager for the fight.

But on learning that the question of hours and conditions was not going to figure in the struggle, and on hearing the incessant chant of the Federation heads that they asked only recognition for the Federation, the unorganized men soon lost interest and began to drift back into the shops.

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Hellraisers Journal: Industrial Worker: “Union Scabs Working on Harriman Lines; 30,000 Shop Men on Strike”


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 17, 1911
30,000 Shopmen on Strike on Harriman Lines; Union Scabs Continue Working

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 12, 1911:

Harriman Strike, HdLn Union Scabs, IW p1, Oct 12, 1911

It is estimated that there are 30,000 shop men, members of the Federated Shopmen’s Union, now on strike on the Harriman lines. The strikers comprise four crafts, which includes the blacksmiths, carmen, machinists and boilermakers. Up to the present time the men remain firm in their demands and few desertions are recorded, if any. Much of our news has come through the capitalist press and therefore we are forced to read between the lines. That there has been an earnest effort on the part of the strikers to keep the professional scabs from going to work in many places is certain. We have not heard of any bricks being thrown at the switchmen, who are also members of the A. F. of L., neither has many firemen, who are firing the coal into the engines that pull scabs around the country, had their heads knocked off.

There is some hope expressed that the strike may extend. We hope so. We hope that every craft now employed on the Harriman system will discover the fact that they are also employes of the Harriman management and have interests in common with the strikers and so long as they continue to work when four crafts are battling for better conditions, that they are scabbing. If the strike goes the way of many strikes it cannot be said that it was LOST. It will be of some benefit to the workers, as it will point the way to a more solid organization. It will demonstrate that it was not the so-called professional scabs that caused the temporary defeat, but was caused directly by the union scabs who stayed and helped the master whip those who were battling for better conditions. Until all the slaves working for the one industry and all the slaves working for all the industries recognize that “an injury to one is an injury to all” it will be a case of recording defeat after defeat. Not a train has been bottled up so far on the Harriman system and it would be absurd to say that the object in a strike is not to bottle up a railroad or other industry and FORCE the boss to come to terms. To FORCE concessions is the object of any strike, then why not have enough FORCE?

Is it creditable to go into an affray knowing that you have not enough FORCE to be victorious? Is it creditable to be always getting whipped? We hope the federated crafts will win their strike. We hope all strikes could be won. It is our one desire to not only win the little strikes known as skirmishes, but to win the BIG STRIKE when the boss will be FORCED to do his share of the work of the world instead of living off the toil of labor. If the strikers will only discover the fact that there are other scabs than professional scabs and will treat other scabs in the same way and with the same contempt as they are those who are directly taking their places or attempting to, the strike will be of short duration. Bottle up the railroad. Make the other crafts strike or forever damn them as the lowest scabs on earth. Make them fight to help you if possible. Send back their resolutions of sympathy and call a spade a spade. Call a scab a scab. Let every railroader on the Harriman lines lay down his tools or be condemned as a traitor to the working class. It’s a skirmish in the great class struggle, then fight it on class lines.


[Emphasis and paragraph break added.]

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