There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Wednesday July 26, 1916
From The Labor World: “Facts Regarding Strike,” Part II
From the Duluth Labor World of July 22nd:
Duluth Attorney Scores Mining Company Police,
Courts and Daily Press.
Fate of Republic Hangs Upon Settlement
of Trouble on Range, He Says.

The real facts concerning the strike of the miners on the Mesaba range have been beclouded by misrepresentation and much prejudice aroused against the miners according to Attorney John A. Keyes of Duluth, who is acting as counsel for some of the leaders who have been placed under arrest. Mr. Keyes denounces the mining corporation police, the “gunmen” as termed by the miners, and the courts and daily press in part. Stories from the range have been highly colored Mr. Keyes declares, and so for the sake of justice, he has made the following statement regarding the cause and development of the strike and conditions up to the present time [Part II of statement by Attorney Keyes]:
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