Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Will Speak to Women of Colorado Relief Committee at Brooklyn, New York


Quote Mother Jones Babes of Ludlow, Speech at Trinidad CO UMW District 15 Special Convention, ES1 p154 (176 of 360)—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 16, 1914
Brooklyn, New York – Mother Jones to Seek Aid for the Colorado Strike

From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of May 14, 1914:
Mother Jones to Speak to Women of Colorado Relief Committee

Committee Meets at Home of Mrs. J. P. Warbasse
to Perfect Arrangements

She Will Tell of Her Experiences in Colorado Strike,
Where She Was Arrested.


Refugees of Ludlow Tent Colony at Trades Assembly Hall,
Trinidad, Colorado, photograph by Louis Dold

The committee in charge of the Mother Jones meeting, to be held at the Masonic Temple Monday evening met at the home of Mrs. James P. Warbasse [Agnes Dyer Warbasse], 386 Washington avenue yesterday afternoon, and discussed the arrangements. The object of the meeting on Monday is to arouse interest and sympathy for the wives and children of the Colorado mine workers who are suffering for want of food and clothing, and all who attend are requested to bring warm clothing blankets, etc., to be sent to Colorado.

Mother Jones who was in Colorado during the mine trouble, was asked to go to Washington to testify before the Senate in the investigation of the alleged massacre of women and children in the fight between the strikers and the militia. She has never spoken in Brooklyn before, and has come at the request of the women of Brooklyn, who formed the Colorado Relief Committee, to tell of her experiences in Colorado, where she was arrested on her way from Denver to Trinidad, and held by the military court for three weeks incommunicado not being allowed to employ a counselor or see a physician during that period and being released just before the serving of a writ of habeas corpus.

“This was all illegal, according to the laws of Colorado,” declared Mrs. James P. Warbasse to an Eagle reporter, at her home, yesterday afternoon. “A military court should not have been held when the civil courts were in session, and then think of an old woman like Mother Jones being held without the opportunity of consulting a physician. However, she is free now and she is going to tell the public just how things stand out there. She accepts no remuneration for her talks, and says it is payment enough to arouse the interest and sympathy of the public in the oppression and suffering of the Western miners.”

Mrs. Warbasse, who is actively interested in social work, was present in her automobile when Miss Elizabeth Dutcher was arrested on Tuesday evening, in front of Stern’s store on Forty-second street, Manhattan, where she had gone to speak to the employees on the unionization of clerks in department stores. Mrs. Warbasse furnished the bail.

Miss Dutcher is a member of the committee in charge of the meeting on Monday, as is also Mrs. Frank H. Cothren, who is acting as advisory counsel to Miss Dutcher, and Miss Hildegarde Kneeland, who was also present at the time of arrest.

“I think it a very significant thing that Mother Jones is coming here for the first time, at the request of the women of Brooklyn,” said Mrs. Warbasse, “and we think the time is ripe for bringing before the public some of the wrongs and oppressions suffered by the poor people in this country. I think this quotation will explain our attitude as well as anything. ‘He who would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression.’ We have tried to help the sufferers in Colorado by sending Miss Helen Schloss, a trained nurse, and at her request we are raising funds for clothing and food, for which these people are suffering. A collection will be taken up for their benefit on Monday evening.”…..

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: “On the Picket Line at Little Falls, New York” by William D. Haywood, Part II


Quote Red Flag Song, ISR p519, Jan 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 2, 1913
“On the Picket Line at Little Falls, New York” by Big Bill Haywood, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of January 1913:

On the Picket Line at Little Falls, New York

-by William D. Haywood

[Part II of II]

IWW Members in Jail at Little Falls, ISR p , Jan 1913
Victims of Law and Order. Members of the I. W. W. in Jail at Little Falls.
Red Banner Shown in Picture was Made in a Cell.

The many arrests, the brutality shown the prisoners after they were thrown into jail and other outrages by the police and hired thugs of the company, caused a state of excitement among the strikers that was only subdued by the arrival of Matilda Rabinowitz. She came from Bridgeport, Conn., formerly Russia. It was she who reorganized the shattered forces and got the committees in working order, electing others to take the places of those imprisoned. Miss Rabinowitz is as small in person as the smallest striker, yet disciplined as she is in the Industrial Workers of the World principles, she is shaping the mighty force that means victory. A book could be written about Matilda.

Others came, among them Jessie Ashley, a lawyer and sterling friend of the oppressed. She came from New York City as counsel to prepare for the legal end of the battle, paying her own expenses and contributing $100 to the strikers’ fund, making $1,100, and more, that she has contributed to the strikers at Lawrence and elsewhere.

The Socialists of Schenectady, Mayor Lunn, Robert Bakeman and John Mullin and others were on the job from the beginning. Comrades Kruise, Wade and Mullin came early, rolled up their sleeves and entered the culinary department, known in the strike quarters as the soup kitchen.

Money, supplies, groceries and clothing have been abundantly contributed by the Relief committee organized among the Socialists of Schenectady. The Citizen, a Socialist paper, has given publicity to the disgraceful conditions at Little Falls. All of which the strikers deeply appreciate and, while they cannot vote, as most of them are women and children, still they are in the vanguard, and on the picket line. They are marching to the music of the Marseillaise, onward to industrial freedom.

Helen Schloss Jailed Little Falls, ISR Cv, Jan 1913

M. Helen Schloss, who is shown behind the bars on the cover, is a woman of Spartan mold, a Socialist of four years’ standing; well known at the Rand school in New York. She came to Little Falls and took a position with the Twentieth Century Club, a fashionable charity association, to investigate tuberculosis, which is prevalent among the mill workers. When the strike began, she took up the cause of the women on the firing line and joined forces with them. This lost her a salaried position and landed her in jail where she was held for eleven days. She was charged with inciting to riot and is only now enjoying her freedom under bond of $2,000.

Recently she has been arrested again while investigating the cases of some strikers who had been thrown into jail without warrant. Her unusual activity on behalf of the oppressed caused her to be looked upon with suspicion by the authorities who are under the control of the mill owners. A board of physicians, appointed by the chief of police, known as “Bully” Long, discovered nothing more serious the matter with her than a brilliant mind, a sterling character and a warm heart.

In spite of all the bitter persecution, which Miss Schloss has endured, she is still lending her strength to the strikers’ cause.

Out of the West comes the young blood of the revolution, ever willing to fight for the political right of freedom of speech, always giving more than they take, but willing, if broke, to live providing Algernon Lee will permit them on a one 7-cent meal a day until they are privileged to go to jail for the cause of labor.

After all it is the strikers themselves who are making the real struggle. They revolted against a reduction of wages that came when the 54-hour law went into effect, reducing their meagre incomes from 50 cents to $2.00 a week. As a direct result of the firm stand made by the Little Falls strikers, wages of other men, women and children employed in similar industries at Utica, Cohoes and other knitting mill centers have been restored and even the strikers at Little Falls have been promised 60 hours’ pay for 54 hours’ work, but they are demanding a 10 per cent increase and a 15 per cent increase for night work. This is what the employer gets when he drives his workers to organize in the Industrial Workers of the World.

If you want to help the mill slaves at Little Falls in this struggle for better condition, follow the example of Helen Keller, Jessie Ashley and Helen Schloss. Send your contributions to Matilda Rabinowitz, Box 458, Little Falls, N. Y.

Later, Chief of Police “Bully Long” has closed up the strikers’ soup kitchens in order to force them back to work. This wrought great hardship on the women and children. But Schenectady threw open her municipal doors and buildings and gathered in some of the children. These and more will be cared for by Socialist “strike parents” till the strike is won.


Helen Schloss Jailed Little Falls, ISR Cv, Jan 1913

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: “On the Picket Line at Little Falls, New York” by William D. Haywood, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: Little Falls Strikers Ask for Protection; Police Seek to Establish Insanity Case Against Nurse Schloss


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 16, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Strikers Seek Protection; Insanity Case Fails Against Nurse

From the Grant County Socialist (Medford, Oklahoma) of December 14, 1912:

Only Resort Little Falls Workers Can See
Bosses Would Establish Case of Insanity
to Incarcerate Helen Schloss.

Little Falls NY Jail Hell Hole, H Schloss Arrested, Bghm Prs Sun Bltn p10, Dec 5, 1912
Binghamton Press and Leader (New York)
December 5, 1912

Little Falls, N. Y., Dec. 6.-“Send the State militia to Little Falls!” is the appeal to Governor Dix that the striking textile workers of this city sent out today.

This is the only avenue of escape from the inhuman and brutal persecution of the local police and the company’s hired thugs that the strikers think they have left.

The strike is now in its eighth week, and the solidarity of the workers is second only to that demonstrated by the 22,000 textile workers in the historic Lawrence strike. There’s nothing that can break the united spirit of the men and women and children that are fighting for bread except the atrocious activities of the hirelings of the mill owners. It is their high-handed methods in stifling the rebellious spirit of the workers that have driven the strikers to appeal for the state militia.


How Miss Schloss Was Hounded

Helen Schloss, the city nurse, who, after seeing the condition of the strikers, decided to give up her position in order to be better able to help the strikers, today told the story of how the special police persecuted her in an effort to discourage her activities in the strike.

Not being able to persuade her to withdraw from the strikers’ ranks, they determined to find out some way of getting her out of the  way, at least till the strike is over. Without knowing anything Miss Schloss was subjected to an examination of her state of mind by 3 local physicians. For two long hours they questioned her in a manner that would put the much heard of third degree to shame. All this in an effort to establish the fact of her insanity.

Miss Schloss, however, stood the test, and at times it looked as if the doctors who investigated her mental status were not er rational themselves. They finally gave up the job in disgust.

[Newsclip and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Little Falls Jail a “Hell Hole,” Is Claim of Socialist Mayor Lunn; Helen Schloss, “The Red Nurse,” Arrested


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 10, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Mayor Lunn Claims Jail is Hell Hole; Nurse Schloss Arrested

From the Binghamton Press and Leader of December 5, 1912:

Little Falls NY Jail Hell Hole, H Schloss Arrested, Bghm Prs Sun Bltn p10, Dec 5, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Little Falls Jail a “Hell Hole,” Is Claim of Socialist Mayor Lunn; Helen Schloss, “The Red Nurse,” Arrested”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 3, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part II of II]

Shortly after [the October 30th] affair the strikers and the strike committee were holding a meeting in The Slovak Sokol Hall, the principal social center of the working population, when the door was thrown open with a crash and the police and hired guards burst in. Women, who composed the majority of the audience, were hurled right and left. Men who protested were struck on the head. Furniture was overturned. The musical instruments of the Slovak Band were broken and battered. One cop who happened to notice the framed charter of the local textile union of the Industrial Workers of the World, drove his club through the middle of it. It hangs in the hall now, its broken glass held together by an edging of red ribbon with a knot of red covering the hole made by the club. All the members of the strike committee and all persons suspected of being connected with the strike were arrested and dragged to the local lock-up, a place so vile that the State Prison Inspector has threatened the town with mandamus proceedings unless it is cleaned up.

Legere, however, could not be found. The building was searched for him and the police, not wishing to investigate the dark cellar, fired three shots into it at random, any one of which might have killed Legere had he not already been taken to a place of safety by a devoted band of workers. He went to Utica that night, got some needed printing done, sent off some messages, and then returned to Little Falls where he was immediately arrested and taken to the county jail at Herkimer, another place that has been condemned by the State Prison Inspector. 

Bakeman, Hirsh, Bochino and George Vaughan of Schenectady, were already there, along with thirty-nine others, strikers and sympathizers. When visited later, some of them were still wearing the bloody shirts that they wore when arrested. They were joined by Miss Helen Schloss, a young Socialist woman of New York, who for several months had been a tenement investigator for a club of the well-to-do women of Little Falls. Despite warnings from her lady employers, Miss Schloss cast her lot with the strikers, gave up her position, joined the relief committee, and went out on the picket line with the workers. For this she incurred the enmity of the police and her spectacular arrest by Chief Long himself followed. She was put in Herkimer jail on a charge of “inciting to riot” and as a special honor was given the cell occupied by Chester Gillette, electrocuted for the murder of his sweetheart. She was finally released on bail and went right back to work in the relief kitchen.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 2, 1912
Little Falls, New York – Textile Workers Revolt Against Pay Cut, Part I

From the International Socialist Review of December 1912:

Little Falls MA Strike, Lunn bf Arrest, ISR p455, Dec 1912

[Part I of II]

ON October 1 of this year a law went into effect in the state of New York making it illegal for female industrial slaves to work more than 54 hours a week. Some employers immediately took advantage of the situation and paid their workers what they call “pro rata”-that is, they punished the beneficiaries of this law by reducing the contents of their pay envelopes to correspond with the reduced number of hours. Departments of industry are so closely connected nowadays that the men were affected in an equal degree with the women.

Slaves in most parts of the state seem to have received the reduction with submission, but not so the employes of the knitting mills in Little Falls. When their second pay day came around and they found their $7 envelopes short from 60 cents to $2, they did what the mill workers of Lawrence did in a similar situation-they rebelled.

On October 10 more than 1,500 workers, embracing nearly all the departments in the Phoenix and Gilbert Knitting Mills and four nationalities-Polish, Slavish, Austrian and Italian-walked out and poured into the streets to the sound of “The Marseillaise.” The Americans stayed and scabbed.

Little Falls Strike, First Parade, ISR p456, Dec 1912

The revolt was entirely spontaneous and most of the workers were uncertain what to do next, but a few of them knew. They appealed to the one organization that can handle such a situation-the I. W. W. Organizers Fillippo Bochino and Fred Hirsh came hurrying from Rochester and Schenectady respectively, and the battle was on.

The first few days were quietly spent in putting the strike on an organized basis, and then as the need for a good chairman for the strike committee became evident, Benjamin J. Legere, a fighting Socialist and graduate of the Lawrence school was sent for. Though he was just entering on a short vacation after several months of exhausting work agitating for the Ettor-Giovannitti defense, he arrived promptly. He showed the strikers how to form a mass picket line that moves in an endless chain and helped to get all the different committees in working order.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Strike at Little Falls” by Phillips Russell, Illustrated, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: From “A Radical Newspaper” of Lead, South Dakota: “The Beginning of Life” by M. Helen Schloss


Quote Helen Schloss, Women w Hungry Souls, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 20, 1910
“The Beginning of Life” by M. Helen Schloss

From The Black Hills Daily Register of July 15, 1910
-Official Organ of Western Federation of Miners, District 2:

Black Hills Dly Rg, WFM D2, p2, July 15, 1910Article by Helen Schloss, Black Hills Dly Rg p2, July 15, 1910

I sat looking out in the cold, dark, dreary night listening to the roaring winds and the gruesome sounds of the elements. Everything seemed to whisper mournful tales and all different sounds were telling me of the life that is to come when the soul awakens.

Lost in these thoughts, I suddenly came upon a large tract of land. On this tract of land stood two huge scales with iron chains. At one scale stood men, and at the other women and children. The men were pulling leisurely; they would look up now and then and pause to rest, while the women and children never stopped to look up or rest. Their bodies were bent to the ground, and their faces were old and haggard. The children would drop like flies from exhaustion, but there were others to take their places, while the women would never take the time to look after them.

I walked up to a woman and asked why they were living in such darkness, and why they were pulling so hard, and she gave me a vacant stare. I walked up to a man and asked him the same question, and he said: “They were pulling for life.” I asked why the women were pulling so hard, while they were pulling so easy. He answered: “When we were called out of our houses to pull the women became frightened of these men on the top and they have never dared to look up. If they would stop and look up they would not have to pull so hard, but they fear.”

Sometimes the men would shake their fists at the men on top, and then the chains would grow lighter and the scale would lower a few inches. But the scale of the women would never lower. Some fell to the ground with blood on their hands and faces. The groans from the people below and the sneering laughter from those above filled the air with unearthly sounds.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From “A Radical Newspaper” of Lead, South Dakota: “The Beginning of Life” by M. Helen Schloss”