Hellraisers Journal: Ludlow Monument Will be Dedicated on Decoration Day by United Mine Workers of America



Hellraisers Journal, Sunday April 28, 1918
Ludlow, Colorado – Miners to Dedicate Monument to Honor Martyrs

From the United Mine Workers Journal of April 25, 1918:


Ludlow Massacre by Morris Hall Pancoast, Masses, June 1914

Frank Hayes, UMWJ p3, Jan 10, 1918

President Hayes has sent the following letter which is self-explanatory, to President Johnson of District No. 15:

Mr. Geo. O. Johnson, President,
District 15, U. M. W. of A.,
Pueblo, Colorado.
Dear Sir and Brother:

Just a few lines to advise that we expect to have the Ludlow Monument erected and in place by next Decoration Day, and we propose to hold dedication exercises at Ludlow on that date. In view of this fact, it might be well to postpone the anniversary demonstration until May 30th, at which time we expect to hold a great demonstration at Ludlow, which will be attended by all the members of the International Executive Board. I suggest that you notify your Local Unions as to our intention to hold dedication exercises on May 30th.

With all good wishes, I am,
Fraternally yours,
FRANK J. HAYES, President.

It may be stated here that owing to difficulties encountered in transporting material, the original arrangements to have the monument arrive at Ludlow in time to hold dedication services on the day of the anniversary of the Ludlow massacre, could not be carried out. The dedication and memorial exercises will be held on Decoration Day as set forth in the above communication.

All local unions of Dist. No. 15 are advised to make suitable arrangements to be represented at Ludlow on the 30th day of May, when it is expected that the miners of Colorado will foregather in a mighty demonstration to pay tribute to those who died that the United Mine Workers might endure in Colorado.

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