Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Court Crookedness in Fresno by Comrade Mrs. W. F. (Emma) Little


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday February 14, 1911
Fresno, California – 94 Free Speech Fighters in Bullpen, 47×28 Feet

From the Appeal to Reason of February 11, 1911:

Court Crookedness in Fresno

CRTN Fresno FSF Engine v Bull, IW p1, Jan 19, 1911

Some time ago the APPEAL printed a story about the fight on free speech at Fresno, signed by Mrs. W. F. [Emma] Little, a comrade of that city. The story resulted in Mrs. H. H. Roberts, of Connecticut, getting trace of a relative who had engaged in the fight and who was in jail at Fresno. F. W. Boyle, of Humboldt, Kan., and A. F. Boyle, of Dunneweg, Mo., also discovered that their cousin, Frank Little, was one of the prisoners of the free speech fight. The result has been a protest from various sections of the United States. It would be well for all acquainted with these parties and others to write to the chief of police and the police judge and the mayor of Fresno protesting against the imprisonment of these people. Following are some further facts furnished the Appeal relative to the fight by Comrade Mrs. Little:

Before the I. W. W. was organized at all the chief of police told my husband, “You mustn’t organize the common workers, for we have a raisin crop here that must be handled cheap. A painter belonging to the painters’ union here gets $4 a day and works eight hours. A man digging a ditch or picking raisins gets $1.50 to $2 a day and work ten hours. Both are out of work a good deal of the time.

In spite of the chief of police and his cheap raisin crop, my husband did his best to organize the common workers in the I. W. W., and shortly after a small local was formed. For some reason the chief of police got the idea into his head that the workers wouldn’t join the I. W. W. anyway, so he graciously allowed us to speak on the street. The chief was mistaken, and our local grew from fifteen to over a hundred in a couple of weeks. Then the chief took our permit to speak on the streets away from us. He informed my husband that he knew where his bread and butter came from.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Court Crookedness in Fresno by Comrade Mrs. W. F. (Emma) Little”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “Fresno Police Show Brutality”-by Fellow Worker Jack Whyte


Quote John Whyte, re Fresno Aroused Working Class, IW p1, Dec 22, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday January 7, 1911
Fresno, California – Brutal Police, Fellow Workers Not Weakening

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of January 5, 1911:

Fresno FSF, 500 Men Wanted, Bnr HdLn IW p1, Jan 5, 1911



[-by Jack Whyte]

Fresno FSF, Plea for Men fr Jack Whyte, IW p1, Jan 5, 1911The last week has been a very busy one amongst the members on the firing line. The workers have been treated to all kinds of Christmas presents by their kind Christian masters, even your fellow members laying in jail. They had a hunger strike. Were treated to the Water Cure, first by the jailor and then by the fire department. They were compelled to walk around all night up to their knees in water, and then we had the slimy, reptile press of this city tell us the reason we were handed all those presents was that we used vulgar and obscene language towards the sheriff and his lackeys. (Great joke, isn’t it?) The following is the facts about the so-called riot and what led up to it.

On December 22 the police arrested a Frenchman (not a Mexican , as the papers stated), and charged him with drunkenness. When they brought him into the jail he was handcuffed. Four officers jumped on him, beating him up unmercifully. Our boys protested and they also protested against the actions of the sheriff, who stood idly by and made no attempt to stop this one-sided battle. This poor drunk was so badly beaten up that they did not dare take him up to court the next morning. For telling the sheriff and his lackeys what they thought of him, the boys were put on a bread and water diet, which they refused, preferring to go on a hunger strike.

At 3 p. m. on the 23d I was arrested and charged with vagrancy ad was an eyewitness and partaker of all that happened to the boys on December 23. 

At 4 p. m. they came around with the bread. The boys refused it. Some one proposed that we SING THE RED FLAG FOR SUPPER. We did. We kept on singing until a crowd of citizens gathered around the jail. We took this opportunity of addressing them through the bars. It was the largest street meeting we every had in Fresno. This was too much for the sensitive nerves of Day Jailor Jones. He proceeded to quiet the boys in the usual brutal way. He came down to the bull pen and turned the fire hose on the boys. We protected ourselves as best we could, using the mattress and blankets for a barricade. After playing this hose on the boys for two hours they only laughed at him for his trouble. He then called out the fire department. Then the trouble started.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “Fresno Police Show Brutality”-by Fellow Worker Jack Whyte”

Hellraisers Journal: The Appeal to Reason: Mrs. W. F. (Emma) Little Reports from Fresno: “They Are Mobbing Workers”


Quote Emma Little, re IWW Fresno FSF Mob Attack of Dec 9, AtR p3, Dec 31, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 1, 1911
Fresno, California – “They Are Mobbing Workers” by Mrs. Emma Little

From the Appeal to Reason of December 31, 1910:

They Are Mobbing Workers

Fresno, Cal., December 13-Friday night [December 9th] Fresno mob attacked I. W. W. members who were speaking on the street and severely beat them. The mob then proceeded to the I. W. W. camp. The boys on the street rushed out to our house [home of Fred and Emma Little], then on out to camp, to give the boys in camp what warning they could.

I could hear the autos going past our house right behind the boys. Shortly after the autos passed I could bear the yell, the mob yell.

IWW Fresno FSF, Mob Attacks, FMR p1, Dec 10, 1920

They burned down the tent and then they took a vote on whether or not they should burn our house. They decided not. Then they proceeded back to town, stood around town awhile, then went to the jail and demanded the prisoners. This request was refused, and shortly after the mob dispersed.

Friday afternoon Murdock, one of the I. W. W. speakers, was tried for vagrancy before Judge Briggs by a jury of business men. Murdock was a well-dressed, well educated man, who, it was proved, was employed by and receiving a salary from the I. W. W. as organizer. The jury convicted him of vagrancy. Judge Briggs put off sentencing him until the next day.

When Murdock came to receive his sentence the next day, Briggs stated that he liked Murdock, but as he was one of the instigators of last night’s trouble he would have to sentence him 180 days (six months).

For weeks the papers have been urging the citizens to form a mob and drive the I. W. W. from the country. The I. W. W. had violated no law. They had lived quietly and peaceably in their own little canvas homes. The officers bad no excuse for molesting them.

Mayor Rowell, the saloon champion, owns the Republican, or most of it. A short time before the day of the mob the Republican said that in Portersville, a small town about thirty miles from here, the citizens had formed a committee and requested the I. W. W. to leave; and that the I. W. W. had immediately left. The paper suggested that would be good tactics to pursue here. The whole article was a tissue of lies. The I. W. W. was not driven out of Portersville. The article and many more along that line were written for the sole purpose of making a mob spirit.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Appeal to Reason: Mrs. W. F. (Emma) Little Reports from Fresno: “They Are Mobbing Workers””

Hellraisers Journal: Spokane Industrial Worker: “Fresno Fight Postponed” -Message from Jungle Press Committee


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 10, 1910
Fresno, California – I. W. W. Free Speech Fight Has Been Postponed

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of November 9, 1910:


Dont Buy Jobs, IW p4, Oct 19, 1910
Industrial Worker
October 19, 1910

Fellow Workers: The fight for free speech has been postponed. On the 2d. of November the boys all came out of jail. Their excuse was that there were not enough men. It is true, the men were coming in awful slow, but they were coming. Public sentiment was changing in our favor, and if the men had stuck we would have won out. This fight is important and we must win or the I. W. W. will feel the painful consequences all over the west. Until we erase this blot from our crimson banner we must hang our heads in shame. If they can suppress our street meetings, they can also suppress our hall meetings and will hound us at every step.

We are not going to try to coax or persuade anyone to take part in this fight. If this fight is won it will be won by Industrial Unionists. The Industrial Unionist is the man who practices a large part of what he preaches. He does not walk around with a chip on his shoulder, telling the timid and modest members what he knows and what he would do in each and every case and what a splendid fighter he is. No, he is sadly lacking in these eminent virtues. Somehow he can never spare the time for it. Some few have a faint suspicion that he is too busy practicing or trying to practice Industrial Unionism. About half the men who went to jail here are pretty fair Industrial Unionists.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Spokane Industrial Worker: “Fresno Fight Postponed” -Message from Jungle Press Committee”

Hellraisers Journal: Fresno Claims Victory in City’s Fight Against Free Speech for Industrial Workers of the World


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 9, 1910
Fresno, California – City Claims Victory Over Industrial Workers of the World

From The Fresno Morning Republican of November 3, 1910:

Fresno FSF, IWW Beaten Leave County, FMR p6, Nov 3, 1910

Fresno has won its battle to govern the right of free speech.

The city ordinance which prohibits speech-making on the public streets without a permit from the chief of police holds good and the Industrial Workers of the World are the ones who discovered that the law is iron-clad.

A month’s fight against the city authorities ended at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, when fifty-three members of the I.W.W. left the local jail and marched to police court, where they entered individual pleas of guilty and were released from custody with a suspended sentence of ninety days hanging over each man. Three I.W.W.’s “double-crossed” their fellow workers and pleaded not guilty, after promising to go into court and abide by the decision of the majority. This trio was returned to jail.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fresno Claims Victory in City’s Fight Against Free Speech for Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: Fresno Herald and Democrat Advocates Whipping Post to Suppress I. W. W. Free Speech Fight


Quote James Russel Lowell, We Will Speak, Car Wkr p19, Aug 1903———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 30, 1910
Fresno, California – Editorial Advocates Whipping Post to Suppress Free Speech

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 26, 1910:

Fresno FSF, IW Masthead p1, Oct 26, 1910Fresno FSF Preserved, IW p1, Oct 26, 1910



General Headquarters I. W. W., 518 Cambridge Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

The Fresno Herald and Democrat, published at Fresno, Cal., for which one John Hamilton Gilmour assumes responsibility as publisher, has an editorial in the issue of October 12th commenting on the fight for free speech that is being made by the I. W. W. at Fresno, which ends by saying:

“It is incumbent upon all classes of citizens to aid the police in the suppression of these Industrial Workers of the World if they attempt to disturb the peace of the city. * * * For men to come here with the express purpose of creating trouble a whipping post and cat-o’-nine-tails well seasoned by being soaked in salt water is none to harsh a treatment for peace breakers. Indeed, such a punishment would prove more efficacious than a term in a dark cell.”

The editorial is an indication of what the membership for the I. W. W. have to fight against in carrying on the campaign for education and organization amongst the workers of the San Joaquin valley.

A whipping post and cat-o’-nine-tails seasoned with brine! For what? because workers of that sections-a few of them insist that they have an opportunity of holding meetings, to discuss matters of interest to their class, and to devise ways and means to educate, and organize the wage slaves of the farms, factories and railroads into an effective organization. The master class of the San Joaquin valley have throws off the mask. Through the mouthpiece of their class they have made known to what extent they are willing to go in order that they may continue to plunder the workers of that section, in PEACE.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fresno Herald and Democrat Advocates Whipping Post to Suppress I. W. W. Free Speech Fight”

Hellraisers Journal: Many Fellow Workers in Jail in Fresno, Arrested for Fighting for Free Speech; More Men Arriving


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 21, 1910
Fresno, California – Many Fellow Workers Jailed, More Men Arrive Daily

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 19, 1910:

Fresno FSF, Masthead, IW p1, Oct 19, 1910



The fight for free speech in the State of California has opened in Fresno. The boys have been gathering for the last month and more are on the way to the front. Telegrams received by the WORKER informs us that 19 men were arrested on the streets up to the time of sending the message. Large crowds are on the streets and the populace is much excited. Men are arriving on every train and more are coming by boat from Portland and Seattle, according to the statements of letters just received from these cities.

The boys have been forced from their hall and cannot rent another, but are doing well in their camp in the jungles. There the incoming men are fed and prepared to go to the “can.” While there has been no news from the men already in jail, it is a safe bet that they are roaring the “Red Flag” and other working men’s songs.

The boys evidently took the police by surprise, as an editorial in the Fresno Herald of a few days ago asserts that November has been selected as the time for opening the fight. This same slimp street, a scurrilous sewer of degenerated conceptions that rivals the infamy of the “Morning Liar” (sometimes called the Spokane Spokesman-Review), states in its columns that the members of the I. W. W. are thugs, holdups, etc., and that one was killed in an attempted robbery on the way to Fresno. This monumental liar does not mention names, dates nor locations, but leaves it to the scurvy imagination of his own class of degenerates to fill in the missing items of mis-information.

He further advocates the use of the whipping post for men the insist on their privilege of free speech, and even suggests that to wash their wounds with salt water would increase the agony. Such a vicious apostle of a return to the methods of the Inquisition is a fitting herald for the ideas and intentions of the master class, and he only advocates the desires of them all. It is just such articles and just such tactics on the part of the ruling class and their tools that puts murder in the hearts of the helpless victim and breeds a psychology of violence it is to be hoped that no member of the I. W. W. will so far lose control of himself as to attempt to retaliate in kind, but should such articles inflame the minds of the weaker minded workers to the extent that violence is returned for violence, the boss and his prostitute lackeys have only themselves to blame. One thing is certain. Whatever the outcome of the fight, the workers will have been educated to a better understanding of their relationship to the boss and they will have learned to hate the condition of slavery to that extent.


[Emphasis and paragraph breaks added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Frank Little Reports from Fresno Free Speech Fight; Why He Preferred Dark Cell to Forced Labor


Quote Frank Little re Work Prisoners Scabs, IW p1, Oct 8, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday October 10, 1910
Fresno, California – Frank Little Preferred Dark Cell to Forced Labor

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 8, 1910:

Fresno FSF, IW Masthead p1, Oct 8, 1910


Fresno, Cal., Sept. 27, 1910.

Editor Industrial Worker,

Was released from jail Sunday. Served 25 days, 15 days in solitary confinement on bread and water, 10 days in the black hole. September 17 the officials surrendered and turned me out in the corridor with the other prisoners and fed me the same. It was a complete victory. Am going to Coalinga oil fields tomorrow. Think we can get a local there. The tank builders are out on strike (A. F. of L.), but the sentiment is strong for industrial unionism.

Yours for action,
F. H. Little.

Have received notice to vacate hall. Are trying to run us out of town. Will have a hard time to get another.



Frank Little, organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World, has been released from the city jail after serving a sentence of 25 days for disturbing the peace. While in jail he was kept in solitary confinement because he refused to work in the court house yard with other prisoners.

Little lost none of his faithfulness to the I. W. W. cause while in prison and will renew at once his agitations. He will go to Coalinga tomorrow to hold meetings.

Little said today that he had two reasons for refusing to work while in jail. First, he said the man who will work while a prisoner is just the same as one who will “scab” during a strike. He believe the park work should be done by paid workmen.

Secondly, he said he believed that the park authorities would compel him to work harder than the others and might antagonize him to the extent that he would lose his temper and do something to bring a heavier sentence upon himself.

Little declare that the prison fare was unfit for man to eat. He said he intended to send a booklet to every voter in the county informing him of this, and that ultimately he would compel the sheriff to feed the prisoners better. Little registered several other complaints, which, however, he admitted that he had no means of proving were true.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Frank Little Reports from Fresno Free Speech Fight; Why He Preferred Dark Cell to Forced Labor”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: “All Aboard for Fresno…Free Speech Fight On”


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 6, 1910
Fresno, California – Free Speech Fight On; St. John Issues Call for Volunteers

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of September 3, 1910:

IWW Fresno FSF, All Aboard f Fresno, IW p1, Sept 3, 1910

IWW FSF, Go to Fresno, IW p1, Sept 3, 1910

Fellow Workers: The police have been harassing us for some time. Do not allow us to speak on streets and have arrested four of us for no cause at all. Trial set for August 31st. We have decided that we must whip the city or quit. Can you back us with men?

We think it a good plan to have the old-timers who took part in the Spokane and Missoula fights to arrive first, so that we may get the benefit of their experience in bringing the matter to a culmination and see that everything goes through in good shape to the end that we give the wage workers a good example of what we can do. There will be no lawyers or defense fund, except a jungling fund.

Yours for the I. W. W.
2022 Mariposa St., Fresno, Cal.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: “All Aboard for Fresno…Free Speech Fight On””

Hellraisers Journal: Fellow Worker Frank Little in Fresno, Thrown into Dark Cell, Sings Rebel Songs All Day Long


Quote Frank Little, Fresno Jails Dungeons, FMR p6, Sept 2, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 5, 1910
Fresno, California – Frank Little Thrown into Dungeon, Sings Rebel Songs

From The Fresno Morning Republican of September 1, 1910:

F. H. Little Found Guilty;
Victor Vogel Is Acquitted.
W. F. Little and Wm. Flanagan
May Be Tried Second Time.

IWW Fresno FSF, Frank Little Arrested, LA Tx p23, Aug 26, 1910

Four members of the local branch of the Industrial Workers of the World were tried before a jury in the police court yesterday. The trial occupied the entire afternoon, but was devoid of sensational features. F. H. Little was found guilty of disturbing the peace. Sentence will be pronounced by Judge Briggs at 10 o’clock this morning. Victor Vogel was acquitted on the same charge and W. F. Little and William Flanagan will be discharged today as the jury failed to reach an agreement in their cases. The jury, of which E. C. Van Buren was foreman, rendered three separate verdicts, although the four I. W. W. members were tried jointly on the same charge.

The Little brothers appeared as counsel for the quartet of defendants. Assistant District Attorney Manson McCormick conducted the prosecution.….

The Little brothers called Detective Sam Drenth to the stand in an effort to get an admission that the police were trying to break up the local order of the I. W. W. The questions propounded by Little were overruled and Drenth did not give any testimony. The four defendants then took the stand and gave their side of the case.

The witnesses for the prosecution told conflicting stories, although the facts simmered down to a little loud talking on the part of F. H. Little, Victor Vogel and William Flanagan. The men were discussing the rooms in a certain lodging house on H street. Little talked a trifle too loud. Patrolman Piemens approached the trio and asked Little and his friends not to talk so loud. The men refused and defied the officer, whereupon he took them to jail. W. F. Little joined the party in the courthouse park and he too was placed under arrest.


[Newsclip added.]

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