Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 4, 1913
Mother Jones Speaks to Miners at Thurber, Texas; Travels to Trinidad
From the Fort Worth Record of August 31, 1913:
From the Trinidad Chronicle-News of September 3, 1913:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 4, 1913
Mother Jones Speaks to Miners at Thurber, Texas; Travels to Trinidad
From the Fort Worth Record of August 31, 1913:
From the Trinidad Chronicle-News of September 3, 1913:
Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 15, 1919
Mother Jones News for July 1919, Part I
-“We have got to march on with the great army of the world…”
From the Coffeyville (Kansas) Union Advocate of July 17, 1919:
Different Sentiment Prevails in Many
Communities Than Did Few Years Ago.
—–(From the International Oil Worker)
The following letter from Mother Jones to Brother Paul A. Numan, secretary of Taft Local No. 6, was read before the local June 17, and as it contains so much of interest to all organized workers, a request was made that it appear in this issue of the International Oil Worker. We are more than glad to give it space. The letter follows:
Charleston, W. Va.,
June 11, 1919Mr. Paul Numan,
P.O. Box 97
Taft, CaliforniaMy Dear Brother Numan:
I have not heard from you for a long time. I thought I would drop you a few lines today to let you know how we were moving in this country. The thirteenth of last month [May 30, 1919] I attended a great demonstration in Fairmont, W. Va. There were some 12,000 miners in a parade with their band-a number of them were soldiers returning from the front. They marched through the city of Fairmount, returned to Watson, and held their picnic with their families. It was the first time in history that such a thing took place. One year ago if you wanted to go into those mining camps a gunman would held you up and ask you what your business was. Today the gunmen are gone, the men are thoroughly organized and they live in a most wonderful progress. It must be now a method of education if we put through in order to let them know their power and how to use it.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 4, 1899
Comrade Debs Has Successful Tour of Texas for S. D. P. of A.
From the Social Democratic Herald of June 3, 1899:
Texas is Coming
[by Eugene V. Debs]
Houston, Texas
[May 21, 1899]
Beginning at Nashville on the 10th of May, this trip has been fruitful of results beyond all expectations. Nearly every meeting has been crowded and in some places many were turned away. Farmers have come in from 30 and 40 miles distant.
At Nashville the Socialist Club voted unanimously to join the Social Democratic Party. At Memphis, I am satisfied the Independent Socialist Society will follow suit. William Pinard, the national organizer of the Barbers’ Union and one of the most progressive trade unionists, will join at Memphis and enter our list of organizers.
At Little Rock a branch is organizing. At Dallas, Fort Worth, Bonham, Cleburne, Waco, San Antonio, and Houston, branches will soon be in active operation.
I have some good news for our comrades from Texas. I feel warranted in saying that the Socialist Party of Texas will soon be in the Social Democratic Party. At Bonham I had a conference with William E. Farmer, the veteran editor of The Social Economist and president of the party. He is heartily with us. At San Antonio I had an extended conference with the Executive Board of the Socialist Party of Texas. We canvassed the situation thoroughly. They unanimously resolved to issue an address to the party, recommending that their locals attach themselves to the Social Democratic Party. A referendum vote is now being taken. I do not have the least doubt that all the locals in the state will come to us in a body.
A committee of the Houston Section S. L. P. [Socialist Labor Party] has just called on me and we had a most pleasant interview. They are true comrades and I was happy to meet them. I assume the responsibility to predict that it will not be long before the comrades who compose this section will be in our party. Let the good work proceed.
The outlook everywhere is immensely cheering. My heart leaps with anticipation for the future. It is coming. The triumph is near. Onward comrades!
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday May 10, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1908
–Found in Texas on Tour for the Socialist Party of America
From the Appeal to Reason of April 4, 1908:
Mother Jones-Tyler, April 2-8; Chandler, 10; Brownsboro, 11; Athens, 13…
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday May 9, 1907
Mother Jones News for April: Found Touring in Texas
During the month of April 1907, Mother was found touring Texas and giving speeches on Socialism, on economic conditions, and in support of Charles Moyer and Bill Haywood who remain imprisoned in Idaho.
From The Fort Worth Telegram of April 3, 1907:
—–Mother Jones and E. V. Debs
Among Speakers Scheduled
—–To The Telegram:
The Socialists in this city are making plans for a great propaganda work this summer.
Local Fort Worth meets every Sunday at 3 p. m. in Red Men’s hall, and never fails to have an interesting program.
They recently collected $125 to defray expenses of a representative to the Moyer-Haywood-Pettibone trial in Idaho. W. M. McClain was chosen to go and left last week for the scene of the impending trial.
The next lecturer to visit Fort Worth will be Mother Jones, who will be here some time during this month.
I am as ready to die with you now
as I have been ready to fight
with you in the past.
-Mother Jones
Mother Jones was found in Texas during the month of March. She traveled throughout the state and gave speeches under the auspices of the state committee of the Socialist Party. Mother spoke on the the subject of Socialism and also voiced support for Charles Moyer, Bill Haywood, and George Pettibone of Western Federation of Miners, now imprisoned in Ada County Jail of Boise through the machinations of the Mine Owners of Colorado and Idaho.
From The Oasis of Nogales, Arizona,
of March 2, 1907:
MOTHER JONES, “the labor union Joan of Arc,” has come to Arizona to bear a hand in the attempted unionization of Bisbee.
From the Appeal to Reason of March 2, 1907:
Mother Jones.
“Mother: Jones will fill the following dates in Texas: San Antonio, February 26th; Center Point, February 27th; Kerrville, February 28th; San Antonio, March 1st; Lytle, March 2d; Corpus Christi, March 4th, 5th, 6th; Hallettsville, March 7th; Columbus, March 9th; El Campo, March 11th; Alvin, March 13th, 14th; Galveston, March 15th; Raywood, March 16th; Sour Lake, March 18th, 19th, 20th; Batson, March 21st, 22d, 23d.
[Appeal Army]
“You will find enclosed money order for $5 to pay for the enclosed yearly subscriptions. You can tell by the names that we are invading the mighty plutes domain. “Mother” Jones will be here the 4th, 5th, 6th of March and we hope to boost up the local.”-W. S. Pittillo, Corpus Christi, Tex.