Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Bartolotti of Ludlow: “Put me and my seven children in jail…but I am going on the picket line.”


Quote Ludlow Mary Petrucci, Children all dead, ed, Trinidad Las Animas Co CO Affidavit, May 11, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 30, 1914
Trinidad, Colorado – Women’s Union Picket Squad Defies Federal Soldiers

Ludlow Refugees at Trinidad, ISR p715, June 1914

As reported by John Murray  in this week’s Appeal, the “Women’s Union Picket Squad,” will now take the place of the men on the picket line in defiance of the federal troops under the command of Colonel James Lockett.

Members of the Women’s Union Picket Squad include the widow of Ludlow Martyr John Bartolotti, who declared:

The soldiers can put me and my seven children in jail if they want to, but I am going on the picket line and keep the scabs from coming in and starving us to death.

Mrs. Petrucci whose three children perished in the Ludlow Massacre will also be found on picket duty:

I shall picket, too, but my children are all gone.

From the Appeal to Reason of August 29, 1914:

New Clash Imminent


Trinidad, Colo.-Federal troops under the command of Colonel James Lockett have driven the striking miners away from all the railroad stations in southern Colorado where non-union disembark for the coal camps. Union men are being arrested daily, but the miners’ wives are defying the military and have taken their husbands’ places on the picket line.

Members of the Women’s Union Labor Alliance, led by their president, Edith Walker, organized the Women’s Union picket squad and have met every train coming into Trinidad, in spite of the attacks made upon them by company spotters and deputy sheriffs.

Tourists heads fill every car window as the overland trains pull into Trinidad, and the eyes of the gaping crowd follow the fearless women as thy march along the platform questioning every suspicious looking stranger who they think may be on his way to the mines.

Thus far the federal soldiers on duty only stare at the women pickets, who, to make sure that there shall be no misunderstanding as to what they are doing, wear large white badges pinned across their breasts upon which are printed the words “Women’s Union Picket Squad.”

Mine Owners Get Busy.

Raging at this open defiance of what the coal operators call “Law and Order,” the daily Advertiser, mouthpiece of Rockefeller interests in Trinidad, shrieks to the United States commanding officer for help in the following front-page display, placed in a box and printed in large type:

To Commander Federal Troops from  CO Coal Ops Ns, AtR p2, Aug 29, 1914

Thus far no arrests have been made by the federals, but Captain Rockwell, the officer on duty at the Santa Fe station, has warned the miners’ wives on picket that “although human,” he “must obey orders.”

The women are prepared to go to jail if the federal soldiers force the issue.

Said Mrs. Bartoloti (Virginia Bartolotti) whose husband (Giovanni/John Bartolotti) was killed in the Ludlow massacre, “the soldiers can put me and my seven children in jail if they want to, but I am going on the picket line and keep the scabs from coming in and starving us to death.”

“I shall picket, too, but my children are all gone,” declared Mrs. Petrucci, whose three little ones met their end in the flames of the historic Ludlow “death-hole.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Bartolotti of Ludlow: “Put me and my seven children in jail…but I am going on the picket line.””

Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coalfield Strike Still On; Federal Troops Serving as Scab Herders; Butcher Linderfelt Arrested


Quote KE Linderfelt re Damn Red Neck Bitches of Ludlow Massacre, Apr 20, 1914, CIR p7378————————-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 26, 1914
Colorado Strike Still On; Federal Troops Serve as Scab Herders; Linderfelt Arrested

Hamrock and Linderfelt Butchers of Ludlow, 1913, 1914, CO Coal Field War Project

The Labor World this week republished a report from the United Mine Workers Journal on the Colorado Coalfield Strike. The strike zone continues to be occupied by federal troops who have, sadly, taken on the role of scab herders.

Also reported was the news that Lieut. Linderfelt, “The Butcher of Ludlow,” has recently been arrested for trying to force a young girl into a rooming house. There is, however, no amount of depravity, regarding that particular officer of the Colorado National Guard, that would in any way surprise us. Linderfelt was one of the officers who took the lead in the Ludlow massacre, and was responsible for the murder of Louis Tikas.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coalfield Strike Still On; Federal Troops Serving as Scab Herders; Butcher Linderfelt Arrested”

Hellraisers Journal: Don MacGregor for the Chicago Day Book: “Rockefeller Spread Terror to Unborn Babes in Colorado”


Quote KE Linderfelt re Damn Red Neck Bitches of Ludlow Massacre, Apr 20, 1914, CIR p7378—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 11, 1914
MacGregor Describes the Terror Wrought in Colorado by Rockefeller’s Murderers

From The Day Book of May 6, 1914:

Rockefeller Terror Colorado Coalfield War by Don MacGregor, Day Book p1, May 6, 1914

And I saw little children, with wide and reddened eyes, run from my approach because I was a stranger and the Ludlow massacre of the innocents had taught them fear of all strangers.

I stopped my machine to talk to one little girl of seven. She ran from me, stumbled, fell, and lay clinging to the earth, her small body shaking with sobs.

“Are you scared of me?” I asked.

Her sobs became more violent.

“I’m your friend,” I said. “I don’t want to hurt you. Why are you afraid of me?”

She turned a terror-stricken face to me for a moment.

“I don’t know you,” she said. “And you came in an automobile. And-“

She buried her wet face in the earth and fell to sobbing again.

At the Jackson tent colony, twelve miles from where the fighting took place, a woman came to me and fell on her knees. She was soon to be a mother.

“Can’t you get me away from here?” she cried. “I don’t want my baby born here within reach of the machine guns. There was a woman going to have a baby at Ludlow, and-and they burned them both.”

She was silent for a moment; then waved her hand toward her husband, who stood at her tent door, leaning on a rifle, his face as grim as death itself.

“Besides,” she said proudly, “I want my man to be down at the front fighting the gunmen with the rest, and he can’t leave me alone here. Get me away.”

Mothers pleading that their babies might be born out of reach of Rockefeller’s guns! That they might be removed from danger so their men could go to the front-against Rockefeller!

Was it not enough to make men’s hearts red with rage? Was it not enough to rouse the murder lust within them?

I tell you there were times there when I felt like hanging every Rockefeller murderer who fell into our hands, without ceremony and without compunction. I think my hands would have been clean.

And yet those miners, who have been called every murderous name the mine owners or their hired press agents could think of, captured four mines outside Walsenburg and gave every gunman at them safe conduct out of the district when they raised the white flag!


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Don MacGregor for the Chicago Day Book: “Rockefeller Spread Terror to Unborn Babes in Colorado””