Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 19, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1902, Part IV
Judge Jackson Severe on the Miners, Releases Mother Jones with Lecture
From The Pittsburg Press of July 24, 1902:
Parkersburg, W. Va., July 24.-There was the most intense interest in the crowded room of the United States District Court this morning when Judge Jackson began reading his lengthy decision declaring “Mother” Mary Jones, the angel of the miners, and seven other organizers of the United Mine Workers and four Hungarians to be guilty of contempt of disregarding his injunction of June 19, against holding a meeting or creating a demonstration at or near the Pinnickinnick mine of the Clarksburg Fuel Co., or near the residence of miners at work. Judge Jackson, after concluding his decision, sentenced the defendants as follows:
Thomas Haggerty, 90 days in jail; Wm. Morgan, Bernard Rice, Peter Wilson, Wm. Blakeley, George Bacon, Thomas Laskavish, 60 days each. “Mother” Jones’ sentence was passed till afternoon. It is said she will receive a stiff fine and will not be jailed. Albert Repake, Joseph and George Roeski and Steve Teonike, Hungarians, passed until the afternoon session.
Judge Jackson stated that the defendants would not be sent to the same jail. District Attorney Blizzard sprung a sensation by immediately filing an affidavit that Secretary Wilson, of the United Mine Workers of America, had violated the restraining order by making an inflammatory speech at Clarksburg July 7, and at Fairmont July 8. His arrest was asked. Judge Jackson made an order that Wilson be arrested and brought within the jurisdiction of the court. Wilson is said to be in Indianapolis.
Jackson’s huge frame shook with emotion as he dramatically emphasized portions of his decision to “Mother” Jones, who was the center of attraction……
[Photograph added.]
From The Pittsburg Press of July 25, 1902:
Told Her She Most Obey the Law or Suffer.
Parkersburg. W. Va., July 25.-Thursday, after he had suspended sentence on “Mother” Jones, Judge Jackson started to lecture “the miners’ angel.”
“It must be distinctly understood,” he said, “that you must obey this injunction. If ‘Mother’ Jones is the good woman they say she is she will obey law and order. I will not send her to jail to pose as a martyr, nor shall she break into jail.”
Mother Jones arose and dramatically declared that she did not ask the mercy of anybody; she was simply trying to do her duty as she saw it, and whenever the court wanted her it could send for her. “I hope we will both meet on the other side of life when we die,” she finished, and at this Jackson smiled and the audience broke into applause. “Mother” Jones then went to the bench and shook hands with Judge Jackson, both smiling. “Now take my advice and go back home, keep the peace and obey the law,” Jackson softly said to her.
“Oh. but I must keep up the fight as long as I live,” she replied.
“Well, don’t fight In my district,” was the judge’s parting shot.
Mother Jones Undaunted.
Parkersburg, W. Va., July 25.-Mother Jones says she will continue to work in behalf of the miners of West Virginia [as an organizer for the United Mine Workers of America] in spite of Judge Jackson’s threat that if she does he will have her arrested again and sentenced. She says she is doing her duty and fear of jail will not prevent her from continuing along that line.
[Photograph added.]