Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1909, Part I: Found Speaking for Socialism in the Lone Star State


Quote Mother Jones, For the Wage Workers, ISR p462, Nov 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 21, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1909, Part I:
-Found Speaking for the Socialist Party in the Lone Star State

From the International Socialist Review of November 1909:

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909

MOTHER JONES was in to see us a few days ago. We asked if she had any message to send the readers of the Review and she replied:

FIRST, last and ALWAYS, of, for and BY the wage-workers.

Paste this motto in your hat. There never was any other one-half so good as this. Mother Jones infused this office with enough courage and ginger to keep us going till the next time she comes to see us.

[Photograph added.]

From the Appeal to Reason of November 13, 1909:

From page 4:



While in Los Angeles, Calif., I visited Comrade L. Guterrez DeLara, and his wife, Hattie Elliot DeLara. Comrade DeLara is charged with being an alien, an anarchist. He can prove by hundreds of witnesses that he is neither, but his trial before the Immigration Official Ridgway is to be secret, and as an official in Tucson inadvertently said, “Diaz has a long arm.” Our officials have too long been ready to do the bidding of that murderer, Porfirio Diaz, for us to trust them.

I learned to love the DeLaras dearly, and my heart bleeds for them. Every spare moment while I was with them we talked of the social questions and conditions in Mexico and America. With his black eyes blazing with the fire of the revolution DeLara said many, many times: “I must work and work and work to educate my people. That is our only hope. Diaz has stolen the money that should be used for schools and my people are in ignorance. I can not tell you in a few days of the suffering of the Mexican workers. They must be taught that Socialism is the remedy. They learn very easily if given an opportunity.”

It is this man who is charged with being an anarchist.


Comrade DeLara said of the Appeal to Reason: “The Mexican workers appreciate the work the Appeal to Reason has done for them. They love Eugene V. Debs and Mother Jones, too.”

From page 5:

SW Edition Tx, AtR p5, Nov 13, 1909


Lone Star Notes.


Few speakers can awaken the workers as can Mother Jones. Her meeting at Troupe, where dense prejudice has existed, will be of great and lasting benefit to the movement. Some of the most prejudiced opponents of the movement there came to her at the close of the meeting and assured her that they were Socialists henceforth and contributed liberally for the expense of the meeting. Comrade Butler writes: “God bless Mother Jones; her memory will be enshrined in the hearts of the people long after Taft, Roosevelt and company are forgotten.”

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for October 1909, Part I: Found in Girard & Texarkana


Poem for Mother Jones, SL Hld p4, Apr 25, 1904———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 14, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for October 1909, Part I:
-Found in Girard, Kansas and Texarkana, Texas

From Pittsburg [Kansas] Daily Headlight of October 9, 1909:

Mr. Debs Entertains.

Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909

Eugene V. Debs entertained a few friends last evening [in Girard] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Warren, giving some of his fine readings, which were highly appreciated. The following named guests were present, others invited not being able to attend on account of the rain: G. H. Shoaf and daughters, Dr. J. T. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Tubbs, Mrs. Josephone Kaneko [Josephine Conger-Kaneko], Miss Pearl Busby, Mrs. Helen Unterman, of Idaho, S. Barrett, J. S. Cassin, Mother Jones, Mrs. Molkey, Mrs. S. P. Nichols and children, Charles and Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Brewer, J. E. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fuller and son Floyd, Miss Maud Swan and Miss Margaret Simpson….

[Photograph added.]

From the Appeal to Reason of October 9, 1909:

AtR p3, SW Edition TX, Oct 9, 1909


Mother Jones will be filling appointments in Texas before you read this unless she again fails us by being called to some strike center or to the rescue of some imprisoned comrade, and you will then have the opportunity of hearing this great soul. Comrades and locals are asked to write state headquarters and renew their calls for Mother.


From The Shreveport Times of October 13, 1909:

[Mother Jones in Texarkana]

Mother Jones, the most beloved woman in the United States among laboring men, spent yesterday in Texarkana, leaving last night for Dallas and Fort Worth, from where she will go to Del Rio, In connection with the recent arrest and detention there of a number of Mexican political refugees. Mother Jones is not interested in the case of the refugees as it applies to the political matters involved, but is deeply concerned over the labor questions involved and from which it is said the real cause of their arrest sprang.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for October 1909, Part I: Found in Girard & Texarkana”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs on “Social Democracy” and the Social Democratic Party of America


Quote EVD, On overthrow of ruling class power, SD Hld, Oct 8, 1898~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 9, 1898
Debs on Capitalism Run Riot and the Battle for Social Democracy

From the Social Democratic Herald of October 8, 1898:

Social Democracy

-by Eugene V. Debs

EVD, New Time Magazine, Feb 1898

In the outset, and to “clear the deck” for action, some attention should be paid to definitions. What is meant by the term, “Social Democracy?” The term “social” as applied to “democracy” means, simply, a society of democrats, the members of which believe in the equal right of all to manage and control it. Reading this definition, men are likely to say, “There is nothing new in that,” and they speak understandingly. The men and women who are engaged in organizing the Social Democratic Party of America are not pluming themselves upon the novelty of their scheme for the improvement of social, industrial, and political conditions. They claim for their movement a common-sense basis, free from the taint of vagary and in all regards preeminently practical.

The wise man is credited with saying, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” [Ecclesiastes 1:9]. Crediting the declaration of Solomon as conclusive, there must have been a time before he lived when something like “social democracy” of which I write existed in the earth, the germ idea of which, though latent for centuries, has aroused men from their lethargy from time to time in the processes of evolution, to find its most potent expression in the present era of “progress and poverty,” civilization and savagery, wealth and war, charity and greed, aroused them to an interest in socialism, which, with the chivalric courage of crusaders and the revolutionizing zeal of iconoclasts, has appeared to do battle for the regeneration of society.

No one hesitates to admit that the task is herculean; no one underestimates the power of opposing forces. Their name is legion, and they are organized forces—close, compact, resourceful, and defiant. They do not propose to surrender, compromise, nor arbitrate. They have the masses in the dust, their claws upon their throats and their hooves upon their prostrate forms. In the face of all the verified facts that startle thinking men, there is no requirement for extravagant speech.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs on “Social Democracy” and the Social Democratic Party of America”

Hellraisers Journal: Governor & Warden Invite Kept Press to “Grand Reception” with the Pious Assassin, Harry Orchard

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday May 25, 1907
From Boise, Idaho – Montana News Reports on Haywood Trial:

A Grand Reception

Held in Idaho Penitentiary for the Purpose
of Creating a Sentiment in Favor of
a Self Confessed Murder


Boise, May 18.

HMP, Justice Boise, Spokane Press, May 9, 1907

When court closed at three o’clock this afternoon the state had used seven of its peremptory challenges and the defense six. The work of completing the jury still promises to be a long and tedious one. Today completed the sixth day of the trial. The weather is very warm. Not much interest in the case is manifested in Boise, only small crowds being in attendance.

It is evident even to a casual observer that a battle royal is on. Each side is contesting every step of the way. But the tilts between the attorneys have so far been conducted with uniform courtesy and good nature. It is interesting to watch the class feature figure in the selection of the jury. A man appearing right down common and plainly honest with no pretensions to belong to the confident side of society is unvaribly peremptorily rejected by the prosecution. While a self confident man owning considerable property and feeling a certain superiority and conscious respectability is promptly dismissed by the defense.

The reason for this unconscious action on the part of the contending forces at bar can be furnished only by the socialist philosophy.

The property possessing class and those that have means to live in a somewhat comfortable style find all their interests in conformity with maintaining the established order of things. The wage workers and those whose occupation has brought them no sense of security and established position in society feel no sympathy in maintaining the farce of established procedure. So the choosing of the jury proceeds as carefully as the chess player moves his pawns. Only in final resort the judge and the sheriff hold the deciding moves. Over half of the new panel of hundred men has been exhausted.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Governor & Warden Invite Kept Press to “Grand Reception” with the Pious Assassin, Harry Orchard”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs on the Proposed Platform of the Socialist Party of America


The industrial organization of the working class
is the foundation of the Socialist movement,
and without it Socialism is impossible.
-Eugene V. Debs

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday August 13, 1916
Terre Haute, Indiana – Debs for Revolutionary Economic Organization

From St. Louis Labor of August 12, 1916:

On the Proposed National Platform
by Eugene V. Debs

Terre Haute, Ind., August 4

Socialist Party of America Button

Every member ought to read carefully the draft of the new platform of the Socialist Party recently submitted to the party membership for final action. The importance to the party and to our propaganda of a sound platform, a clear and ringing declaration of what the party stands for and what it stands against, cannot be overestimated.

The platform now before us doubtless had the most careful thought and conscientious attention of the committee that framed it and it is certainly well written, its propositions are clearly stated, and its indictment of capitalism and militarism strongly drawn; yet it would be expecting too much to find it free from objection.
Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs on the Proposed Platform of the Socialist Party of America”