Hellraisers Journal – Sunday September 11, 1921
Forty Warrants Issued For West Virginia Miners’ Army
From the Baltimore Sun of September 9, 1921:
Special Grand Jury Next Week To Hear Evidence
Of Recent Disorders.
Military Authorities Indicate They Anticipate
No More Marches Into Mingo.
Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 8.-The first step toward the prosecution of those alleged to be responsible for disturbances along the Boone-Logan county border was taken today when 40 warrants were issued at Logan at the instance of County Prosecutor John Chafin, it was, announced today at Governor Morgan’s office. It was stated further that a special grand jury would be called there next week before which witnesses, already summoned, are expected to appear.
It was not known at the Governor’s office for whom the warrants were issued, according to the announcement.
Part of the Federal forces sent into West Virginia last week today were withdrawn. The Twenty-sixth Infantry returned to Camp Dix, New Jersey; the Eighty-eight Aero Squadron, with the exception of two airships and crews, left for Langley Field, Virginia, and the Chemical Warfare Service Section for Edgewood Arsenal, New Jersey.
No official statement was made concerning further withdrawals of troops, but it was learned that, should the Nineteenth Infantry be sent back to its home station, the Fortieth Regiment, Col. E. A. Shuttlesworth commanding, now on duty in Logan county, would be distributed throughout the district affected by the gathering of miners and others during the latter part of August.
The military authorities today indicated they anticipated no further attempts at marches into Mingo county on the part of protestants against State martial law in force there.
Federal Agents Investigating.
Washington, Sept. 8.-Any action by the Federal Government to fix the responsibility for the recent mine disorders in the West Virginia coal fields will depend on the results of investigations now being made, it was said today at the Department of Justice.
Federal agents are at work, it was said, but no reports from them have yet reached the department.
[Emphasis added.]