Hellraisers Journal – Thursday November 14, 1918
“One of Them” by Elizabeth Hasanovitz, Union Garment Worker
“One of Them” describes lingering remnants of the old sweat-shop in the every-day shop vernacular.
From The Ladies’ Garment Worker of October 1918:
The Garment Worker offers a review of a new book by Elizabeth Hasanovitz, member of Ladies’ Waist and Dressmakers’ Union, Local No. 25.
“One of Them”
By Elizabeth Hasanovitz,
Just Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Price $2.00
[Book Review by Aaron Rosebury]
From The Liberator of November 1918.
This book is described by the publishers as “The pilgrimage of a Russian girl to the Land of Freedom and her life in the garment factories of New York; an unforgettable picture of an unconquerable soul.” But to us who live, move and have our being in the very union referred to in its pages the book is not only the individual experience of one unconquerable soul. It typifies thousands of souls who united in soul and effort to conquer sweat-shop conditions and modern shop slavery and finally succeeded in effecting a great industrial change.