Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 5, 1920
Statement from Convict 9653 E. V. Debs, Socialist Candidate for President
From The Atlanta Constitution of November 4, 1920:
Country Leaped From Frying Pan
To Fire, Says Debs
———-In Written Statement, Defeated Candidate Declares
Wall Street Is Still in Saddle.
———-(Wednesday morning Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for president, furnished The Constitution the following written statement in regard to the election results.)
There was never any doubt about the results of yesterday’s election. The fate of the democratic party was sealed at the Versailles peace conference. One thing was made clear by the election returns. President Wilson, Attorney General Palmer and Postmaster General Burleson now know what the American people think of their despotic administration.
But, unfortunately, the people have not profited by past experience. They need look for no improvement in conditions as the result of the election. Wall street is still in the saddle under Harding as it was under Wilson.
Politically speaking, the American people have the cheerful habit of jumping from the frying pan into the fire and back again. They seem to enjoy the diversion.
Lincoln said “If you want that thing that is the thing you want.”
Harding prays God to help him. The American people will be doing the same thing before they are through with his administration.
For President Harding will take his orders from Wall street, and his administration can be relied upon to see to it that the people get all they voted for-and then some.