There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 18, 1906
State of Idaho – Governor Gooding, Mine Owners’ Hero, Re-Elected
The Mine Owners’ Associations of Colorado and Idaho are rejoicing as their champion, Governor Gooding, wins re-election in the state of Idaho, and they now can easily imagine the leaders of the Western Federation of Miners swinging from the gallows. Jack London recently offered an alternative point of view, writing in the Chicago Daily Socialist that “Something Is Rotten in Idaho” (see below.)
From The Idaho Daily Statesman of November 13, 1906:

Colorado, Sends Greeting to Idaho
and Governor Gooding.
(Denver Republican.)
Colorado, in the midst of rejoicing over its victory for orderly government, sends greeting to Idaho and Governor Gooding over the splendid victory achieved in the interest of good government and for the good name of the whole state, which like Colorado has suffered in the past from the rule of anarchy. From the Coeur d’Alenes to Cripple Creek is a near and fateful cry.
Because of the determined stand taken by Governor Gooding to clear the state’s escutcheon of the blot casts upon it in the foul murder of former Governor Steunenberg, he was made the center of attack in the recent campaign. His enemies sought his defeat that the assassins might go free. If not admitted, it was tacitly understood that his defeat meant the opening of the prison gates to the suspects. The Denver News no later than yesterday insisted that because the district court trial judge [Judge Frank J. Smith] in that state who had bound over Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, had been defeated on the face of the available returns, the prisoners would be released; and, as the Patterson organs are the mouthpieces of the defense, the animus of the whole campaign is made clear. If Governor Gooding had been beaten through the debauchery of certain districts with Western Federation of Miners’ money, there would have been rejoicing in other places than Welton street…
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