Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part I: Found in Speaking in Arizona

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday August 15, 1907
Mother Jones News for July, Part I: Found in Arizona

Mother Jones, Tacoma Times, Sept 19, 1904

During the month of July, Mother Jones was found continuing her work in Arizona on behalf of the Western Federation of Miners. She toured the mining districts and spoke to the miners, their families, and supporters. One such speech was described by The Tucson Citizen of July 16th:

Mother Jones, known as the miners’ Joan of Arc, arrived in Tucson yesterday afternoon and last night addressed an open air meeting at the corner of Church and Congress streets. Tremendous magnetism and a certain amount of crude eloquence are the attributes with which Mother Jones has endeared herself to tens of thousands of working people all over the United States. Last night she gave a characteristic address….

Mother Jones went throughly into the Colorado and Idaho situation and lambasted the crowd that is prosecuting Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone. Getting nearer home she paid her stinging compliments to the Copper Queen Mining Company and gave her own version of the strike situation there. She has been at Bisbee since May 15 of this year lending encouragement to the strikers in the interest of the Western Federation of Miners. Her voice rose almost to a shriek as she told the Federation side of the troubles in the Warren district. Frequently during the address the old woman was cheered and exclamation of “God bless you” and “Good for you, Mother,” were heard from among her auditors. Before she finished the speaker was surrounded by a crowd in thorough sympathy with her, and the wonderful power she exerts over large bodies of men was made manifest in the way she swayed her Tucson audience….


Part I: Mother Jones News for July 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part I: Found in Speaking in Arizona”

Hellraisers Journal: Socialists Praise Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News for Reportage on Haywood Trial


To advocate peace with things as they are
is treason to humanity.
This is a class struggle and on class lines
it must be fought out to a finish.
-Ida Crouch-Hazlett


Hellraisers Journal, Friday August 9, 1907
Helena, Montana – “Comrade Hazlett is a dandy.”

Now that Big Bill Haywood has been freed from the Ada County Jail and has returned in triumph to Denver, Colorado, Ida Crouch-Hazlett has also been able to return to her home in Helena, Montana, where she can resume her duties as editor of the Montana News. During the past several months, she has been working as a correspondent, residing first in Caldwell and later in Boise, Idaho, from where her reporting on the Haywood Trial has been read eagerly by Socialists, especially those of Montana and Milwaukee.

From the Montana News of August 8, 1907:


Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Socialist, Montana News, Aug 3, 1904

The Social Democrat Herald says:

It is fitting just at this time for us to partly discharge a debt of gratitude to our correspondent at the Haywood trial, Comrade Ida Crouch-Hazlett, editress of the “Montana New.” Her reports were remarkably comprehensive and graphic and gave our readers an actual look in at the trial through socialist eyes. We are only sorry that more socialist papers did not avail themselves of her fine reports. And we regret also that we were not able from considerations of the limitations of our space, to print every word of the reports she sent us.

One paper did so, the Montana News, and we venture the belief that the readers of that paper secured a better idea of the work and progress of the historic trial than did the readers of any other party paper. Through the long and wearing trial, in a torrid courtroom, Mrs. Hazlett stuck to her post, and after the exhaustion of the day, spent long hours in the evening preparing her copy and telling the Social-Democrats of the country how the great inquisition was progressing. She was peculiarly fitted, also, for this task, from the fact of having formerly been a resident of Colorado and being familiar with the shocking and inhuman tyrannies of the mine owners in the great labor war of 1904.

[Paragraph break added.]


The reports of the trial that the News printed from the pen of Comrade Hazlett have brought us a large number of compliments. Below a few of them that have reached this office: Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Socialists Praise Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News for Reportage on Haywood Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Comes to Denver to Congratulate Haywood; Big Bill Back at Work at His Desk


A year ago, when I was kidnaped,
some of my friends told me
I would never leave Idaho alive.
But I am here,
and I did not come back in a box,
as they told me I would.
-Big Bill Haywood


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday August 7, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones Visits Big Bill Haywood

From The Rocky Mountain News of August 6, 1907:

Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

Makes Trip to Denver to Congratulate
Federation Leader.

Mother Jones, the famous woman labor leader, made a trip to Denver especially to see and congratulate William D. Haywood on his return home. She paid the secretary of the Western Federation of Miners a call at his office in the Pioneer building yesterday, and they enjoyed a short talk. During the Trinidad strike, and other Colorado labor difficulties, Mother Jones was in Colorado and was as active worker for the union cause.


[Photograph added.]

Haywood Found Back at Work

Visits Headquarters, Greets Friends
and Attacks Pile of Telegrams.

HMP, BBH back at desk, DP p2, August 5, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Comes to Denver to Congratulate Haywood; Big Bill Back at Work at His Desk”

Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Welcomed Home to Denver by Enormous Crowd and “Thunder of Roaring Cheers”


Workingmen of all kinds stood by us
in this ordeal,
both morally and financially.
I thank them.
-Big Bill Haywood


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday August 6, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Massive Crowd Celebrates Haywood’s Return

From The Rocky Mountain News of August 5, 1907:

Haywood Reaches Home
in a Thunder
of Roaring Cheers

‘Hello, Bill’, Salutation of Crowd,
Which Surges Trough Gates
of Union Station.


Haywood Family Reunited, Boise, Wilkes-Barre Leader, May 10, 1907, Crpd

William D. Haywood arrived in Denver at 10:45 last night [August 4th], one year, five months and eighteen days after he left it [was kidnapped] to go to Boise to face a charge of conspiracy to murder Governor Steunenberg.

No one saw him start for Boise. Thousands cheered him on his return.

All day yesterday, on the journey through Colorado, Haywood was greeted at the stations by crowds, which shouted themselves hoarse and tried to drag him from the train to make a speech.

Haywood’s first care on arriving at his home city was his wife. He carried her tenderly from the train, put her into her invalid’s chair, and wheeled her through the shouting crowd to a waiting carriage. Mrs. Haywood was pale but smiling, and seemed supremely happy at the reception given her husband.

The crowd surged through the gates at the union station and pressed up close to the train. When Haywood appeared with Mrs. Haywood in his arms the crowd let loose, and men, women and children yelled their greetings. The crowd outside could not see Haywood, but they knew he had arrived, and the cheering swelled out and up Seventeenth street.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Welcomed Home to Denver by Enormous Crowd and “Thunder of Roaring Cheers””

Hellraisers Journal: W. F. of M. Convention Demands Investigation Into Murder of Organizer Alex Obremski


He knew he was taking his life in his hands
in going to Trinidad, but as he was ordered there
he would not shirk his duty.
-Henry Morris of Pueblo on murder of
WFM Organizer Alex Obremski


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 29, 1907
Denver, Colorado – W. F. of M. Convention Wants Investigation

From the Albuquerque Evening Citizen of June 15, 1907:

Murdered Western Federation Organizer
May Have Been Victim of Conspiracy.


WFM button

Denver, Colo., June 15.-The Western Federation of Miners’ convention today received a communication from a member in Las Animas county, suggesting an investigation of the killing of Alexander Obrenski [Obremski], a Federation organizer, by Juan Eskinas [Espinosa], at Rugby, Colo., about one month ago [May 18th].

The killing was alleged, at the time, to have occurred in a barroom row, but the writer of the communication suggested that it was the result of a conspiracy to injure the Federation.

Strong Statement.

He makes the statement that the row was not participated in by the organizer, but that the belligerents managed to gather around Obrenski, and before he could get away a shot was fired, and he fell to the floor, [..and..?] The fighters melted into obscurity immediately.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: W. F. of M. Convention Demands Investigation Into Murder of Organizer Alex Obremski”

Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Hands “Lemon” to Industrial Workers of the World


Wealth to Producer, WFM Motto, Miners Mag Jan 1, 1914


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday June 23, 1907
Denver, Colorado – Report from W. F. of M. Convention

From the Duluth Labor World of June 22, 1907:

TO I. W. OF W.
Revolutionary Organization of
Industrial Workers Are Repudiated.
Annual Convention of Western Federation
Takes Decisive Action.

WFM button

DENVER, Col., June 20.—”To hell with Moyer and Haywood—they are merely individuals.”

“To hell with Eugene V. Debs—we are revolutionists.” These inflammatory utterances made on the floor during the second annual convention of the Industrial Workers of the World in secret session in Chicago last September, were probably largely responsible for the split that has since occurred in the ranks of that organization.

This was brought out in the afternoon session of the federation convention yesterday afternoon. The disclosures were made in a communication read from Charles O. Sherman, former president of the Industrial Workers of the World. There were some quickly hushed hisses and some applause following the conclusion of the reading of the lengthy document.

The Western Federation of Miners, is known as the “mining department” of the Industrial Workers of the World. The latter association is divided into two factions—the “revolutionists” and the advocates of an economic industrial organization. The federation members are mostly from the latter class and practically left the Industrial Workers last December when they refused to pay a per capita to that body.

Since then there has been much dissension between the two organizations and many attempts on the part of the Workers to have the federation return to the fold. The question is to be settled at the convention now in session in Denver.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Western Federation of Miners Hands “Lemon” to Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: John R Lawson, Hero of Ludlow, Freed from Murder Conviction by Colorado Supreme Court


Solemnly facing iron bars and prison walls,
I assert my love for justice
and my faith in its ultimate triumph.
-John R Lawson


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday June 9, 1917
From the United Mine Workers Journal: John Lawson Is Freed!

From the Journal of June 7, 1917:

Colorado Supreme Court Reverses
Lawson Judgment

John Lawson Free, Buona Fortuna, UMWJ p19, June 7, 1917

Denver, Colo., June 4.—The Colorado supreme court today handed down a unanimous decision, all seven judges present and concurring, reversing judgments against John R. Lawson, who had been convicted by picked judge and jury in the Las Animas circuit court on the charge of first degree murder of a mine guard who fell in an attack upon the Ludlow tent colony, and against Louis Zancanelli, convicted in the court presided over by the same judge, Granby J. Hilliard, ex-coal operators’ attorney, on the charge of killing George Belcher, Baldwin-Feltz mine guard, on the streets of Trinidad, Colo.

The trials accorded these two miners have long been recognized by the decent lawyers and citizens of Colorado as a glaring intentional perversion of justice and a disgrace to the state. The decision rendered by the supreme court, reversing judgment, was based upon the fact that objection was entered by the defense against Judge Hilliard, recognized as an operators’ attorney, who had been appointed special judge by Governor Carlson to try, and convict, miners charged with crimes alleged to have been committed during the strike of 1913-14. After the trials of Lawson and Zancanelli, the supreme court handed down a decision prohibiting Judge Hilliard from trying any others of the strike cases.

The objection raised at the opening of the trial of John R. Lawson and Louis Zancanelli by lawyers for the defense—charging prejudice against Judge Hilliard and challenging his right to preside as judge, was considered sufficient cause for the reversal of judgment by the members of the supreme court. Other objections, equally as well founded, were not considered as the first objection was upheld. The defense had proof that the juries were selected from known enemies of the union miners, including several hired gunmen of the companies; that those of the jurymen who objected to rendering a verdict of guilty had been threatened with starvation, by order of the court, and one juryman in the Lawson case was told that his wife was dangerously ill, thus breaking down his opposition to the iniquitous verdict.

While the eases against John R. Lawson and Louis Zancanelli have been remanded back to Las Animas county for trial, there is little doubt but that the cases will be “nol-prossed” by the present district attorney at the first term of circuit court. Our persecuted brothers are practically free.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: John R Lawson, Hero of Ludlow, Freed from Murder Conviction by Colorado Supreme Court”

Hellraisers Journal: The Industrial Union Bulletin on Roosevelt’s Square Dealings with Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone


The labor giant has slept long,
but is now awakening.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday April 14, 1907
From The Industrial Union Bulletin: Roosevelt’s “Square Deal”

IUB, Official Publication, IWW, April 13, 1907

The official publication of the Industrial Workers of the World yesterday discussed the remarks of President Roosevelt regarding the citizenship qualities of Comrades Debs, Moyer and Haywood, and included the statement of Bill Haywood, made in response to being termed an “undesirable citizen” by the President of the United States on the eve of his trial.


HMP, Def Fund, IUB Apr 13, 1907

Nothing has happened in Theodore Roosevelt’s career as president of the United States that so entirely discredits his fitness for that position as the recent reference by him to Debs, Moyer and Haywood, as being “undesirable citizens.” The two latter are soon to appear in court and stand trial for their lives, yet the “chief magistrate” of the nation, oblivious to the ordinary rule that anyone charged with crime is presumed to be innocent until his guilt is proven, has made public an opinion that must be prejudicial to their interests. It is an outrage that ranks with the unlawful acts of the mine owners and McParlands of Colorado. Neither of these men has ever been convicted of any crime, yet their case is prejudged in advance of their appearance in court. It is a shameful and brutal spectacle.

IWW, Gen Sec Trautmann, Ex Brd St J, IUB, Apr 13,1907

The facts are these: The president addressed a letter to Congressman James S. Sherman in which certain matters in dispute between himself and the railway magnate, E. H. Harriman; entirely without warrant and apparently with the sole purpose of creating prejudice against Moyer and Haywood, he denounced the conduct of Harriman in the following terms:

It shows a cynicism and deep-seated corruption which make the man uttering such statements, and boasting, no matter how falsely, of his power to perform such crime, at least as undesirable a citizen as Debs, or Moyer or Haywood.

Fellow-worker Haywood, awaiting his trial in Idaho, gave out the following statement:


I do not desire to make an extended statement with regard to President Roosevelt’s reference to me in his letter to Congressman Sherman.

The president says that I am an “undesirable citizen,” the inference being that, as such, I should be put out of the way. His influence is all-powerful, and his statement, coming as it does, on the eve of my trial for my life, will work me irreparable injury, and do more to prevent a fair trial than everything that has been said and done against me in the past.

President Roosevelt is the leading exponent of the doctrine of “fair play and a square deal,” but his reference to me in his letter to Sherman demonstrates that he does not practice what he preaches.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Industrial Union Bulletin on Roosevelt’s Square Dealings with Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for January 1917: Found Visiting “Her Boys” in Denver


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday February 8, 1917
Mother Jones Found in Denver During Month of January

From The Denver Post of January 1, 1917:


Mother Jones, John P White, UMWJ, Feb 10, 1916

“Mother” Jones, leader of labor, is in Denver. She states that she came here to spend New Year with her “boys,” meaning the members of the United Mine Workers of America. She is fresh from active participation in the strike of garment workers and street car employes in New York, she stated that the returns of the recent national election showed that John P. White had been re-elected president of the miners over John H. Walker of Illinois.

“Mother” Jones says that she is not here to take any part in the factional differences of the officers of the Colorado district. She is of the opinion that there will be a satisfactory adjustment before long and that “everything will come out all right.” She is stopping at the Oxford hotel. She will leave Denver tomorrow night.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for January 1917: Found Visiting “Her Boys” in Denver”

Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Sends Daily Letter from Ada County Jail in Idaho to His Invalid Wife in Denver

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday January 9, 1907
From Ada County Jail, Idaho – Big Bill Haywood Writes to Family

Kidnappers Special Detail by BBH, AtR, May 19, 1906

From his cell in the Ada County Jail, beneath the Courthouse where he will be put on trial for his life, William D. Haywood, Secretary-Treasure of the Western Federation of Miners, sends out a daily letter to his invalid wife in Denver. His wife, Nevada Jane Minor Haywood and his two daughters, Vernie and Henrietta, remain in that city and hope for the return of the husband and father who was kidnapped by the authorities of Colorado and Idaho and spirited away to Boise aboard the “Kidnappers’ Special” on February 18th of this past year.

From The Leavenworth Times of Kansas, January 5, 1907:

Accused Miner Sends Daily Letter To Wife

BBH, Nevada Jane, Leavenworth KS Tx, Jan 5, 1907

Denver, Colo., Jan. 4.-There is a chapter in the life of Wm. D. Haywood, leader of the Western Federation of Miners and accused accomplice in the assassination of former Gov. Steunenberg, of Idaho, now in jail at Boise, Idaho, awaiting trial, not generally known. The story this chapter tells places this one accused and censured as an anarchist in the true light of faithful and home-loving father and husband.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Sends Daily Letter from Ada County Jail in Idaho to His Invalid Wife in Denver”