Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 12, 1919
“The machinery of capitalism has completed its work…Debs must go to prison.”
From The Ohio Socialist of March 12, 1919:

The machinery of capitalism has completed its work and ground out the decision that Eugene V. Debs must go to prison.
No one who has studied the class character of the governmental institutions of this country expected a different verdict than that which has just been rendered by the United States Supreme Court.
It was inconceivable that the Supreme Curt would declare the Espionage law unconstitutional.
The interpretation of the constitution follows the needs of the ruling class. Only unsophisticated persons with a ludicrously naive belief in the “democracy” of modern capitalist government could imagine such a contingency as the Supreme cCourt declaring a law in the interest of the capitalist class unconstitutional in the hour of capitalism’s greatest need.
But if there was no hope for Debs, even though, as many people believe, the Espionage law violates clearly expressed provisions of the national constitution in regard to the right of free speech and free press, it did seem that the selfish interests of the ruling class of this country might save Debs from prison.
Capitalism in this country is resting upon a slumbering volcano-the volcano of a suppressed, oppressed and exploited working class.
In Russia and Germany the volcano has burst and is flinging the debris of capitalism to the four winds.
In England, France and Italy the rumbling which forecasts a similar activity can be distinctly heard.
Even here the warning signals are not wanting. Unemployment, strikes, discontent, Seattle’s [General Strike] and Lawrence’s [Textile Strike], all suggest a growing bitterness that is the sign of a coming eruption.
Well might the ruling class hesitate before adding another grievance, a grievance that will deepen and make more bitter the hatred of the working class of the system that holds them under its iron heel.
That is what the sending of Eugene V. Debs will mean to the ruling class of this country.
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