Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 2, 1921 West Virginia’s State Militia Serves Interest of Coal Operators
From the United Mine Workers Journal of August 1, 1921:
[-from pages 3 & 4]
General View of the Miners’ Tent Colony, Lick Creek, W. Va.
More complete details of the raid which was made upon the headquarters office of the United Mine Workers at Williamson, W. Va., by the so-called military authorities of that state have been received at the Journal office, and they are of even a more harrowing and outrageous character than was at first suspected or realized. The raid was a down-right act of brutal disregard for all of the constitutional rights that are supposed to be enjoyed by every American citizen, but which seem to belong only to coal operators in West virginia. More and more it becomes apparent that the military raid on the union headquarters was merely another part of the plan of the Williamson coal operators to run the United Mine Workers out of that field. Of course, they will not succeed in doing this, but their failure to accomplish this end will not be through any fault of the West Virginia military establishment.
The last issue of the Journal contained the bare facts of the raid on the office of the Union and the arrest of David B. Robb, International Fiscal Agent; Ed Dobbins, International Board Member, from District 12; International Organizers, John W. Brown, Robert Gilmour, Jasper Metzger and Herbert Halls; J. B. Wiggins and Henry Koop, local workers; Claude Mahoun, Charles Lee, Whetrell Hackney and J. H. Reed, striking miners. A squad of the improvised militia, led by Major Davis, invaded the office and ordered the men to line up on the sidewalk in front. Next they marched the twelve men to the Williamson City jail and locked them up. The twelve men suffered terribly from the intense heat and close confinement, but even this fact did not appear to satisfy the authorities, for two days later they handcuffed the men in pairs, loaded them on a train and took them to Welch, county seat of McDowell county, and placed them in the McDowell county jail.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 31, 1921 Mingo County, West Virginia – Union Miner Dead After Battle Near Nolan -Senate Committe to Investigate Conditions Along the Tug
From The New York Herald of May 27, 1921:
THIRD VICTIM DEAD AFTER MINGO FIGHT ———- George Crum in Ante-Mortem Statement Denies Attempt to Start Trouble. ———-
Wheeling Intelligencer May 26, 1921
WILLIAMSON, W. Va., May 26.-George Crum who was shot in a fight between a detail of State police and Kentucky National Guardsmen on one side and a party of men they encountered in a road near Nolan, W. Va., last night, died in a hospital here this afternoon. A State policeman and a Guardsman were killed in the encounter.
Gov. Morgan in Charleston to-day announced that ten thousand rifle cartridges shipped from St. Louis and consigned to Sid Hatfield, feudist, at Matewan, W. Va., are being held in the office of the American Railway Express at Bluefield.
The cartridges are being held at the request of Gov. Morgan, made to the president of the Norfolk and Western Railroad. An embargo was placed on the shipment of arms and munitions into Mingo county last week.
State and county authorities to-night watched with extreme caution the situation along the West Virginia-Kentucky border after the events of last night at Nolan. Capt. Brockus of the State police, reported that the region was quiet. A similar report came from Sheriff A. C. Pinson of Mingo county.
Soon after Crum was admitted to the hospital he told the authorities that he had done nothing to excite the trouble at the Nolan ferry, where the fight started, and during which Private Charles Kackley of the West Virginia State police and Private Manley Vaughan of the Kentucky National Guard, were killed.
An arrest under Gov. Morgan’s proclamation of martial law for Mingo was reported to-night. Sheriff Pinson announced that Ross Perry was arrested by deputy sheriffs near Gilbert, W. Va., and charged with having ammunition in his possession. He was held without bail.
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 5, 1921 United Mine Workers of America to Support Matewan Defendants
From the United Mine Workers Journal of February 1, 1921:
Union Will Support the Twenty-four Mountaineers
WASHINGTON, January 23.-The twenty four mountaineers who go on trial on a charge of first-degree murder Wednesday at Williamson, W. Va., will have the complete support, moral and material, of the United Mine Workers of America, according to an announcement here tonight by William Green, national secretary and treasurer of the organization.
The trial is the result of a sensational gun battle in the main street of Matewan on May 19th last, which resulted in ten deaths, including the mayor of the city and seven Baldwin-Felts guards. The fight is said to have had its origin in the attempts of the guards to arrest Sid Hatfield, chief of police of Matewan. Hatfield, a descendant of the feudists of Hatfield-McCoy fame, is the most prominent in the group of defendants, which includes special police deputies of Matewan and members of the miners’ union.
In his statement here tonight Mr. Green declared:
The United Mine Workers of America are prepared to afford full support, both moral and material, to the twenty-four defendants in the murder trial at Williamson, W. Va., this week. This trial is a direct result of the barbarous warfare waged on members of the United Mine Workers by the coal operators of Mingo county. And, so long as lives of members of our organization are at stake, we intend to put at their disposal every means for establishing their innocence of the charge. The court, of course, will determine their fate. But we will offer the defense every facility in our power.
The United Mine Workers are determined to see justice done the locked-out miners of Mingo county. These men and their families were evicted from their homes for the “crime” of joining the union. The operators employed professional gunmen to hasten the evictions. We are insistent that the use of gunmen in West Virginia mining areas shall cease. It is time that a republican form of government, as ordained by the constitution, should be restored in Mingo county and the arbitrary rule of the coal barons brought to an end.