Hellraisers Journal: 25,000 Striking Textile Workers of Paterson Establish Central Relief Station at Turn Hall Headquarters


Quote Make Cp Suffer Pocket Book, GS by BBh, ISR p681, May 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 19, 1913
Paterson, New Jersey – General Strike Committee to Establish Relief Station

From The Paterson Evening News of March 18, 1913:

HdLn Paterson Silk Strikers Relief Com, Pt Ns p1, Mar 18, 1913

Realizing that the ultimatum of the manufacturers and their decision not to confer with the strikers in any way, means either a defeat for the present strike movement or a long fight, the General Strike Committee of the Textile Workers of Paterson has decided to begin at once raising funds for the purpose of caring for the needy workers and their families in order that those now on strike may be able to live until the manufacturers awake to a realization of the fact that the mills are going to remain closed until the strikers get some recognition of their demands.

The following circular is being mailed broadcast to labor organizations throughout the country and it is expected that by the beginning of the week funds will commence flowing in.






Over 25,000 silk workers in Paterson are out on strike today for better conditions and a living wage. We are struggling against the manufacturers in a fight for living conditions. Our fight that we must win if we are to be able to live and to provide for our wives and children.

The Manufacturers’ Association of Paterson is a wealthy organisation, stacked by wealthy interests. It is a fight of the workers against the bosses and against unlivable conditions.

We have no one to appeal to for help except our brother workers, and those outside interests who believe in fair play for the workingman and we now make that appeal,

Every dollar that is raised will feed some hungry mouth and strengthen some willing worker to keep up the fight against unfair conditions.

To all workingmen and to all lovers of the square deal we make this appeal. The time to answer it is NOW. We need your help, WILL YOU GIVE IT.




In addition to this a subscription will be taken locally and food and money will be gratefully received, donations may be made outright or subscriptions made to pay any desired amount a week during the progress of the strike.

The News will acknowledge receipt of all monies sent in and also other donations.

The General Relief Committee is headed by Frederick Jenny as chairman, and they have established permanent headquarters in Turn hall.

The announcement is made that the strikers expect to be able to take care of all those who are in immediate need.


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Hellraisers Journal: J. Mahlon Barnes Has Resigned as National Secretary of Socialist Party of America after Hard, Bitter Fight


Quote EVD re Jean Jane Keep, Barnes, SPA, July 29, 1912, Constantine V1 p517—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 29, 1911
Chicago, Illinois – Barnes Resigns as National Secretary of Socialist Party

From the Appeal to Reason of August 26, 1911:


SPA J Mahlon Barnes n Staff, Chg Nat Office, 1905, wiki

J. Mahlon Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist party [Socialist Party of America], has resigned. The resignation was accepted by the national executive committee and John M. Work, who has been head clerk in the national office was made national secretary until an election can be held.

This a consummation of a hard and bitter fight that has been waged against Barnes. There was no charge against his official acts, but only relative to his private life. Twice the national executive committee investigated the charges, and in both case found that while there were many charges, there was no definite proof of his guilt. So soon, however, as an affidavit was presented showing that in day s past Barnes had been guilty of immorality, being charged with paternity of a seven-year-old girl, the action indicated above was taken. Barnes denies guilt, but admits it was best for the party that he retire.

This much must be said of the case, that the Socialist have handled the matter as no other party would dare do. With democrats and republicans it has been assumed that the private life of the individual has absolutely nothing to do with the fitness for public office. The notorious Tom Taggard, who was proven guilty of running numerous house of ill-fame and who was accused in the Ella Gingles case, was chairman of the democratic national central committee, and nothing was said about it. So soon, however, as it was charged that the private life of a Socialist official was not all it might be there was agitation, that amounted to a clamor, for his removal, and when the first affidavit, which made definite and positive charges, was brought to light, resignation was offered and accepted.

Nothing could more clearly show the attitude of the Socialist Party on questions of personal purity and nothing could demonstrate more clearly that the Socialist party is capable of managing its own affairs and having its will executed.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: J. Mahlon Barnes Has Resigned as National Secretary of Socialist Party of America after Hard, Bitter Fight”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1911: Found in Pittsburgh Speaking at Huge Protest Rally on Behalf of McNamara


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 17, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for May 1911
Found in Pittsburgh Speaking at Rally on Behalf of James McNamara

From The Pittsburg Press of May 28, 1911:

Demonstration Against McNamara “Kidnaping”
Transformed Into Meeting in Favor
of the P. R. R. Strike


Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

One of the biggest labor demonstrations ever known in this community took place last night around the old bandstand in West Park, North Side, where from over 6,000 persons, mostly workingmen, gathered to listen to vehement addresses protesting against the arrest and “kidnaping” of Secretary James [John J.] McNamara, of the Bridge and Structural Iron Workers. Widely-known Socialist leaders, among them Eugene V. Debs, “Mother” Jones and Daniel de Leon, were the principal speakers of the occasion.

The demonstration, which was originally instituted in behalf of McNamara, was transformed by the remarks of Mr. Debs, before the meeting was half an hour old, into a rally in the interests of the striking Pennsylvania Railroad shopmen. Debs urged every man and woman present to throw the weight of his or her influence in favor of the strikers.

The meeting was preceded by a parade half a mile long from the Labor Temple on Webster avenue to the Allegheny parks. Probably 4,000 men were in line. In the van was a large squad of the city mounted police. The procession proper was led by the local Socialistic organization, members of which turned out in large numbers. The strikers from the Twenty-eighth street shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad came next in order, and a big delegation from the Ormsby shops, on the South Side, formed the rear.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for May 1911: Found in Pittsburgh Speaking at Huge Protest Rally on Behalf of McNamara”

Hellraisers Journal: Bloody Sunday at McKees Rocks Pressed Steel Car Strike, “Six Are Dead and More Dying”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege, Ab Chp III

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 24, 1909
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania – Bloody Sunday Leaves Six Dead

From The Pittsburg Press of August 23, 1909:

WNF McKees Rocks Bloody Sunday edit, Ptt Prs p1, Aug 23, 1909

Detail 1: McKees Rocks Strikers Battle “Cossacks”

WNF McKees Rocks Bloody Sunday Detail 1, Ptt Prs p1, Aug 23, 1909

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Bloody Sunday at McKees Rocks Pressed Steel Car Strike, “Six Are Dead and More Dying””

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs in New York City to Boom Haywood for President, Plans to Unite Two Socialists Parties


The people will ultimately see that
socialism is their only hope
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday January 25, 1908
New York, New York – Debs Calls for Nomination of Haywood

From the New York Tribune of January 23, 1908:

Says President Roosevelt Is Aiding Spread
of Socialism-May Unite Factions.

SPA, SLP, emblems buttons

Eugene V. Debs was in New York yesterday to help along the plan to amalgamate the two warring factions, the Socialist party and the Socialist Labor party, the latter representing the De Leon socialists. He said he was for William D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, as the Socialist candidate for President.

A conference will be held to-day between Debs, the leaders of both parties and Haywood, at which a slate will be informally selected. The leaders on both sides said yesterday that it is practically certain that the amalgamation will take place.

[Debs said last night:

This financial crisis will end in an international crisis such as this world has not seen in our time. Then socialism will have its best chance.

President Roosevelt has done more to further the spread of the socialist propaganda than any man I know of. His policy, or lack of policy, whichever way you take it, along with his currency and tariff views, is paving the way for socialism. The more he says the longer the bread line will grow, and the people will ultimately see that socialism is their only hope. When the international crisis comes socialism will spread all over the world.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs in New York City to Boom Haywood for President, Plans to Unite Two Socialists Parties”

Hellraisers Journal: Labor World Scores IWW: “Labor and the nation will be better off when we are rid of them.”


Don’t worry, fellow-worker,
all we’re going to need from now on is guts.
-Frank Little


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday September 5, 1917
From the Duluth Labor World: I. W. W., Foe of Nation & Enemy of Labor

AFL Emblem, Am Fedist, Aug-Dec 1917

The Duluth Labor World, voice of the American Federation of Labor in northern Minnesota, has now declared the Industrial Workers of the World to be a foe of the United States of America and an enemy of true American Labor. Having been willing to organize foreign-born and unskilled workers where the A. F. of L., for the most part, would not, (the United Mine Workers being a noble exception), the I. W. W. is now accused of “exploiting” alien prejudices.

From the Duluth Labor World of September 1, 1917:

WWIR IWWR Labor's Enemy, Labor World, Sept 1, 1917

The time has come when it is necessary for the men of labor to speak out emphatically against any and all organizations claiming the support of workingmen that are not wholly American to the core. This is no time for quibbling. We do not propose to sit idly by and permit our cause to suffer longer from the foolhardy course of such a self-styled labor organization as the I. W. W., an organization that never did anything for the workingmen save pull their legs.

The enemies of the American trade union have for years been busy in Continental Europe propagating among workingmen against the American Federation of Labor. They declare it is controlled by the so-called “Capitalist Class;” that it is a mass-backed, conservative organization formed for the purpose of perpetuating the wage system, and when foreign laborers come here to work they bring with them their prejudices against the American labor movement.

This is why such an organization as the I. W. W., appeals to the foreign born laborers in this country who have not identified themselves with the American movement. And as a result the poor fellows are frequently led to deep industrial precipices from which they are ruthlessly hurled by the pretensive revolutionary leaders in the I. W. W.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Labor World Scores IWW: “Labor and the nation will be better off when we are rid of them.””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part I: Found in Speaking in Arizona

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday August 15, 1907
Mother Jones News for July, Part I: Found in Arizona

Mother Jones, Tacoma Times, Sept 19, 1904

During the month of July, Mother Jones was found continuing her work in Arizona on behalf of the Western Federation of Miners. She toured the mining districts and spoke to the miners, their families, and supporters. One such speech was described by The Tucson Citizen of July 16th:

Mother Jones, known as the miners’ Joan of Arc, arrived in Tucson yesterday afternoon and last night addressed an open air meeting at the corner of Church and Congress streets. Tremendous magnetism and a certain amount of crude eloquence are the attributes with which Mother Jones has endeared herself to tens of thousands of working people all over the United States. Last night she gave a characteristic address….

Mother Jones went throughly into the Colorado and Idaho situation and lambasted the crowd that is prosecuting Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone. Getting nearer home she paid her stinging compliments to the Copper Queen Mining Company and gave her own version of the strike situation there. She has been at Bisbee since May 15 of this year lending encouragement to the strikers in the interest of the Western Federation of Miners. Her voice rose almost to a shriek as she told the Federation side of the troubles in the Warren district. Frequently during the address the old woman was cheered and exclamation of “God bless you” and “Good for you, Mother,” were heard from among her auditors. Before she finished the speaker was surrounded by a crowd in thorough sympathy with her, and the wonderful power she exerts over large bodies of men was made manifest in the way she swayed her Tucson audience….


Part I: Mother Jones News for July 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1907, Part I: Found in Speaking in Arizona”

Hellraisers Journal: Max Hayes Blames DeLeon for Havoc at Convention of Industrial Workers of the World


It is the historic mission of the working class
to do away with capitalism.
-The IWW Preamble


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 11, 1906
From The Labor World – I. W. W. Doomed, According to Max Hayes

From the Duluth Labor World of November 10, 1906:

Leading Trade Union-Socialist Says That
Industrial Workers Have Split.
Convention Breaks up in a Row-
Riot Calls From the Police-
Much Havoc.

IWW Label, 2nd Conv, Sept 17-Oct 3, 1906

Max Hayes, editor of the Cleveland Citizens says that the I. W. W. is doomed. [He?] sizes up the situation like this:

The Industrial Workers of the World appears to be doomed, and once more Dan DeLeon plays the role of chief smasher. After weeks of battle the Chicago convention finally wound up in a split, and while the few tired delegates who remained to the end were homeward bound the Sherman and Trautman factions had a beautiful scrap to see who would [hold?] the fort. There was slugging, police calls and injunction suits started, and at this writing Secretary Trautman, who is DeLeon’s man, seems to be trying to pick himself together in the ditch of defeat while President Sherman, who was deposed by his opponents, is grinning at the luckless secretary from a national office window.

It is a difficult matter to sift the facts from the sea of words that are printed in DeLeon’s Daily People, the circulars that have been issued by the Shermanites and the communications that have been rushed into print by the interested parties. It looks as though there was a lot of faking right from the beginning; that some of the so-called departments were on paper; that legally elected delegates were kicked out of the convention and contestants who represented nothing or organizations not in good standing were seated; that the constitution was flagrantly violated in a number of instances; that the delegates usurped the rights of the rank and file conferred through the referendum; that there were financial transactions that looked suspicious; that organizers manipulated to obtain funds for forming paper unions and loafing, etc., etc.

Very few of the prominent men who assisted in forming the I. W. W. last year were present at the second convention, and the Western Federation of Miners was the only important organization represented. It is quite likely that the miners will secede and thus leave DeLeon master of all he surveys. The latter is never happier than when he has smashed something and is permitted to “clarify” things according to his own notions until only the great and only Dan is left with a few retainers who crawl about on their bellies and shout “Allah be praised:” Dandelion DeLeon is a daisy.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Max Hayes Blames DeLeon for Havoc at Convention of Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Reports on Turmoil at Second Convention of Industrial Workers of the World


There is power, there is power
In a band of workingmen.
When they stand hand in hand,
That’s a power, that’s a power
That must rule in every land-
One Industrial Union Grand.
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday October 10, 1906
Chicago, Illinois – Will I. W. W. Survive 2nd Convention?

This week’s Appeal to Reason offered a first hand account of the turmoil which prevailed at the Second Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World held in Chicago from September 17th to October 3rd:


S. L. P. Leader Captures I. W. W. Convention
at Chicago and Rules With An Iron Hand

Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.

Daniel De Leon (1852-1914), in 1902

CHICAGO, ILL., Sept. 24-The convention is dragging along into the eighth day with its organization not perfected and the really important work delayed by the bickerings of DeLeon and the time-consuming tactics of his untrained and untamed following. DeLeon is making strenuous efforts to promote himself as the apostle of the only revolutionary element in existence by showing all opponents of himself to be “reactionary”.

DeLeon is decidedly in control of the convention; and unless some means of reducing his personal influence on the floor to the measure of the membership which he represents is adopted, the entire convention will become a farce that will wholly dishearten the delegates who are working in good faith for the welfare of the working class and the up-building of the organization.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason Reports on Turmoil at Second Convention of Industrial Workers of the World”

Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. and Socialists Leaders Coming to New Castle for Labor Day Celebration


If the plutocrats begin the program,
we will end it.
-Eugene V. Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday August 12, 1906
New Castle, Pennsylvania – Debs and DeLeon to Appear Together

From the New Castle Herald of August 11, 1906:

(Four of the Orators Who Will “Spell-Bind”
at Cascade Park on Labor Day)

St John, Sherman, New Castle PA, Coming for Labor Day, Aug 11, 1906

DeLeon, Debs, New Castle PA, Coming for Labor Day, Aug 11, 1906
Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: I. W. W. and Socialists Leaders Coming to New Castle for Labor Day Celebration”