Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1901, Part I: Victorious Scranton Silk Mill Strikers, “Gave Their Masters a Good Hammering”


Quote Mother Jones, St L Lbr, Apr 13, 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 9, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1901, Part I
Found Describing Victory of Scranton Silk Mill Strikers 

From the International Socialist Review of June 1901:

World of Labor Max Hayes, ISR p813, June 1901

Mother Jones, Drawing, SDH p4, Mar 9, 1901

The silk weavers’ strike at Scranton, Pa., which was directed by Mother Jones, and which has been pending for many months, was won by the workers, while the strike at Paterson, N. J., was lost, owing largely to the fact that the courts issued an injunction against the women and children, and the police assaulted them for attempting to persuade scabs to refuse to work. “Mother,” besides organizing for the unions, is now putting in some spare time in forming unions of domestic servants.


Editorial, ISR p822, June 1901

We have just received the following letter from “Mother Jones,” which we must again offer in place of the promised article. We feel sure that our readers will appreciate the reason for the delay:

Dear Comrades:

I owe you an apology for not writing to you before. You know I had a strike of 4,000 children on my hands for three months and could not spare a moment. If that strike was lost it meant untold oppression for these little helpless things. They came out victorious and gave their masters a good hammering. I could not write a thing for June, but will for July.

I have had a very hard winter’s work, but have done just as much for socialism as if I were writing articles. One very cheering feature is that the cause is growing everywhere. I have been landing plenty of literature In the hands of the boys.

[Drawing of Mother Jones added.]

Flower doodle graphic, ISR p824, June 1901

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